Customer Vouchers

Customer Vouchers

The below instructions relate to sections of the Customers & Identifiers module:

Adding and Editing Vouchers

Add a Voucher

  1. In the Rewards & Voucher section, click on Voucher Definitions
    1. The Voucher Definitions list will be loaded, with the function icons appearing above the list in the top right hand corner of the Voucher Definitions page
  2. Click on  / Add New Voucher Definition
  3. Configure the Voucher as per the notes below
  4. Click on Save when you're done, or click on Cancel to abandon adding the record
    1. Tabs will appear when the record has been saved for the first time, allowing you to configure additional settings
  5. Click back on to the top left tab, then:
    1. Click on Save to save your current changes and continue
    2. Save & New to save your current changes and create a new record
    3. Save & Close to save your current changes and close the record
    4. Click on Cancel to abandon any additional changes

Edit an existing Reward

  1. In the Rewards & Voucher section, click on Voucher Definitions
    1. The Voucher Definitions list will be loaded, with the function icons appearing above the list in the top right hand corner of the Voucher Definitions page
  2. Double-click on the Voucher you want to edit
  3. Edit the record as required
  4. Click back on to the top left tab, then:
    1. Click on Save to save your current changes and continue
    2. Save & Close to save your current changes and close the record
    3. Click on Cancel to abandon any additional changes

Voucher Configuration

Edit Voucher

  1. Enter a Voucher Description
  2. Set the Redemption Method:
    1. Must be manually redeemed @ POS
    2. Automatically redeemed when GPoS Transaction is Finalised @ POS
  3. Set the Reward that the Voucher will be linked to
  4. If you want to restrict the number of times that this Voucher can be redeemed, set a Redemptions Allowed value
  5. Set the Voucher Type:
    1. Basket Discount - a discount will be applied to the full basket value, proportionately across all items
    2. Selected Product(s) Discount - a discount will be applied to the selected Product(s) on the transaction
    3. Selected Product(s) with New Price - a set price will be applied to the selected Product(s) on the transaction
    4. Add Additional Product(s) to the Basket At Set Price - the selected Product(s) will be added to the basket at a set price
  6. Set the POS Group(s) that this Voucher will apply to
  7. Set a Date Range to apply to this Trigger if required - see the Reward Date Range Definitions section in the Customer Rewards article for more details on configuring these

View Discount Values

  1. Click on the View Discount Values tab
    1. The Voucher Discount Values list will be loaded, with the function icons appearing above the list in the top right hand corner of the Voucher Discount Values page

Add a Voucher Discount Value

  1. Click on  / Add voucher discount value
  2. Configure the Voucher Discount Value as per the notes below
  3. When you're done:
    1. Click on Save to save your current changes and continue
    2. Save & New to save your current changes and create a new record
    3. Save & Close to save your current changes and close the record
    4. Click on Cancel to abandon adding the record

Edit an existing Voucher Discount Value

  1. Double-click on the Voucher Discount Value you want to edit
  2. Edit the record as required
  3. When you're done:
    1. Click on Save to save your current changes and continue
    2. Save & Close to save your current changes and close the record
    3. Click on Cancel to abandon editing the record

Voucher Type Configuration - Basket Discount

  1. Enter a Description
  2. Enter a Voucher Value or Voucher Percent

Voucher Type Configuration - Selected Product(s) Discount

  1. Enter a Description
  2. Enter a Voucher Value or Voucher Percent - this is a global value that will be applied proportionately to all the Products added to this Voucher Discount Value
  3. Click on Add ProductAdd Group or Add Major Group
  4. Type all or part of the name of the Product, Group or Major Group and click on , or leave the field blank and click on  to show all results
    1. If you are searching for Products, tick Code Only Search if you just want to search by Product Code
  5. Click on the Product, Group or Major Group you want to add to the trigger, or use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple lines, then click on Accept
  6. Enter a Voucher Value or Voucher Percent to override the discount value for that particular line
  7. Click on  at the end of a row to remove that row from the Product Trigger

Voucher Type Configuration - Selected Product(s) with New Price

  1. Enter a Description
  2. Enter a Voucher Value - this is a global value that will be applied to all the Products added to this Voucher Discount Value, by adjusting individual prices proportionately
  3. Click on Add ProductAdd Group or Add Major Group
  4. Type all or part of the name of the Product, Group or Major Group and click on , or leave the field blank and click on  to show all results
    1. If you are searching for Products, tick Code Only Search if you just want to search by Product Code
  5. Click on the Product, Group or Major Group you want to add to the trigger, or use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple lines, then click on Accept
  6. Enter a Voucher Value to override the selling price for that particular line
  7. Click on  at the end of a row to remove that row from the Product Trigger

Voucher Type Configuration - Add Additional Product(s) to the Basket At Set Price

  1. Enter a Description
  2. Click on Add ProductAdd Group or Add Major Group
  3. Type all or part of the name of the Product, Group or Major Group and click on , or leave the field blank and click on  to show all results
    1. If you are searching for Products, tick Code Only Search if you just want to search by Product Code
  4. Click on the Product, Group or Major Group you want to add to the trigger, or use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple lines, then click on Accept
  5. Enter a Voucher Value to override the selling price, or Voucher Percent to override the discount value for that particular line
  6. Click on  at the end of a row to remove that row from the Product Trigger

Issuing Vouchers

Customers Page

  1. In the Customer section, click on Customers
    1. The Customers list will be loaded, with the function icons appearing above the list in the top right hand corner of the Customers page
  2. Click on the Customer you want to issue the Voucher to, or use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple Customers
  3. Click on ISSUE / Issue Customer Voucher
  4. Select the Voucher Description
  5. Select the Identifier which will trigger the Voucher
  6. Relevant Redemptions Remaining information will be displayed
  7. When you're done:
    1. Click on Save to save your current changes and continue
    2. Save & New to save your current changes and create a new record
    3. Save & Close to save your current changes and close the record
    4. Click on Cancel to abandon adding the record

Add/Edit Customer Record

  1. In the Customer section, click on Customers
    1. The Customers list will be loaded, with the function icons appearing above the list in the top right hand corner of the Customers page
  2. Add or Edit the Customer record
  3. Click on the Vouchers tab
    1. The Vouchers list will be loaded, with the function icons appearing above the list in the top right hand corner of the Vouchers page
  4. Click on Add new customer voucher
  5. Select the Voucher Description
  6. Select the Identifier which will trigger the Voucher
  7. Relevant Redemptions Remaining information will be displayed
  8. When you're done:
    1. Click on Save to save your current changes and continue
    2. Save & New to save your current changes and create a new record
    3. Save & Close to save your current changes and close the record
    4. Click on Cancel to abandon adding the record

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