Tablet Support–Accessing the site via tablet device is not currently viable due to formatting and usability issues.(This is due to be resolved in an upcoming version)
Supplier Status (Enabled/Disabled) –not currently handled.(This is due to be resolved in an upcoming version)
Default Value Inconsistencybetween Desktop and Cloud(This is due to be resolved in an upcoming version)
Installing the website in IIS (Internet Information Services) under a Virtual Directory is not working.(This is due to be resolved in an upcoming version)
Ui Elements -Dropdown menus can continue to display overlaid over incorrect screens, if user accesses pages after clicking to access a Ui element but without waiting for UI element to load fully.
Grid ‘AddTo Group By‘ feature –Buttons don’t display properly. Partly/Fully off screen dependent on selection. (This is due to be resolved in an upcoming version)
Weather Integration no longer functional (due to Apixu being deprecated)-This is being addressedin a future version where a different weather API will be utilised.
Adding Payment Keys auto links to existing keys. Due to this any Payments added in the cloud would require key links to be managed within the desktop.