NWML Test Certificate - https://fidelityltd.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/FidelityDownloads/EcjIlDpe7a9FtkI4P-2ReTYBJH5W7Hn-STIjT9LiLJV-ow?e=ROWjJC
The scale link functionality of GPoS was recently tested at the National Weights and Measures Laboratory (NWML), and has been presented with a test certificate approving the use of the software as either part of an integral system (Mettler Toledo UC touch screen scales), or when linked to an external set of price computing scales (VIVA).
Because of the freely programmable nature of PC based POS hardware and software, it is important that the following additional steps are taken to ensure compliancy.
“It must not be possible for the system to be booted up using an alternative program on a floppy disc, CD or USB memory stick. This must be prevented by either physical locks or by the system itself.” – (Extract from test certificate GB-1309).
In most cases, a few changes to the BIOS settings will suffice. Most modern PC’s allow you to alter the boot order of the machine via the BIOS. Ensure that the PC only boots from the primary HDD through setting these options. Once this is done, enable password protection on the BIOS as well. This will ensure that only the relevant support personnel can get access to boot options.
The minimum required specification of PC POS hardware should be as follows:-
· CE Approved
· Running Windows XP Professional SP2 or WEPOS
· 512mb Physical memory
· Intel Celeron processor
· Touch screen running at a resolution of at least 800x600
· At least a 20 character x 2 line customer display.
· A receipt printer that:-
- Bears the CE mark
- Is not capable of transmitting back anything other than status information
The external scales must be any compatible Class III price-computing weighing instrument if the EC Type Approval of the weighing instrument allows it to be connected to PoS systems certified to be connected to an EC Type-approved non-automatic weighing instrument. The Mettler Toledo VIVA price computing scales in this case are compatible.
As the printing and weighing hardware are all built into the unit, no additional requirements are necessary. However If you intend to use an external printer for receipting purposes, you must ensure it follows the same compliancy as the modular system for receipt printing.
The software requirements section merely highlights the options that are required to maintain compliance with the test certificate. Further set up of the software will be necessary before scale operations will work (i.e peripheral set up, e.t.c) If you intend to use a two line display along with the standard operator display of a UC-VCO / HT / 3 series, please follow the software requirements for a modular system
· Minimum system version: 081015
· Database version: 147
· System Option 160 (Print price for 1 on receipt). Set to TRUE
If using pre-pack:-
· System Option 470 (Minimum allowed weight in grammes for Pre Pack modes). Set to 100
· System Option 481 (Display price per 1 on 2 line displays). Set to TRUE
· System Option 297 (RemoteItemTextLarge). Set to TRUE