Using the Reporting
- Using the submenu, if you expand reporting and if you click and select ‘Reporting’ or ‘New Report Wizard’.
- This will take you into the ‘Reporting’ section.
- You can select ‘New Report Wizard’ this will open the ‘Reporting Wizard’ where you will see a list of tabs showing the reports you can select.
- To select the Reports, you will need to expand by clicking on the plus.
- Once you’ve selected the Report you are looking for from the listing. You can change the reporting dates by dropping down the ‘Report Period’ drop-down.
If you are unable to find your date range, if you select ‘Custom Date Range’
You will be able to change your ‘Date from’ and ‘Date to’ by clicking in the fields.
- If you are setting up a scheduled report if you click on ‘New Report Job Wizard’. Once you’ve selected a reported and configured your ‘Report Period’, for example, for ‘yesterday’ followed by clicking next, which will take you to the ‘Name’ tab.
You can give your report a name by clicking into the ‘Name field’ line. Once done, click ‘Next’.
- Under the ‘POS’ you can select a single POS terminal or a range of terminals or just the full sites by ticking the option.
- Under the Split / Max, where you can set up the number of records you want to see or leave as default. Again, within this section, you can generate reports individually for each site if you select the option by ticking.
- If you look under the ‘Schedule’ tab and tick Schedule this report which will give you a list of options.
From here you can do the following;
- Only run the report once
- Every day
- Interval (minutes) e.g. every 60 minutes which is set by default but can be changed.
- On these days only selecting from Monday to Sunday.
- Once a Month and selecting the day to run.
You will need to tick enable this scheduled report.
You can set an expiry date if you want to.
Plus, you can set the job as a ‘hidden job’ which you can only see under your hidden system jobs.
Once ready if you set your Start date and Start time.
- Under the ‘Notification’ tab.
Within the section, you can specify, if you want to use a printer or to email the reports out to end-users.
- Once done, you can add sorting, permissions or jump straight to clicking finish.
- You will see the report listed in the top section of the reporting, for my example,