Issue No. |
Title |
Origin |
Notes |
GPOS-1134 |
E-topup reversal not working with error message suggesting its not configured.
Issue – found externally |
After upgrading to 1.72 it was reported that failed gift card sales and activations did not initiate a refund afterwards to correct the previous sale. This extended to any e-topup fails whereby it was necessary to refund on fail. This meant that an operator had to manually perform this process. |
Issue No. | Title | Origin | Notes |
GPoS-1110 | Gpos missed the first reader rule record | Issue – externally reported. | Since 1.70 GPoS loads data in a different way. This created a bug with the system not loading the first reader rule. On most systems with default reader rules, this won’t be obvious. The issue came to light as the customer had no demo reader rules. |
GPoS-1111 | API Comms: Lines marked as refund but without a correction code generates unknown lines in TCP/W | Issue – found internally | The scenario whereby no correction code is recorded in the GPoS trandetail comes about if a transaction with multibuys is created, an error correct is performed (to reverse one of the multibuys), and subsequently refund from receipt is used to remove select lines. JC comms handles the scenario, but API comms created unknown lines. |
GPoS-1112 | Verifone Trinity: ending GPoS prior to actually starting a PED transaction resulted in GPoS bringing back the transaction on startup. | Issue – found internally | On Verifone trinity, the critical point at which a transaction will continue and be recorded (be it successful, denied or cancelled), is after the card has been inserted / swiped / presented. If you task kill GPoS prior to this, it will incorrectly find the transaction on startup and assume completion. Verifone transactions after that point (and GPoS task killed), picked up correctly. |
GPoS-1117 | Part paid transaction scenario on Verifon did not recover. | Issue – found internally | If a transaction with a part payment was sent to Verifone and GPoS subsequently task killed, the transaction added an additional payment key line to the result |
GPoS-1120 | Refund transaction scenario on Verifone (with gpos task killed) did not complete correctly | Issue – found internally | If a refund was performed and sent to Verifone and GPoS subsequently task killed, the transaction did not recover upon GPoS startup. |
Type | Name | Description |
Feature | GPoS - Part Tender to Debitrak | Previous versions of Debitrak allowed users to part tender to Debittrak and then finalise the remaining balance to cash. Due to a change at Debitrak this feature was no longer available with out integration. This functionality has been re-introduced. Note: Using this feature will disable the ability to see 'Enhanced Receipts' in the Debitrak portal. So has been implemented as an option. New Option
Note: Without this feature enabled part tender with Debitrak would have and will still function provided the initial media is not Debitrak (For example: part tender to 'Cash' then finalise to 'Debitrak'). |
Feature | GPoS - Customer Record (Search) | When the 'Customer Record' key at GPoS is pressed with no credentials been entered prior, GPoS will display a screen to allow a customer record to be searched. This will then allow selection of a customer record and proceed with the transaction as if an identifier as been selected manually. (Note: All checks and process’s are followed as if a identifier has been scanned.) If a direct match is found and no others exists the customer record will be is added to the transaction, otherwise a list will be presented to the clerk for selection. Allows search via:
Feature | GPoS - Customer Record (Expiry Date) | Customer records in TCP Cloud now allow 'Expiry Dates' to be set. When a customer record transaction is performed at GPoS the expiry date is displayed to the till operator. This date is checked first and if the date is expired then the Customer record screen will display and “expired” dialog and and grey out all functions other than close button. |
Feature | GPoS - Customer Record - (Receipt Enhancement) | Customer record has been enhanced to include additional details on the receipts, transaction grid and electronic journal. Details
Feature | GPoS - Dojo Integration (Support for Latest API) | The Dojo integration (Paymentsense PAC) has been updated to support the latest API. |
Fix | GPoS - Serial Scanners | Items scanned after pressing media to finalise transaction could be added to the transaction after payment initiated (Timing Issue - Serial Scanners Only) |
Fix | GPoS - Transaction Grid - (Device Error Area) | After attempting a retry using the device error area at bottom of the transaction grid, the 'device error' text is removed. At this point if the user had used tab or clicked this area the device check text flashed to screen. |
Fix | GPoS - API Posting (Error Corrected Discount) | When posting sales via the Cloud API, error corrected discounts on voucher transactions did not display correctly on the electronic journal In TCP (Note: TCP 2.17 Required for fix to function). |
Fix | GPoS - Interval Drinks (Receipts) | When using the interval drinks feature receipts didn't differentiate between standard and interval drinks. Note - GPoS System Option 167 - Consolidate Items on Receipt needs to be false |
Fix | GPoS - Logwood (Short Text - Condiments) | When using the Logwood integration (KVM), products short text (replacing full product name) was not supported for condiment products. |
Fix | GPoS - Pre-Order (Slips, Receipts and Transaction Grid) | Some details such as 'Customer Name' and 'OrderType' where duplicated on the Pre-Order slip, receipt and transaction grid. This has been improved allowing pre-order transactions to use less paper for Pre-order slips and receipts and for the transaction grid to display more information without requirement to scroll. |
Fix | GPoS SCO - Customer Record | Vouchers that applied a price override were not showing the overridden value in the transaction grid (Note: This did still update the total correctly on transaction grid and also show correctly on receipts). |
Fix | GPoS SCO - Receipt Formatting | The Receipt formatting was including unrequired gaps which have now been removed. |
Type | Name | Description |
Feature | GPoS - Verifone Android Range | Support for the Verifone android range. |
Fix | GPoS SCO - Receipt Formatting | The receipt formatting was including unrequired gaps which have now been removed. |
Type | Name | Description |
Fix | GPoS - Part Tender to Debitrak | A change was made to allow part tenders to DebitTrak to work in either order. So not required to be the last media used in a part tender (Forces API 1 method for adjust payments) ![]() Accounts on Debitrak must be set as Split Tendering Enabled = No. If set to Yes, GPoS will allow finalise the sae fully even if the Debitrak balance is not enough to cover the transaction. |
Fix | GPoS - Debitrak Integration | Attempts to finalise to Debitrak were failing with a 'Object Ref not set' error. |
Type | Name | Description |
Fix | GPoS - Part Tender to Debitrak | A change was made to allow part tenders to DebitTrak to work in either order. So not required to be the last media used in a part tender (Forces API 1 method for adjust payments) ![]() Accounts on Debitrak must be set as Split Tendering Enabled = No. If set to Yes, GPoS will allow finalise the sae fully even if the Debitrak balance is not enough to cover the transaction. |
Type | Name | Description |
Feature | GPoS - Receipt Repository | Previously 'Refunds from Receipt', and 'Reprinting of Receipts' needed to be done from the PoS that processed the original transaction. A new feature allows all transactions to be stored within a central repository (Cloud). These transaction can then be refunded from receipt, or via search from any PoS accessing the repository. Features
New System Options
Feature | GPoS - GiftCards - balance Check Dialog | When processing GiftCard transactions, the 'balance check' dialog screen now includes the current cards state (Active, Inactive etc). |
Feature | GPoS - Payware - T record | Change T record field 27 from 0 to 1 (Internal Change). |
Feature | Pre-Order/Portal | Transactions from the Pre-Order/Portal are now directly linked to GPoS Transactions (Allowing them to be viewed within the Cloud Customer Record). |
Feature | Avon Data Integration - Removed | A previous integration to 'Avon data' has been removed. |
Feature | GPoS - Dojo Pay at Table | Integration with Paymentsense (Dojo) Pay at table (Currently undergoing certification). |
Fix | GPoS - Point Balance (In view transactions, and EJ) | The points balance was displaying incorrectly in the 'View Transactions' feature at the PoS, and therefore also in the 'Electronic Journal' in the back-office (TCP). (Note: This was displaying correctly on the customer receipt). |
Fix | GPoS - Corrections |
Fix | GPoS SCO - Scan of price embedded Barcodes (When SCO locked) | Scanning of price embedded barcodes whilst the SCO was locked was incorrectly registering the product. |
Fix | GPoS - Vouchers |
Note: Error correcting off a discount line or any products added or discounted by the voucher will now reverse the voucher and any discounts associated with it. For manual vouchers they can then be re-applied to the same transaction if required, and for auto vouchers the transaction cancelled and a new transaction started.
Fix | GPoS - System Options |
Fix | GPoS - Dojo | When processing a transaction via the 'Dojo' Integration, and the 'Please wait' dialog was being presented to the clerk on screen. A user touching the background was causing the 'cancel' button to become inaccessible. Note: The user could still cancel at this point via the cancel button on the PED. |
Fix | GPoS - Period End | If user conducted a period end (when SysOp#320 set 'false') the system could crash (Note: Only occurred if the 'text description' field contained a null). |
Fix | GPoS - API Sales |
Fix | GPoS - Receipt/Report Reprint |
Type | Name | Description |
Fix | GPoS -Intermittent Table Issue | An intermitted issue resulted in a table transaction being incorrectly converted into a layaway. |
Type | Name | Description |
Fix | GPoS -Blacklists | After transactions where Blacklisted twice, the system was no longer moving those transactions out of blacklist. The time blacklists are idle before retrying has also been reduced to 1h |
Fix | GPoS -Support for Large amount of Buttons | GPoS had issues loading if there where large amount of buttons present on the layout (7K+) |
Fix | GPoS - Dojo | User touching the background when cancel screen displayed was making the cancel function inaccessible |
Fix | GPoS - SCO | SCO Mode could freeze until card machine changes status (Could cause system to crash), and when in payment mode clicking the left side of the screen incorrectly displayed the touchscreen layout hiding the payment process from view. |
Type | Name | Description |
Fix | GPoS -Multiple Retries of Blacklisted Transactions | Transactions that have been blacklisted and re-tried 30 times. Code that moves the transaction back into the queue for a further round of re-tries was not working correctly. This has been resolved. |
Type | Name | Description |
Fix | GPoS -KP retry incompatible with 'check for paper end' options | When 'Check for paper end' options set, the system was not working correctly when 'Paper not Present' or 'Connection to printer' not available. Retry option presented to the user was not correctly retrying. |
Fix | GPoS -Merge Balances converting balance to layaway | Merging of Balances was incorrectly converting to the transaction into a layaway |
Fix | GPoS SCO - Not blocking qty entry of 0. | On registering a product via on-screen button (not scan) the system prompts the user to enter a quantity. The system allowed the user to enter 0 at this point, which had the same effect as if they had cancelled using the X button on the same screen. Entry of 0 at this point is now blocked. |
Type | Name | Description |
Fix | GPoS SCO - Attempt to finalise to card payment failing (Single Payment Method Defined) | When only a single payment method was defined, attempts to finalise to card where failing with flashing on the UI |
Fix | GPoS SCO - Prompt to scan Customer Record Identifier. | When only a single payment method was defined, progressing through the user flow was not prompting the user to scan a customer record identifier. |
Type | Name | Description |
Feature | GPoS - Unlock - Manager authority Requirement | Unlock of PoS Front end now requires clerk to have 'Manager Authority'. Previously was any clerk. |
Feature | GPoS SCO - Block Layaways Option | Ability to block layaways on SCO. This now looks to (SysOp#7:Floating Balances) and will remove the layaway option if this is set 'False'. |
Feature | GPoS SCO Remote Monitor - Ability to discard unknown products | When unknown Items are scanned on the SCO they are logged to be dealt with by the operator. The system now checks SysOp#50 and if set false allows the operator the option to discard unknowns. Note: Clicking to discard will discard all unknowns accrued in the basket. Note: This feature is for the SCO remote Monitor. The SCO itself has this feature already. |
Feature | GPoS - Restrictions | GPoS Standard Mode now understands the restriction setting of a PLU which where previously only available on the SCO. It will show a screen similar to that of the operator screen in SCO mode that allows the approval / denial of restrictions. upon approval, any other PLU that may be linked to that restriction will be allowed to register. If denied, then that item or items will be error corrected from the basket, a denial recorded, and subsequent products that match that restriction will simply re-trigger the restriction screen. |
Fix | SCO Monitor version upgrade discarding settings | SCO Monitor version upgrade was overwriting some previous settings. The .config settings file has been removed from the installshield so will no longer overwrite any previous settings. All SCO settings should now be handled via the GPoS utility or TCP cloud. |
Fix | GPoS Utility - Connection String Error | After software upgrade on first access to some screen a Connection String Error was being thrown |
Fix | GPoS - Error Corrections and Item Count | Items Count not updated by error correction |
Type | Name | Description |
Feature | GPoS - The SCO Monitor now displays the saving total for a transaction | |
Feature | GPoS - SCO Random Check Feature | Random checks are per PoS (in that they have their own counters) 2 types of check are available; per nth transaction ( after at least 5 transactions) basket value exceeds an amount System options available; 879 - turn the checks on or off 878 - Avoid running checks in the hours mentioned ( numbers separated with a comma) 877 - threshold for basket value check 876 - nth threshold for random check (will always let at least 5 transactions go through before triggering the random one). |
Feature | GPoS - SCO - Unknown Product routine now allows description entry | |
Feature | GPoS - SCO - Interventions notification in the top corner remains flashing for 20 seconds | |
Feature | GPoS - Full report data recorded and passed to TCP to display in Journal | |
Feature | GPoS - GPOS puts an entry in the electronic journal on shutdown and startup | The shutdown entry is recorded after comms have stopped so will not appear until the till is switched on |
Feature | GPoS - There is now a training total on the Financial Report | |
Feature | GPoS - Ability to redeem a Customer Module voucher by scanning a QR Code | |
Feature | GPoS - SCO to have Customer Record Functionality | |
Feature | GPoS - The question to Redeem Now or Later for a Customer Voucher has been removed | |
Fix | GPoS -Debittrak Timeouts | Timeout displays wrong message when no card is presented ("Insufficient funds error") |
Fix | GPoS -Unable to Cancel | Unable to cancel a sale after passing to Debitrak when no Debitrak payment is made (For example due to Timeout, or Insufficient Funds) |
Fix | GPoS -Scanners on lock screens | Some scanners not working for barcode scan on lock screen (Honeywell - Voyager, DataLogic - Touch65) |
Fix | GPoS - HTA Giftcards Database Triggers | The database Triggers utilised by the the HHT giftcard system where not working correctly in set scenario |
Fix | GPoS - PB line removed from a split operation | |
Fix | GPoS - Cancle full sale now updates the status on the table plan | |
Fix | GPoS - Full Clerk Porgramming on GPoS via the PGM key fixed | |
Fix | GPoS - Rounding issue could cause a Zero priced product to have a value of 1p | |
Fix | GPoS - Cancel sale no longer results in the customer losing a voucher already applied to a transaction | |
Fix | GPoS -Multibuys could calculate wrong if a product was included in the multibuy by both group and group2 at the same time | |
Fix | GPoS - Some SCO Remote Screen functions could cause buttons to disappear on the SCO | |
Fix | GPoS - Error correcting a product that was stored to a table then discounted could cause the error correct total to be wrong on the financial report | |
Fix | GPoS - SCO - Unknown product feature did not retain the quantity scanned | |
Fix | GPoS - Short text on KP - Now defaults to the description correctly when no sort text is set AND modifiers used or product is a condiment | |
Fix | GPoS - Prices overriden by a voucher not displaying correct in the Journal | |
Fix | GPoS - Incorrect refund to a HTA giftcard could cause the till to lock up - A warning is now shown | |
Fix | GPoS - Lock screen could lock the wrong screen | |
Fix | GPoS - SCO Remote Monitor displays POS in order of POS ID | |
Fix | GPoS - Manual Discounts not taken into account when the system decided whether a multibuy would increase the price of a transaction | |
Fix | GPoS - Multibuy rounding now consistent | |
Fix | GPoS - .NET 3.5 does not prevent GPoS install when not required | |
Fix | GPoS - Error correcting an item that was qty overridden and had triggered a multibuy could cause an incorrect multibuy trigger to occur afterwards in certain circumstances (When SysOp:575True) | |
Fix | GPoS - PLU Discount Element Report: Incorrect if tables and error corrects are used | |
Fix | GPoS - The operator code could be bypassed in specific scenarios | |
Removed | GPoS - The GPoS installer no longer includes SQL | The GPoS utility defaults to the old SQL password and no the current default |
Type | Name | Description |
Fix | GPoS - Debitrak Timeouts | Timeout displays wrong message when no card is presented ("Insufficient funds error") |
Fix | GPoS - Unable to Cancel | Unable to cancel a sale after passing to Debitrak when no Debitrak payment is made (For example, due to Timeout, or Insufficient Funds) |
Fix | GPoS - Scanners on lock screens | Some scanners not working for barcode scan on lock screen (Honeywell - Voyager, Datalogic - Touch65) |
Fix | GPoS - HTA giftcards Database Triggers | The database Triggers utilised by the HHT giftcard system where not working correctly in set scenario |
Type | Name | Description |
Fix | GPoS -Pre-order Transaction Cancelled due to NULL values. (Guest - Delivery - Card) | Pre-Order Transactions for Guest (Not account users) of Order Type Delivery were being canceled due to NULL values, if finalised to 'Card'. |
Fix | GPoS - Pre-Order - Customer Record not showing transactions fully settled in-app. | Pre-Order Transactions fully settled in the app (finalised to 'No Payment Required' Or 'Card') were not being shown on the 'Customer Record' 'GPoS Transactions' Pane. |
Fix | GPoS -Pre-Order - Vouchers paid value on the basket items | Pre-Order Transactions including vouchers transactions were not always being accounted for correctly in the POS. |
Fix | Pre-Order Transaction (Fully Setlled via reward points) | Pre-Order Transaction fully settled via reward points in the app were not posting into the POS correctly. |
Type | Name | Description |
Feature | GPoS - Updated Icons | The icons for the main GPoS program, and the GPoS Utility have been updated to our new branding. |
Feature | GPoS - Verifone Engage Range Integration - Support for multi-line text logo's | The Verifone Engage Range integration now supports multi-line text logos. |
Feature | GPoS - Lock Screen - Support for peripherals | The GPoS lock screen now accepts input from peripherals such as serial or keyboard wedge scanners Note: The lookup is by Pin and Accept on its own would not work with a clerk shows login code is set to 0. |
Feature | GPoS - SCO Support for NCR SS90 version 2 | SCO - Now supports NCR SS90 version 2, and the F305 printer, now supports receipt logos in bitmap format. |
Feature | GPoS - Pre-Order App Integration (Groundwork) | Ground work for an upcoming Pre-Order App Integration. |
Fix | GPoS - Improved resilience to send of system option not supported by version | Improved resilience has been added for the senario where the back office system attempts to send options not valid for the POS version. Whilst this would only occur due to a setup issue on previous versions of TCP, this senario has been blocked at the POS end also. |
Fix | GPoS - Adverts - 'Index out of Range' error | If there are adverts in the schedule and none of them are currently active, the user was presented with a repeated ‘Index out of range error’. |
Fix | GPoS - Customer Accounts | When using the 'Customer Accounts' integration the transaction grid header (displayed above the transaction grid) was not correctly displaying the customer info (Name, CardNumber, etc). |
Fix | GPoS - Lock Screen -Blocked by set device errors. | Some device errors which display dialogs to the screen could cause the lock screen to not be accessible. |
Fix | GPoS - PLU's without any price level data | If a product has no prices set, older versions of GPoS would return 0 when a price is queried. 167 threw an error which causes issues with trying to display prices on buttons. |
Fix | GPoS - Gift Card purchase (either internal or HTA) not affecting the customer account balance | Gift Card purchases (either internal or HTA) were not affecting the customer account balance. |
Fix | GPoS - Multibuy Calculates Incorrect Discount (When Qty Multiplier used) | Multibuys incorrectly calculated some discounts (When Qty Multiplier used) (2xCoke, etc). |
Fix | GPoS - SCO Remote Monitor - Could run multiple times | The SCO Remote Monitor could be opened multiple times, with the last instance displaying top most on screen. This 2nd instance would then not have displayed the SCOs. |
Fix | GPoS - SCO - Save layout in programming utility could result in the layout not loading correctly. | SCO: Saving SCO layout in the programming utility could result in the layout not loading correctly within the utility. |
Fix | GPoS - SCO - Errors when configurations not set | If both the exe.config and system options that replaced them for setup of the SCO were not set, the SCO was using incorrect settings. |
Fix | GPoS - SCO Sound Playback Issues 2 (NCR Unit) | When finalising on the NCR SCO and presenting a contactless card, part of the voice message was being repeated. |
Type | Name | Description |
Fix | GPoS -Error correct on table operations can incorrectly try to reverse hidden lines | Error correct on table operations could previously incorrectly try to reverse hidden lines, corrupting the subtotal and discount fields. |
Fix | GPoS -Resolution to GPoS-322 can cause very intermittent issues if the user scans the same product in very quick succession | A resolution to a previous issue, could previously cause very intermittent issues if the user scans the same product in very quick succession when using a scanner with serial or serial emulation. |
Fix | GPoS -Refund from receipt; prevent Refund Full Transaction if any payment types used cannot be added to the Transaction. | When refunding from receipt the 'Full Refund' option was incorrectly available in situations where this was not possible such as a transaction containing multiple payment types which could not be re-played automatically (e.g. EFT, Cashless, etc). Resulting in incorrect Subtotal. In this scenario the 'Full Refund' option will no longer be available. Except when the transaction contains a 'GiftCard' Sale, in which case 'Full Refund' would still be available and the payment type will request the serial number of the giftcard, resulting in correct subtotal. |
Type | Name | Description |
Fix | GPoS -PLU's without any price level data causes an error. | If a product has no prices, older versions of GPoS would return a '0' value when a price is queried. A change was causing version 1.67 to throw an error which caused issues with trying to display prices on buttons, and displayed an error to the user when attempting to sell the product. '1001: Object Reference not set to an instance of an object' |
Type | Name | Description |
New Feature | GPoS Programming Utility - Migration Check On Run | Once connected to a database, the system now runs a migrations history check to ensure all newer system options / warnings are present. If found to not be up to date the system will update this accordingly. This then keeps consistency with GPoS.exe and GPoSSCO.exe. |
New Feature | TCP Cloud API Support | Work has been done to support the following features of the TCP Cloud API
New System Options #800 - TCP Cloud: API URL #801 - TCP Cloud: API User #802 - TCP Cloud: API Password #806 - TCP Cloud API Customer Record Discount #810 - TCP Cloud API Transaction post and updates #811 - TCP Cloud Check cloud product file when not found locally #812 - TCP Cloud Check cloud for stock countdown figures #813 - TCP Cloud Check for Cloud Orders #815 - TCP Cloud Cloud Orders - Poll for site # (0 = all sites) |
New Feature | HTA Gift Via EPAY - Virtual Cards | HTA Giftcards via EPAY now Supports the use of Virtual Cards - Click here for more information |
New Feature | Customer Record - Customisable Texts | Texts displayed at the POS as part of the Customer Record Integration, are now customisable via the 'Messages and Texts feature' within the GPoS Utility. |
New Feature | SCO Remote Monitor | The SCO Remote Monitor now supports operator login via Login Pin (Previously this would only accept a barcode scan). |
New Feature | SCO Remote Monitor | A Restart Option has been added to the Operator Functions Screen. When used this will shutdown GPoS and attempt to restart it. |
New Feature | Standard Mode & SCO - Connection status | A Connection status icon has been added to GPoS when running both in standard mode and SCO mode,
Note: Utilises system options #768 #769 |
New Feature | SCO - Refund Mode | A dedicated 'Refund' mode is now available on the Operator Functions Screen - Engage range only. |
New Feature | Refund Reasons - Ability to block manual entry | This feature allows the user to block manual entry when dealing with refund reasons. Note: New System Option #820 |
New Feature | SCO Standard Mode - Lock Screen | Allows the user to lock and unlock the screen, via a new button tht can be added via the 'Touch Screen Layout Designer', and 'Macros' in GPoS or TotalControl.
Locking or unlocking the feature is recorded in the journal in GPoS and passed through to TCP including the clerk that carried out the operation.
New Touch Screen layout Button: #151 ** This cannot be disabled ** |
New Feature | GPoS Utility - SCO Screen Items - Multi-select | The SCO screen items screen now allows multi-select for easier setup/management of your SCO screens. |
New Feature | KVM - Cook Area Support | A new field for 'Cook Area' has been added to the product database, when set this will be passed through to the logwood Kitchen Video Monitor System. |
New Feature | KVM - Error Correction after send | The KVM integration now allows for corrections after a transaction has been sent to the KVM. Error correct, Voids and Refunds are now passed with negative quantities. |
New Feature | Balance - 'Person Count' function | The balance plan screen now has a dedicated 'Person Count' Function. Note: If the target table already has a person count, the numeric input will display that as a default for entry |
New Feature | SCO - Halt Transactions due to Incorrect Date/Time | When in SCO mode the system will now monitor the date and time (as per standard mode), in that it will monitor the dates of transactions being recorded comparing these with the date/time of previous transactions. If it see's that the last transaction data is out compared to the current system date/time the user will be halted with an appropriate message displayed. |
New Feature | SCO - Removal of Restricted Items (Confirmation) | When an operator is dealing with restricted items. Declining of the restrictions will display an additional screen to the operator asking them to confirm the items have been removed from the basket prior to continuing. |
New Feature | SCO Screen Items - Up and Down Arrows | The SCO screen items within the GPoS utility now have up and down arrows on the user interface, allowing better support for touch screen without the requirement of a mouse. |
New Feature | SCO Support For Payment Feature 'Minimum Spend' | Payments on the SCO now support the 'Minimum Spend Feature'. As part of the payment process (post bag check), it will see if the subtotal meets that of the selected payment key. If it doesn't, a suitable message is displayed and you're returned to sales registration mode. |
Change | Installer - Removal of Obsolete Integrations | The GPoS Installer no longer install or works with the following obsolete integrations.
Change | Debug Command Prompt - Change of working and new Commands | Change of current Command
New Command Line Switches
Extentions to the Open Command Syntax
<addr> = the target IP or computer name
(<port>) = optional; if omitted it will use the default 9155 otherwise will attempt to use the port you nominate.
(-retry=n) = optional; if omitted a connection attempt will be tried once as before. N can be any number of tries 1 to 32768, and if N is 0, it will retry indefinitely.
open localhost -retry=4 |
Change | Verifone Transactions - Cancel Full Sale Blocked | When a transaction contains a payment key (Which has 'EFT' flag set 'True'), Cancel full sale will now be blocked with the following error presented to the user: "error #1, 'Cannot cancel when a settlement on a card has taken place" |
Change | Database Upgrade -Check for bespoke triggers on Trandetails table | For set customers some bespoke SQL triggers are in place for the 'Trandetail' Table. Previously the user would need to recreated manually these following database upgrade. The upgrade routine has been hardcoded to detect these if present and replace them after the upgrade. |
Change | Company Logo Update | The company Logo has been updated on the main GPoS Splash screen (displayed on load) along with other areas including the GPoS Utility, Accounts Server etc. |
Change | IRC Reports - Validation of IRCID + Name/IP | When running an IRC Report the system now checks the IRCID and the IP Or Hostname to validate each POS. Previouly the system only looked for the IP/HostName and if finding a POS at the location collected the report information. |
Change | Gift Card (HTA and CRM) - E-topup total | Gift Cards (HTA and CRM) Activate and Report to the E-topup total. |
Change | SCO - Transaction Grid - Restricted Items Highlighting | When using GPoS SCO mode 'Restricted Items' requiring approval are now coloured red. |
Change | Balance Plan - Person Count - keypad | Previously a number needed entering prior to using this feature, which required that screen to have a keypad. Now If no number is input, the numeric keypad will be displayed. Note: Entering 0 here will remove and previously person count entry |
Change | Balance Plan - Open table Confirmation Requirement Removed. | Previously when using the 'Open' feature on the balance plan, an additional step to confirm was present. This has been removed. |
Change | System Options - SCO Config Options | The SCO Config options previously controlled via a config file (GPoSSCO.Config) are now present in the standard GPoS system options. |
Change | Transaction Grid - Discount Value Display Colour (Accessibility) | The discount text and value displayed at the bottom of the transaction grid used a colour that didn't stand out visually compared to the background. This has been changed to be more accessible. |
Fix | IRC Table -Edit of record to set hostname | When editing a record on the IRC Table, changes made to the Hostname were discarded on save. |
Fix | Report #45 PLU Calorific Value - Totals Incorrect | The totals for 'Quantity' and 'Value' displayed by this report were incorrect. |
Fix | Report #10 PLU Discount Element - Quantity Field | This report incorrectly showed a 'Quantity' field containing none applicable values. This will now show zero quantities. |
Fix | Utility - Alpha-numeric | Attempts to add a Supplier with an alpha-numeric supplier code (example: 'AA1') would fail. |
Fix | IRC - URI (Adverts) | IRC the URI (adverts) from one POS to another was failing. |
Fix | Stock Countdown - Concurrency violation check Error | When Stockcountdown was enabled the system could throw a Concurrency violation check error. |
Fix | Refund from Receipt - Refund entry Selection | When refunding from receipt the system was not offering refund reason selection from a dropdown list (Manual entry only). Now this system can offer both selection and manual entry in this senario (as per refund not from receipt). |
Fix | Stock Transactions - missing information | Stock transactions entered at the POS were not including full information when transmitted to the back office system. Now includes terminal details, clerk details and transaction ID by including them in the notes field against the transaction. |
Fix | balanceservlog - System slowdown due to size & new maintenance feature | A Logfile used by the system was able to grow large enough to cause system slowdown. This has been resolved by the inclusion of a maintenance feature. New System Option #814 - Balance History Log: Delete after N months. Note: Defaults to '3' months. |
Fix | Group Age Restrictions - Handling of changes received from back-office | Changes to group age restrictions received by the POS were requiring a restart to be active. This has been resolved so this is no longer required. |
Fix | GPoS Could fail to Start due to EFT Config issue | Previously the system could fail to start if system option #218 pointed to an EFT device which no longer exists. |
Fix | SCO - Item counts Incorrect | The Item count displayed on the SCO was not correctly handling product removals or price overrides. Causing the count to then be incorrect. |
Fix | SCO - Shutdown - Confirmation | The shutdown function didn't have a confirmation dialog, allow the user to cancel the request if done in error. |
Fix | Partial Refund from Receipt Issue | Performing a partial refund from receipt was incorrectly causing further lines to be recorded with clerk 0. |
Fix | Processing Screen Updates during Load | Previously if the system received updates from the back office which contained screen changes, the system could get stuck refreshing the screens. |
Fix | CRM Integration - Loyalty Details Missing | When using the CRM Integration, the loyalty details displayed at the top of the transaction grid once a customer has been registered were no longer being displayed. |
Fix | Rooms - Error Correct of Posted Items | Attempting to Error Correct an Items Posted to a room produces no dialog to the user. A dialog now displayed. |
Fix | Time and Attendance - Report | When floating balances were in use the system was not correct recording Time and Attendance of the Time and Attendance Report. |
Fix | Refund from Receipt - Refund Totals on Financial Report (Customer Account Transactions) | When Refunds from receipt were entered against a customer account transaction, a doubling of refund values was being shown on the financial report. |
Fix | Gift Cards - Activate attempt with blank code | When selling gift cards attempting to activate with blank 'GiftCard Code' was not handled correctly. |
Fix | KVM - Sort Options | When using the kitchen Video Monitor Integration and sorting the transaction (Via system options #168, #176). |
Fix | SCO - Crash on age approval screen | The SCO could crash when trying to access the age approval screen the system could crash (If system option #50 - Don't prevent unknown PLU Add set false). |
Fix | Splash Screen and Status button - Incorrect SQL Database size limit displayed | When installed some computers (x86-64) the system was not able to correctly calculate the % of maximum database size used. |
Fix | Cancel Sale Triggering Gift Card Activation | Cancel Sale in Training Mode triggers Gift Card Activation. |
Fix | Errors on Install due to fingerprint .dll (On x86-32 OS's) | During the installation of GPoS on 32bit operating systems an error was displayed when the system failed to register a dll used by the fingerprint system. |
Fix | Macros Missing System Keys - 'GIFTCARD BALANCE CHECK' and 'GIFTCARD REVERSAL' | The macros screen was missing the following keys.
Fix | Product Button Displaying Price | Product Button Displaying Price (via %price%) was not working immediately on initial load of the system loading up. |
Fix | SCO - User cancelling Transaction / Transaction Time Out | SCO -System not handling user cancelling PED Transaction or Transaction timing out correctly. |
Fix | Table Plan (Split bills) - Display of balance and colouring issue | On the table plan, when using the split bill feature the table didn't display the balance and was coloured incorrectly following split bill. (Until re-opened). |
Fix | Customer Record | Multiple Fixes |
Fix | Cosmetic and Textual | Various Cosmetic and Textual fixes. |
Type | Name | Description |
Fixes | Customer Record - No First Name Results in Object Reference Error | When attempting to register a customer at the POS, when the customer record didn't have a 'First name' set in the customer record it caused an error to be thrown. This has now been resolved. |
Fixes | HTA gift card (eml and epay) use of multiplication key causes issues with activation | Operation now blocked, and user dialog added explaining that Gift cards must be sold individually. |
Type | Name | Description |
New Feature | Customer Record | Provides access to the new customer record system of Total Control premiers Cloud Interface (TCP V2.13+). This allows you to register a customer during a transaction using an identifier (for example a swipe card), which provides the following features: Displays Basic Customer Information
Earn Points
Redeem Points (Including split tender) Earn Rewards Redeem Vouchers New System Key: 'Customer Identifiers' New Options: 800 TCPCloud:API URL 801 TCPCloud:API User 802 TCPCloud:API Password 806 TCPCloud: Customer Record Discount |
New Feature | Status Screen | Multiple new system keys that when added to the touch screen layout report various statuses accompanied by a Green/red/amber traffic light system to indicate status.
Requires option 768. If set, GPoS pings this machine and
checks for a response. If option 769 is set to true, it will attempt to connect
to the instance of GPoS running on that machine.
Requires option 540. if set, GPoS will attempt to connect
and check for an http response from the url.
Checks the realtime transaction queues and reports on the
number of transactions over an hour old still waiting, and the total number of
transactions sat in all queues.
Reports on the amount of free of PHYSICAL memory left as reported
by the OS.
Reports on the amount of PHYSICAL memory that GPoS is
currently using (its workingset)
Reports on the amount of space that the current database is
Reports on the amount of free space from the first two fixed
disks whose name is either C or D.
Can be used to report result's of additional SQL stored procedures
Can be used to report result's of additional SQL stored procedures
Can be used to report result's of additional SQL stored procedures
Can be used to report result's of additional SQL stored procedures |
New Feature | Receipt Yes/No prompt | The ability to have the system prompt the user when the system attempts to print a receipt, but the receipt setting is set to off. New System Option: 262: Ask for a receipt' |
New Feature | Logwood Kitchen Video Monitor - Consolidation and Sorting | The Logwood Kitchen Video Monitor now follows the rules of options 178 (for
consolidate), and optionally 168 and 176 for sorting. |
New Feature | Mobo2Go - Order Confirmation Receipt | An order confirmation slip is now printed. |
New Feature | GPOS Logwood - Balance name to be sent with the order | The balance name is now sent to the Kitchen Video Monitor. |
New Feature | Cash Dec: Ask for reference number upon commit | The ability to have the system request a reference number when carrying out a cash declare (such as banking reference). New System Option: 799: Cash Declare; Ask for reference ID' |
New Feature | SCO - Block addition of new products | Follows the logic of System option #50. |
Change | Balance Plan -Update Status Function (Change to order of
operations. For consistency with other functions) | The update status button can now be used either before or after selecting a table. |
Change | Installer - SQL2005 removal | This was only for legacy windows system such as XP which are no longer supported. |
Fix | Mobo2Go Orders | When using Mobo2Go Integration - The same order could come through multiple times. |
Fix | Mobo2Go Needing to be set to standard receipt printer | When using Mobo2Go Integration - The Mobo2Go Printer didn't work correctly when not set to the same printer as the standard Receipt Printer. |
Fix | Mobo2Go Orders not displaying on Logwood Device | When using Mobo2Go Integration and the Logwwod Kitchen Video Monitor System - The orders were not showing . |
Fix | Text improvement | In the GPoS Utility some text was obscured 'Save / Continue'. |
Fix | CRM Giftcard: If the initial giftcard plu is scanned, the
scanner does not fill in the serial number (RS-232 only). | |
Fix | Touch Screen Layout - Crashing on Load (Null Ref Exception)
due to large amount of keys (approx >=8000). | |
Fix | Finger
Print Reader Integration Not Functional | The integration is now functional, but requires that the drivers are installed separately (functional) (DigitalPersona U.are.U RTE) Note: In a future version this may be bundled with software. |
Fix | Auto Sign Off Seconds - System not classing scanning as
activity | Table
Store incorrectly firing cash drawer. |
Fix | Full Refund During account transaction | Refund full transaction from receipt scan when customer acc
present results in error in finalise. |
Fix | Clerks Locked Busy | Clerks Locked Busy for all but last till used - After Launch
Utility and Restart. |
Type | Name | Description |
New Feature | InstantCRM Gift Cards | GPoS combined with Instant CRM to provide a Gift Card Solution.
Bespoke work for a specific customer and not on general availability |
New Feature | HTA Gift Cards | GPoS now supports the sale and redemption of HTA Gift Cards |
New Feature | Communication via Hostname | GPoS now communicates via Hostname, previously all communications was done via IPv4 address. The following systems now use HOSTNAME / FQDN and will no longer work via IPv4 address.
The following systems use either HOSTNAME / FQDN or IPv4 Address
New Feature | Prevent item being sold below the current cost price | When doing a price override, GPoS can now trap attempts to sell the product at less than their cost price. Or less than the minimum margin set against the product. Note: Calculations used to determine if the product is being sold for less than cost use the 'Full Sale Price' and NOT the 'Ex. Vat Price' |
New Feature | SCO - Walkaways | Changes have been made to the SCO Interface to reduce the risk of 'Walkaways' prior to the transaction being completed.
New Feature | SCO - End of Day report | The SCO now has an end of Day X/Z report available via the Operator Screen or the SCO Remote Monitor. |
New Feature | SCO Remote - Walkaways | Changes made to the SCO Remote Monitor to reduce the risk of 'Walkaways' prior to the transaction being completed.
Change | Customer Account Transactions | You can now Split Tender between two medias when one media is an Account media. |
Change | Logwood Integration | When system option 158 (Use Short text for KP) is set to true, the Short text is now sent to the Logwood Kitchen system. |
Change | Balance Plan | POS Name now displays on the detail grid along with the clerk name of the last clerk involved with the balance. |
Change | Receipt - Table number, Bill code and order number |
Fix | Stock Transactions | Can now handle alphanumeric supplier codes. |
Fix | Clerk Programming via PGM Key | Previously didn't work. |
Fix | Interval Drinks | Missing Header info. |
Fix | Stock Countdown | Training clerk transactions no longer affect the countdown. |
Fix | Installer | BPA fix no longer installed. |
Type | Name | Description |
New Feature | Ksher E-Wallet Integration (AliPay / WeChat Pay) | We now integrate with Ksher Pay, allowing users to finalise transactions and process refunds to the Ksher e-wallet via the Alipay or WeChat Pay Apps. This integration works via both ‘GPoS Standard Mode’ and ‘GPoS SCO (Self Check Out) Mode’. NOTE:- Adhc Refunds are not supported. Full Refund via Receipt is supported on GPoS in standard mode (not SCO mode). Alternatively refunds can be processed via the Ksher merchant portal. NOTE:- Reader (Scanner) Rules required for scanning Ksher payment barcodes via ‘Serial Scanner’ are included in new databases as standard, the reader rules required to use a ‘Keyboard Wedge scanner’ are not included as standard (as adding both would cause a conflict). If Serial keyboard wedge scanners are a requirement, then the required Reader (Scanner) Rules are documented. |
Update | Product Enquiry / PLU Info | The ‘Product Enquiry’ feature has been enhanced to provide the following additional information.
Update | Support for new Adverts Feature | Total Control Premier v2.11.xxxxxx includes an ‘Adverts’ feature offering enhanced functionality beyond that of GPoS’s current URI’s feature. This version of GPoS adds support for communicating these adverts and their schedules to GPoS, and displaying them via the new ‘Chromium’ Plugin. |
Update | Yoyo | Support for Yoyo APIv4 and Open Banking. Previously only Yoyo transactions where transmitted to Yoyo, The integration now sends ALL Transactions including the following additional information:
SysOp: 770 - Yoyo APIv4: Send non yoyo baskets also (added for ‘Yoyo Open banking’ support) |
Change | System / .NET | A later version of the Microsoft .Net Framework is now required. Previously the system required Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5, now Microsoft .Net Framework 4.7.2 is required (This is installed as standard if not already present within the operating system). |
Change | Operating System Support | The following operating systems are no longer supported.
Change | Web browser | Firefox is no longer used. Chromium is used for the following :-
Change | EFT | General Option ‘SysOp#693 – Payment code for ‘other’ payment is now set via a dropdown selection. |
Fix | SCO Screen Items Issue | The system allowed the user to drag an item or container above the main node. Saving this could result in menus on SCO (Self Check Out) unit not displaying. |
Fix | Journal Printing | An issue resulted in journal printing not including the transaction when the ‘Quotation’ feature was utilised. |
Fix | GPoS Accounts | When setting delivery address as part of a customer account transaction, warning messages (5951~5955) can be edited in order to override the texts against the fields used to enter the address (Max 3 Characters). The purpose of this is to record additional information as opposed to a standard 5 line address. The text was not being overridden. |
Fix | SCO Mode - Cancel Sale | Cancelling a sale on the SCO (Self Check Out) or error correcting the last line of a transaction, was incorrect not removing the ‘Finish and Pay’ button from the screen. This could result in a lockup if the user attempted to complete the blank transaction in error. |
Fix | SCO Mode - Sale Total | The sale total from the transaction was not being cleared from view at the point of a transaction being completed so displayed until a new transaction was started. |
Fix | REP2 Reports | If there were no transactions for the day (i.e. £0 sales), GPoS handled this fine. However if there where transactions for the day, but the sum total of the figures equals 0, It caused a ‘division by zero’ error when trying to take a rep2 report. |
Fix | Online PLU Info | The ‘Online PLU Enquiry’ was no longer functional with attempts to utilise this feature resulting in the page failing to render and displaying errors regarding ‘HTML5’. |
Fix | Sports Booker Integration | A change to the sports booker system (at their end), resulted in our integration no longer functioning as it did previously. This has been resolved. |
Fix | Unknown Product Dialog Box | The user dialogue displayed when an unknown product is scanned is no longer cleared from the user interface by USB Scan, or pressing enter on an attached keyboard. |