Cloud Hosted Total Control Premier- Passwords
When a user is created in Total Control, you will be sent your login details which will include a password. This password should only be used as a temporary measure until you change your password.
Whenever we create a user or reset a password, your account will be flagged to change the password; this password change will occur after your first successful login.
When logging in you must enter the username and then the temporary password we generated.
You will be prompted to change the password, see below for reference:
Here you enter your old/temporary password and then must enter a new one and confirm that new one. This password should be something rememberable and must follow a minimum complexity.
The complexity of your password should be:
An example of this would be like so:
Old Password: ABC123!
New Password: 123ABC!
Confirm Password: 123ABC!
For storing your password we recommend a password vault, this way you have a safe way to record your login details and have just one password required to access all your login details.