Frequently Asked Questions
P400 Refund Missing the signature Line
Q:I am no longer getting a signature line when doing a card refund? A:When a customer uses contactless it will not produce a signature area. A:When a customer inserts their card a space will be allotted on the merchant receipt for a signature.
How to increase max item multiplier on GPOS
This guide will show you how to increase the maximum quantity of items to be sold. Firstly you should navigate to your end-of-day/manager screen and shut down GPOS. Once you have completed the above task please navigate to the Fidelity GPOS Utility ...
Find my GPoS Version
The easiest way to find the GPoS version you are using is to look on the Splash Screen when GPoS loads This can be done by using a 'Restart GPoS' button, most commonly found on your 'Manager' page. if you do not have a 'Restart GPoS' button you will ...
Receipt Printout Showing Random Garbage Data
Screenshots are taken from GPoS version 1.66. If receipt prints are coming out as blocks of random garbage characters, there might be a mismatch between the printer Peripheral settings in GPoS, and the settings on the printer itself. Receipt Printer ...
QR Code on GPoS Receipt
You can now add a QR code in to your GPoS receipt To do this you require GPoS v164 or above and an Epson Compactable printer capable of printing a QR Code. For our testing we used an Epson TM-T20II printer. To do this you need to enter the following ...
How to find a GPoS Licence Code
This guide will help you find the GPoS Licence code on a till. There are a few different ways to find the code but this is the easiest You need a button called System Operation on your till. We would suggest putting it on your manager or End of Day ...
Error Opening Data source
If you are noticing the following error message; (Screenshot 1.1) When first switching on your till terminal throwing up the error message; 'Error opening data source!' The first thing to check to confirm the 'SQL Server (Fidelity)' is running which ...
Cashback for Non integrated Card terminals
Cashback Configuration We need to check some options on the Till Terminal first. Shutdown GPOS software first from your Manager page back to your windows desktop. The first thing to check on the Till if you can open up the GPOS Programming Utility by ...
Error 7502: Balance Server Error
If you are seeing a '7502 balance server error' on your terminals. First point of call here is to do some checks; Confirm the till terminal which acts as the balance server is running (one of the tills will be set as the balance server which the ...
Z Report - Help and Troubleshooting
End of Day (Z Read) When your within your Manager screen you can run an End of Day report which will end the period on the till. (Screenshot 1.1) If you click on ‘Z Report’ you will see the following message appear below; (Screenshot 1.2) If you ...
Group 2 Shifting for Kitchen Printing
This article will instruct you on how to use the Group 2 shift in GPoS. This can be usefull for kitchen prints to state if an order is for eat in or take out. Please note this guide will not work if you are already using Group 2's for multibuys and ...
POS Printer Errors and Fault Finding
Printers- Errors and fault finding Receipt Printers The first thing to identify is whether it is a printer hardware fault or an issue within GPoS. To identify if it is an issue within GPoS, try a receipt print or identify which GPoS error message you ...
IRC Table
Step 1 - Log on as a manager Step 2 - On the Manager Screen, press the IRC Table Button This will display the current 'table' that is used for the End of Day reports. Step 4 - Press the 'Retry IRC' button, this will searcht he network for all tills. ...
GPoS IRC Table
If you use an End of Day report that includes multiple tills, or you use the PLU Countdown function it is important that the IRC Table is accurate. These steps Step 1 - Log on as a manager Step 2 - On the Manager Screen, press the IRC Table Button ...
Using Balance Plan to create table plans and room layouts
Creating a Table Plan using Bal Plan The Balance Planner is configured and maintained via the balance server of a unit running GPOS. On your GPOS screen if you click on Bal Plan This will take you to the Table planning screen e.g. Balance Plan. If ...
Changing the SCO screen logo
Changing the SCO screen logo. To change the logo on your SCO screen you have to edit the config file from the GPOS folder. Firstly close down the SCO software and then go to file explorer. Go to the following location: “C:\Program Files ...
GPoS scale link approval GB-1309
GPoS scale link approval GB-1309 NWML Test Certificate - The scale link functionality of GPoS was recently tested at the National ...
Keys has been tampered with! GPOS is now disabled!
If you are experiencing problems opening up GPOS on a PC or Till. The troubleshooting steps to take are; 1. It would be worth checking if over night if the PC or Till has had window updates applied which might of switch on the UAC. UAC can be checked ...
System Operation Key Codes
A system operation is a code that can be entered into the system operation key to achieve a specific task. Certain functions may be beneficial to the end user, and to provide access to these only, it is recommended that a suitable macro for each key ...
Changing the name of your till
Changing the name of your till. Total Control Premier: To change the name of your till inside Total Control, navigate to the “Setup” option and “Site Structure”. The below image shows how this will look: Go to the till you want to change the name of ...
POS Terminals reporting no network connection even when they are connected
Following some Windows Updates, it would seem that the Network Location Awareness and Network List services are denied access to the registry keys which list the network adaptors. As a result, with no access to the network adaptor information, ...
Stock Transactions via GPOS
Stock Transactions via GPOS Stock transactions such as; deliveries, orders, returns etc. Can be processed through the GPOS terminal. The requirements are GPOS 159 and later, so that site information can be sent to the tills. Inside Total Control ...
Fingerprint/Biometric Information
Where Biometric readers are used we utilise a toolkit (SDK) provided by Digital Persona for the technology. Below is the details from their developer documentation covering how it works. Up to GPoS 158, version 1 of the SDK was used and we used the ...
GPoS Utility- Receipt Logo's
Fidelity GPoS Utility- Receipt changes To access the GPoS utility you need to ensure you are outside of the till software (GPoS). The best way to do this is by accessing the managers screen and selecting the “Shutdown” option; noting that this only ...
Changing the Default Screen Page on the Till
Changing the Default Screen Page on the Till To change the till screen so that whoever logs in will display the same page, please note if a clerk has a specific screen page login this will superceed the tills default once they login. When performing ...
Combining multiple data fields in a custom receipt for GPoS (Composite Field)
If you would like multiple datafields in a text field on a custom receipt you will need to do the following. 1) Add a composite field to your layout by selecting composite and dragging to your layout editor. 2) Select the new composite field on the ...
Error 107: Balance Is Busy
This occurs when the system believes the table is being held open by a clerk. The first step is to press the table number button which will list any open tables. It will list the tables and where the system believes the table is held open it will ...
Setting up GPOS Shortcut to a different Database
Creating a new GPOS shortcut which needs to point to a different GPOS DB. You need to add onto the target /usedb:(followed by DB name).
Price Level Changes when upgrading GPoS from 155
When upgrading GPoS from 155 to 156 upwards, a number of Price Level settings in System Options, including the staydown setting, are moved out of System Options and into the settings for each individual Price Level, found in Database Tables > Price ...
GPoS Permissions
Set Full Control permissions for Everyone on the following folders and registry keys: C:\Fidelity C:\Program Files\Fidelity Systems C:\Program Files (x86)\Fidelity Systems (on 64 bit versions of Windows) C:\ProgramData\GPoS Data C:\ProgramData\GPoS ...
Device Configuration Error when Cashing Off
Check the payment type for the Cashless flag. If it is set, GPoS will try and cash off the transaction against a cashless device first which will cause the error.