Process Scheme Based on the date range \ Operators Instructions

Process Scheme Based on the date range \ Operators Instructions

Process Scheme Based on the date range

You can set a scheme to allow members to advance/drop to different schemes automatically based on how many points they have gained or how much they have spent. You can also set your scheme to advance/drop to another scheme based on a defined threshold within a date range.

For Example - Member Mr Bloggs is currently in the silver scheme which allows him to gain 1 point per whole £1 spent. If Mr Bloggs spends more than £50.00 within a month then he will be advanced to the Gold scheme where he can gain 2 points per whole £1 spent. If however, Mr Bloggs does not spend more than £50.00 within a month whilst in the Gold scheme he will be dropped back down to the Silver scheme.

If you are using date ranges to determine when a customer is going to advance/drop to another scheme, then you will need to use Process Schemes. Use this option to enter your date range and to process the customers into the relevant scheme.

When you click on this option you will be prompted to enter a start and end date range. Every Member who has spent/gained the relevant amount will then be advanced or dropped to the appropriate scheme.

Clear Updated Members

When a member changes scheme a flag is set against that member so that you can select a list of all members who have changed scheme. This is so you can inform them that they have been upgraded or downgraded into a different scheme. When you have informed the customer of the changes you will need to clear this flag. If you do not reset the flag then you will not know when they have changed scheme again.


The customer database is the heart of the loyalty system. From here you will be able to maintain both the customer database and the direct relationship between you and them.

Listed below are just a few of the functions available in the Customer Database menu:-
  1. Enter details about your member’s preferences
  2. Print reports analysing transactions for batch/single members
  3. View member’s statements
  4. View member’s notes you may have regarding there membership
  5. Recharge cards and adjust point’s balances
  6. Issue vouchers
Click on the Customer Database icon, you will see the following menu 

Entering Customer Information

Click the Add Customer button, all fields will be displayed in the same order as specified on the layout screen.

From clicking Add Customer will bring up the following;

Entering Customer Information

To enter customer information into a field either click to highlight the field using the mouse or scroll down the screen using Up/Down cursor keys and click enter on the field name. The input box for the field will then be shown at the bottom of the screen. Type your details into the input box then press enter. Your information will now be entered against that field, and you will automatically be moved onto the next question (Field).

If you make a mistake and wish to change the information that has been entered then either click and highlight the field using the mouse, or use the Up/Down cursor keys and press enter to display the input box.

Please Note: A surname must be entered for each member if you do not enter one when you click accept you will be prompted to add this information. This is the same for any other fields that have been made compulsory (see field maintenance for further information). You must also ensure that the members are assigned to a scheme. To do this, enter the relevant scheme under the scheme code field, for example, Gold Scheme, Silver Scheme, Bronze Scheme etc.

Assign a Picture to the Current Member

You can download images directly from any TWAIN device such as scanners, web cameras, digital cameras, etc. or if you already have the files on your hard disk you can just import the file (BMP, GIF, JPG and TIF are supported).

Downloading from Twain: If you choose to download images directly from a Twain device, you must first make sure the correct twain device is selected. To do this click on the Select Twain Device, and a list of all twain scanners on your system will be listed. Highlight the one you want to use and click OK. You can now click the Download Images from Twain button, in the picture box, the current view from the camera will be displayed once you are happy to take a photo and it will be placed into the picture box.

Importing Images from File: To bring in a picture from a previously created file click on the Import Image from File button. You will then be prompted to locate your image. Find your image file then click open, your image will then be displayed in the picture box.

To remove a picture assigned to the member simply click on Clear Picture, the picture box will then be made blank.

Accepting a New Member

After adding a new member, you will be asked a series of questions (unless you disabled them from the General Options screen on the setup menu). These questions are: Enter an Opening Balance, Assign a card to the new member, Add another card to the current user, select a destination to output welcome letter to and Add another member.

Question 1: Enter an Opening Balance

This allows you to enter an opening balance for the new member. This can be used for promotional purposes i.e. sign up to be a member today and receive 100 points on your card. Or if you are using the software in a cashless environment then this could be the amount that the customer has charged there a card with upon becoming a member.

Question 2: Assign a Card to New Member?

By default Instant Loyalty will ask you if you want to assign the first un-used card available (in consecutive number order) and ask if you would like to issue it to the new member, clicking the Assign button will link it instantly to the member. You will then be prompted to enter an expiry date for the card if the option is set under General Options.

If you do not want to assign this card click Cancel, a list of all available unused card numbers will be displayed. You can search for cards using the ‘select an unused card’ section.

Searching for an Unused Card: Click on Search, this will bring up a list of options to help you search for the card you’re looking for. You can look for cards in different ways. For instance, by selecting one of the following criteria from the In Field drop-down list, you can filter the way the search facility works.
  1. Card name – text description of the card (e.g. could be the scheme name)
  2. Card number – a number used to access points and identify member
  3. Expiry date – used in membership systems to expire the card after a certain period
NB: You will notice that there are other fields in the search however they are not applicable when searching for unused cards. They mainly apply when searching for used cards on other screens.

You can also affect how the search is performed, for instance, you might be searching for a card number that contains 25, so if you select for instance, ‘any part of field’ Instant Loyalty will search for a card number that contains the number 25 in any part of the card number. Whereas if you select to search for codes that contain 25 and select the Match Type as ‘start of field’ Instant Loyalty will search for cards that have 25 at the start of the code.

When you have found the card that you want to assign to the member double click on the correct one. You will then be asked, “are you sure you want to assign this card to this member?” Click assign.

Question 3: Add Another Card to the Current User?

Some loyalty systems may allow members to have other cards issued for Family/Friends use. After assigning your first card to the member you will then be asked if you want to assign another card.

Answer appropriately.

Question 4: Select a Destination to Output Welcome Letter to

If you have created a welcome document, you will be asked whether to email the welcome document to the member or to print the member's welcome document to a printer. Select the appropriate option and click OK. If you do not want to output the welcome document to either destination then click Cancel.

Question 5: Would you like to add Another Member?

When you have answered all the previous questions, your member record will be created and you will be asked if you would like to add another member to the system. If you want to add a new member to the system click YES. If you have finished entering your member information for the time being click NO and you will be returned to the main customer screen.

Editing Members

If you need to amend member’s details at any point, simply highlight the member in the customer main screen and click Edit Customer. You will then be able to amend the information in the field you require.

Deleting Members

You might want to delete cardholders if their membership has ended. Click on Customer Database, highlight the customer you want to remove and click on Delete Customer.

Searching for a Customer

If you can not find the required customer from the main screen you may need to do a search.

To search for a customer click on the search icon and the following screen will be displayed:-

Enter the following:-

In Field: Select which field you wish to search in you can select from Age, Current Points, Member Code, Member Forename, Member Surname, Member Title, and Town/City.

Match type: you can select from Any Part of the Field, Whole Field, Start of Field, Greater Than and Less Than.

Search for What: enter your search criteria. Click on Search Again to initialise your search. A list of customers that match your criteria will then be displayed.

For example, the search above would display all customers whose forename matches Valerie.

Output List

You can output the current list of members to a Report, Statement, or a Mail merge. Click on output list and the following screen will be displayed:-


Using the button you can select a report from the list, the reports are: -
  1. Members Summary Report - Shows members, and their loyalty details.
  2. Members Full Detail Report - Shows members, loyalty and card details.
  3. Transactions Report - Shows a list of transactions per member.
  4. Points Summary per Scheme - Shows points awarded/redeemed per scheme and Grand Totals.
If you would like the report to use data from a specific date, create a filter and select Transactions-

>Date of Trans and specify the date range to use.

Select where you would like the report to go, either screen, printer or to a file, and click the Go button

To pull out performance reports for specified date ranges you must, first of all, create a filter.

To view reports, select the new filter from the Available List of Filters in the Customer database screen, click Output Current List and select the required report. Specify the date period and click Go.


The reports you can get from Instant Drilldown are as follows:
  1. Daily Members This will give you a report on a daily basis of the amount spent on each member
  2. on each ECR.
  3. Members by Product will give you a list of members who have bought each product
  4. Members by Clerk will show a list of members served by each clerk.
  5. Products by member give a split down of all the products ever bought by a member
  6. Products by Clerk shows a list of products served by each Clerk.
  7. Item history for member graph will track a product's history for a particular member
You may apply ranges/filters to these reports.

Date ranges
  1. Today Will produce the report using today’s figures
  2. Yesterday Will produce the report using yesterday’s figures
  3. Specific Date Will produce the report using a specific date range
  4. Date Range Will produce the report using data between two given dates
  5. All Dates* Will produce the report using all available data
Member ranges
  1. All members* Will produce the report using the full member's database
  2. Single Member Will produce the report using a specific member
  3. Member scheme Will produce the report using a scheme of members
Product ranges

  1. All products* Will produce the report using the full product (plu) list
  2. Single product Will produce the report using a single product.
  3. Product range Will products the report using a range of products
Clerk ranges

  1. All Clerks* Will produce the report using the full clerk database
  2. Single Clerk Will produce the report using a single clerk
* Indicates the default setting
Any combination of the above can be applied to the reports to give total control over the output.

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