Adding Clerks to TCP
- If you head under ‘General Database’ And Select ‘Clerks’ from the sub-menu.
- Click into ‘Clerks’ this will take you into the ‘Clerks’ section of Total Control Premier.
- You can ‘Add’, ‘Edit’ or ‘Delete’ clerks within this section.
- If you wanted to ‘Add’ a new ‘Clerk’, if you click on ‘Add’. Where you will be prompted with a properties box. You Can give the Clerk a name by renaming the description box along with giving the clerk a login pin to use.
- If you click on ‘General Page’ where you can select ‘POS Options’ from the drop-down.
- Under ‘POS Options’, you will see options where you can add in ibuttons, Barcode, MCR, Training Clerk, Has Manager Authority, Default Screen, Open Drawer (Cash Draw), Screens on Left, Auto Load Balance Plan, Configuring the Clerk Shifts and finally, the General Information to set up the Clerk group if you have more than one group for clerks. By Default, the Cash Drawer field will be set to '0', which will mean currently, the clerk won't be able to fire the cash draw which will either need setting to '1' or '2' but if you check against a working clerk to configure the set up.
- If you are using clerk shifts if you refer to the current live Click Here
- Once you are done, if you click ‘Save’
- You will need to go into the communications screen to send down updates of the clerks.
- Under the ‘Print’ Option you will see Clerk Reporting
- You can select the following reports, Clerk List, Clerk List (POS Specifics) and Clerk List (Grouped) to print out, display to screen or to email.
Fields on the Clerk Record