Within Total Control you are able to email out reports
yourself and other members of staff with access to Total Control. This can also
be used for ordering within the stock functions.
This is done through the use of an SMTP server, a valid SMTP
server must be setup first by someone within your IT department or someone with
knowledge of SMTP servers.
An SMTP server is a server of which you can send emails
The details of this will then be put into Total Control’s
general options tab. Found in the “Setup- General options” and it looks like
the below.
The “From address” is the address you want to show when
emails get sent to yourself and therefore the login too. An example of this
could be noreply@youremailserver.co.uk.
The “SMTP Address” is the address of which Total Control
Premier looks at for the SMTP server.
The “SMTP password” is the password you would use to get
into the SMTP account, for example the login for a gmail SMTP.
The “SMTP Port” is the port allowed through the firewall to
run the SMTP server, can be 25 or either 465 for SSL and 587 TLS. (May change
of specific email server).
The “SMTP Username” is your SMTP email address.
option, putting your email address used for work in there
and selecting “finish” will send the report to you.
Should it not send the error “Failed to execute to email”
will appear. Please ensure you check all details have been entered without
fault and that the ports have been allowed inbound/outbound access.