Setting up MultiBuys in Total Control Premier

Setting up MultiBuys in Total Control Premier


A Multibuy is a feature which is used for setting up special offers, allowing the customer to purchase multiple items at a reduced price.

By Default you will find ‘Multibuys’ under the ‘GPoS Specifics’ menu in Total Control Premier.

Functions of Multibuy Screen

Add - Create a new Multibuy.

Add Using Current - Create a new Multibuy based on an existing Multibuy.

Edit - Edit the highlighted Multibuy.

Delete - Delete an Unwanted Multibuy (At the current Site).

Delete Multi Site - Delete an Unwanted Multibuy (At Multiple Sites).

Change Order - Change the order that GPoS checks the Multibuys. If two Multibuys exists that offer the same discount value, the Multibuy higher in the list takes precedent.

Print - Allows you to print the information currently displayed on the Multibuy screen. (‘Print Summary Grid’/’Print Detailed Grid’).

Copy To Site - Allows you to copy Multibuys from one site to another:

  • Copy and Overwrite any Existing data in the destination;
  • Copy but do not Overwrite any existing data in the destination;
  • Copy and Move data to a new code in the destination.

WARNING: This can overwrite existing Multibuys at the destination site, dependent on the ‘Copy Type’ selected.  

Show Selected X filters - Allows you to filter the view to only show Multibuys containing set elements:

  • Show Selected Product – Shows only Multibuys that contain a set Product;
  • Show Selected Group – Shows only Multibuys that contain a set Group;
  • Show Selected Group2 – Shows only Multibuys that contain a set Group2.

Note1: When multiple filters are applied simultaneously, the system uses ‘Or’ Logic. So applying filters for both ‘PLU 1’ and ‘Group 5’ would show any Multibuys that contained either ‘PLU 1’ Or ‘Group 5’.

Note2: Filters only apply to elements added by their respective type. So Filtering for ‘Group2’ would only show Multibuys containing ‘Group2’, and would not show Multibuys that contain Products from ‘Group2’ which have been add to the Multibuy by ‘Product’ rather than by ‘Group’.

Fields on Multibuy Add/Edit Screen

Code - This is the code used for the Multibuy.

Name - The name of the Multibuy; this appears on the transaction screen and receipt.

Type - This is a drop-down list giving you four different options to choose from:
  • Amount Discount - The amount you wish to discount off the Multibuy;
  • % Discount - The percentage amount you wish to discount off the Multibuy;
  • Average Price Discount - The average price of the items registered will be used as the discount;
  • Set Price - The price you wish to charge for the whole Multibuy.

Amount off - This is where you will set the price or discount of the Multibuy.

Put discount against cheapest item - This will take the specified discount off the cheapest item within the Multibuy.

Put discount against set item - This will take the specified discount offset items.

Trigger Qty - The total number of products the customer needs to purchase before the Multibuy will be activated.

Use individual triggers - This is used to specify the amount of each individual item the customer needs to purchase before the Multibuy will activate, as opposed to the total amount specified in the Trigger Qty above. When this option is selected an additional column is added allowing you to set a ‘Trigger Quantity’ against each element.

Limit per trans - Limits the quantity of the Multibuy each customer can purchase.

Upgrade to - This option can be used if you wish to upgrade the current Multibuy to another Multibuy that is already set up.

WARNING: When upgrading Multibuys, the multibuy to which you upgrade MUST contain all the items in the original multibuy, plus at least one additional Item.

For example: When upgrading ‘MultibuyA’ to ‘MultibuyB’

If ‘MultibuyA‘ contains (Sandwich, Crisps and a Drink), then ‘MultibuyB’ MUST contain (Sandwich, Crisps, and a Drink) and an additional item (chocolate bar etc)

Link To Promotion - This option is used to link the Multibuy to a promotion, which can then be reported on. You can create a new promotion for the Multibuy, or link to an existing one if you are grouping your Multibuys into promotions.

Use Start / End Dates – This option allows you to set the Multibuy up to be used during a specific date range. This is useful for setting up the offers in advance, rather than having to set them up on the day they are required as with most conventional systems.

Timed Multibuy - You can set the Multibuy to run during a set time period e.g. Happy Hour.

Match Flags – When integrating with Fidelity’s Loyalty and CRM Packages, these flags can be used to control which Multibuys apply only to specific customers.

PLU's/Groups/Group 2 - Here you have a list of your PLU’s, Groups, and Group 2’s. You can select the elements you wish to include in the Multibuy by highlighting each one and dragging it across to the screen on the right hand side.

Multibuy System Options (Found in the Programming Utility-  GPoS Settings)


 Use Mutlibuys and Ladders

True = The Multibuy / ladder tables are checked for offers.

False = The Multibuy / ladder tables are NOT checked for offers and no offers are calculated.


 Modified PLU's Causes Trigger

True = Modified PLU's i.e. Half, Double etc will trigger Multibuy.

False = Only PLU's sold at Price 0 (with no modifier) will trigger Multibuy.


 Trigger on all price levels (else level 1 only)

True = Will check for Multibuys no matter which price level is being used.

False = Will only check for Multibuys whilst the POS is in price level 1 (i.e. not when on Happy Hour etc).


 Allow Trigger if Price Overridden

True = If a price override is done on a PLU it will still trigger a Multibuy.

False = If a price override is done on a PLU it will not be checked for Multibuys.


 Cheapest calculated by value - discounted amount

True = Cheapest is calculated on the Value the item is sold at.

False = Cheapest is calculated by the greatest discount amount.


 Check for better deal after trigger

True = GPoS will keep checking to see if the PLU is in a Multibuy that may be a 'better' deal.

False = Once a Multibuy is triggered, the PLU's involved are no longer checked for a ‘better' deal.


Multibuys are on hold as default

(158SR1 +) When set, GPoS will not attempt to calculate or trigger Multibuys until either a ‘Split Equal’ operation occurs (split bill), or unless the system key ‘release Multibuy hold status’ is pressed. When pressed, the system feeds all items through the Multibuy processor – triggering accordingly, and any new item added will also go through in real-time.


Timed Multibuys work from transaction start date and time, not current time.

If set, GPoS will use the date and time the transaction started as a checking tool instead of the current. This is useful for allowing the triggering of Multibuys when a transaction takes a longer period of time.


Ladders the Multibuys (else Multibuy then Ladders)

When checking for promotional activity, switch the order of the check.

Multibuy Setup Examples
MEAL DEAL - Buy X number of Different Items and Sell at a Set price
The items must be in separate groups for this offer to work.


 Set price


 No Upgrade 

 Amount Off

 Enter set price e.g. £2.89.

 Use Individual Triggers



 Drag across the groups that contain the Products. 

 Quantity Trigger

 This should be set against each group after you drag the group across. This is the number of items from EACH group that needs to be sold i.e. 1 sandwich, 1 crisps, 1 drink. The Trigger QTY would be 1. Also applies to group 2'

 - Buy X number of Identical Items and get one free


 Amount Discount

 Amount Off

 price of 1 item

 Trigger Qty

 Where X=2 Trigger=2 etc.


Drag The PLU required across.

- Buy X number of Different Items and get the lowest one free


 % Discount

 Amount Off


 Trigger Qty

 Where X=2 Trigger=2 etc.


 Drag The PLU's required across.

 Put Against Cheapest Item


- Buy X number of Different Items and get a specific one free
The items that trigger the offer need to be in one group, and the item that is given free does not need to be in that group (unless it can be purchased as part of the offer).


 % Discount

 Amount Off


 Use Individual Triggers



 Drag the group that contains the items across, also add the individual PLU that is given free.

 Quantity trigger

 This should be set against each group after you drag the group across. For the Group the trigger would be X (Where X=2 Trigger=2 etc) and the item being given free would be 1.

 Apply Discount to Set Items


Put Discount Against Set Items

This option should be set and then the tickbox ‘Dscnt’ set against the Free PLU.



 Set Price

 Amount Off

 Enter selling price e.g. 99

 Trigger Quantity

 Where X=2 Trigger=2 etc


 Drag across the PLU’s available in the offer.


Group 2 is a secondary grouping structure for PLU’s and is optional. Group2’s are not a part of the main group / group hierarchy, and offer more than just reporting in terms of functionality. Including the ability to Trigger Multibuys based on their group2 setting. Ideal for leaving the original grouping infrastructure intact, but allowing items to be moved to another group2 for the purpose of promotions.

To Add a Group2
  1. Access the ‘Group2’ screen
  2. Click ‘Add’
  3. Enter a ‘Group Description’
  4. Click ‘Save’
To Apply a Group2 to a PLU
  1. Access the ‘Product Maintenance’ screen
  2. Select to ‘Add/Edit’ the required Product
  3. From the dropdown menu (displayed at the top of the ‘Product add/edit’ window), Select ‘POS Options’
  4. Locate the Group2 option (‘POS Options’ > ‘General’ > ‘Group Link #2’)
  5. Select the required Group2 from the dropdown menu.
  6. Click ‘Save’

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