Setting up Payment Types

Setting up Payment Types

Setting up Payment types.

This can be done inside Total Control under "GPOS specifics" and then "Payments List", here you will see a list of the current payment types and some options on what to do next. To create a new payment key just click "add" or “edit” dependent on what you want to do.

Give the payment type a name, this will appear on your reports and till.

Appear On Change Selection- This will allow you to choose it from the change selection screen.

Cashless Payment- This is used for cashless systems like DebiTrak or similar systems.

Change Payment Code- Usually points back to itself, however in some cases you may want it to give back change in another payment key, like cash for example.

Culture Info- The type of currency/location.

Currency- The type of currency this payment key accepts and gives change in, i.e. Sterling, Euro.

Drawer Limit- The limit of this currency which can be taken before it prompts the clerk to empty the drawer.

EFT Ask For Cash Back- The prompt of cash back is asked for card payment systems which are non-integrated.

EFT Function- The option to give the payment key the ability to bring up your chosen card payment type; like VeriFone Ocius Sentinel. (Calls up the integration).

Exchange Rate- The exchange rate for that payment type.

Loyalty Redeem- Allows the payment key to be a ‘Loyalty redeem’ key, users can redeem loyalty points.

Manager Required- Only a clerk with manager authority can use this payment key, others will be prompted for a manager key to be entered.

Minimum Spend- A set value that the transaction must meet as a minimum before it can be finalised by this payment key.

On Account- Charges the transaction to the account that is currently opened to it.

Open Drawer- Which drawer will this be put against for reporting and firing the drawer. If the drawer is not available on the POS then it won’t fire the drawer but will still record as payment against it.

Over Tender Prohibit- Doesn’t allow the clerk to enter an amount higher than the current transaction value, finalised to this payment key; useful in credit/debit card payment keys.

Print Message- Works with the messages table, putting a code of a message here will cause that message to appear to the clerk when this key is pressed.

Purse Key Reference- The reference of this key to coincide with cashless systems using purses.

Requires Signature- This prints a slip for a signature to be written.

Tender Compulsory- Forces the clerk to enter an amount on this payment key before it allows the transaction to be finalised.

Tender Prohibited- Disables the clerk from entering an amount against the payment key.

Use System Rounding- Rounds the transaction to a nearest value when they payment key is pressed.

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