Total Control Premier Release Notes

Total Control Premier Release Notes

Pre-Requisites, 3rd Party Applications and Hardware Compatibility

Known Issues

v2.18.abcd.efghi (DB Version 62) Release Notes (Next Version) WIP

 Desktop Interface -   Order Note (Order   summary Text)
 Additional text can now be added to the bottom of the order

  1. A new field on Site(Add/Edit) is used to set the text (Order Summary Text)
  2. A new general option enables and disables this text on the Order Notes

 Note: If the general option is set, then this will appear at the
 bottom of the orders note (unless direct email where it's near the
 top) when using order notes.
Desktop Interface - 
 Group Details for (For

 The send to HHT now sends the group of each product (Allowing this to be displayed on the device)

 Desktop Interface - 
 Order Buyers View
 (Batch Commit)

The batch commit screen displayed on the Orders (Buyers View), and excel exports from that screen now
 Include the transaction supplier.

 Desktop Interface -
 (Feature Removal)

  1. Weather -Settings related to the defunct weather feature (Previously utilised by the cloud dashboard) have been removed.
  2. Touch Screen -Defunct buttons previously utilised by the defunct 'Avon Data' integration have been removed.
  3. (Note: Any existing layouts which have these buttons will not have them auto removed, but they will show within the touch screen layout as an unknown button, and new buttons of this type will not be available to add to the layout).


 Desktop Interface - 
 Delivery From Order 
 Dedicated Options

 When adding a delivery from order (via the dedicated 'Add From Order' button on the deliveries screen)   the system now checks the costs general options in the same way as adding a standalone delivery and   manually linking it to an order, or collecting a delivery pre-linked to an order from the HHT

 Desktop Interface -

  1. SQL indexes have been added to the 'Stock Audit' feature to optimise its operation and improve performance on large databases. 
  2. On start-up/login the system was making unrequired calls to the database. These have been removed to optimise the system and cut out the unrequired workload. 

 Desktop Interface - 
 Commit levels 

 If an issue prevented a stock transaction from being fully fetched from the database the 'Commit Levels'   feature could not work correctly

 Desktop Interface - 
 Commit levels

 If an issue prevented a stock transaction from being fully fetched from the database the 'Stock Commit   Level' feature could not work correctly.
 Desktop Interface -
 Stock Templates
 (Delivery From Order)
 When adding/editing a delivery stock template from the main stock templates screen, the system was   incorrectly allowing the user to select an order to link to. This is not applicable for templates and the   order link must be set by the user when adding or using the template.


 Desktop Interface - 
 Catalogue (Product

 Linking a Catalogue product to an existing local product was failing if 'Stock Caching' (General option)   was disabled.


 Desktop Interface -
 Delivery From Order 

 Linking an order to a delivery via dedicated 'Add from Order' button of deliveries screen was not logging   this operation. This is now logged in the same way as linking an order to a delivery via other methods.

 Desktop Interface - 
 Restrictions (Dialog)

 The dialog displayed to the user when they attempt to add a restricted product to a stock transaction,   was not working correctly for 'Order' transactions when the product was already on a different order.   The dialog telling the user the product was on order was being displayed but the following dialog   information the user user of products restricted status was not working.

 Desktop Interface - 
 Last user ID

 Stock transactions from the PoS were incorrectly updating the 'Last User ID' (Note: job controller posting only, API sales posting was unaffected).


 Desktop Interface - 
 Stock Transaction
 From Template
 (Created By)

 Adding a stock transaction from a template was not setting the 'Created By' field. 
 Desktop Interface - 
 Simultaneous Imports
 (Duplicate PLUs)

 Simultaneous Imports could result in duplicate products being created (in set scenarios). 

 Desktop Interface -
 Return from Delivery

 The 'Returns From Delivery' screen was incorrectly including transactions with status 'Locked'. These are   now excluded. 
 Desktop Interface -
 Suspect Transactions
 When Changing Data

 When changing data source (on multiple database systems), the 'Suspect Transactions' feature was not   being displayed to the user. On each login to the database this is displayed when the transactions can   not post (For example: because the Product or Clerk doesn't exist in TCP) bringing this to the users   attention so it can be dealt with. So this should have been displaying in this scenario also.  

 Desktop Interface -
 Users And   Permissions

 Some buttons were not required on this screen and not functional. These have been removed for clarity. 


 Desktop Interface - 
 Data selectors

 Data selectors were skipping the 29th when the up/down arrows were used to change the data.
 Desktop Interface - 
 Cosmetic Fixes

 Various cosmetic fixes.

 Desktop Interface - 
 Restrictions (Default)

 When using the 'Stock Restrictions' feature, new products now used the default of 'Unrestricted'.   (Previously used default 'Restricted')

 This would apply to all add methods
  1. Product maintenance
  2. Product import
  3. Product receive from GPoS
  4. Posting of products unknown to back office from a PoS transaction
  5. Add a new product from HHT device 
 (Note: Products which already exist with the previous default value can be updated via a SQL command.   This should be considered when enabling the restrictions feature, or upgrading a customer who has it   enabled currently).


 Desktop Interface -
 Restrictions (Auto
 Remove On Import)

 When using the 'Stock Restrictions' feature, stock imports containing restricted products will not be auto-removed at the point of import. 
This affects
  1. Manual Stock Import
  2. Automatic Stock Import
(Note: Imports Previously auto-removed restricted products)

 Desktop Interface - 
 Restrictions (Auto
 Remove On 
 Transaction Save)

 When using the 'Stock Restrictions' feature, stock transactions will not auto remove the restricted products on save.

New functionality:
  1. A save only will show the restricted PLUs but allow to continue to save
  2. A save and Commit will show the restricted PLUs and NOT allow to continue to save. 
  3. A batch commit will not allow a transaction with restricted product to commit.
(Note: Previously auto removed restricted products)

 Desktop Interface - 
 Restrictions (Auto 
 Remove On GPoS
 Stock Transaction

 When using the 'Stock Restrictions' features, stock transactions received from the PoS (Via the Job 
 Controller) will not auto-remove the restricted products.

(Note: Previously auto removed restricted products)
 Desktop Interface - 
 Buyer View (Filters)

 The orders (Buyers view) feature previously saved all filtering applied by the user on exiting the screen and re-applied it when the user re-entered. 
The filters that save have not been changed.

  1. Major Group filters - NOT saved
  2. Group filters - NOT saved
  3. Product filters - NOT saved
  4. Commit Status - NOT saved
  5. Last X Days - NOT saved
  6. Viewing in Buyer / Standard mode - IS saved
  7. Site selection - IS saved
  8. Grid Layout - IS saved
  9. Show Details- IS saved 

 Cloud Interface -
 (Feature Removal)

  1. The 'Weather' dashlet has been removed from the dashboard
 Cloud Interface -
 Restrictions - 
 Importing (Error 
 The error message displayed to the user (on attempting to import a stock transaction containing a   restricted product), was not correctly identifying to the user which site the product was restricted at.

 Cloud Interface -
 Customer Record
 Search (Support for
 GPoS feature)

 When registering a customer record at the PoS, the ability to search for the customer has been added. 
 Support for this feature has been added to the cloud.

 Cloud Interface - 
 Customer Record
 (Expiry Date)

 An expiry date can now be set against customer records. This allows the PoS this against the current date,
 disabling functions and prompting the user if the date has passed. 

 Cloud Interface -
 Pre-Order Loyalty
 Transaction Reversal

 Support has been added allowing the loyalty transactions created for Pre-order transactions to be   reversed when cancelled at the PoS.

(Note: This would only effect pre-order transactions finalised as 'Cash on Delivery', which were then cancelled at the PoS after being received).

Cloud Interface -
Voucher Redemption
 Validity Check
 (Multiple Vouchers)
 When using multiple vouchers within a transaction the system now checks that each one is valid   (Provides a discount to the user), and if it is not valid (due to the effect of other vouchers already applied)   the voucher will not be redeemed.

 Cloud Interface -
 Batch Operations

 The implementation used when applying batch operations (Such as 'Batch edits' and 'Batch copy of   prices'   etc) has been improved to show a progress % to the user. 

 This effects the following areas:
  1. Clerks (Batch Edit)
  2. Products (Batch Edit)
  3. Product groups (Batch Edit)
  4. Product prices (Copy price functions)
  5. Identifiers (Batch assign)
 Note: This will only show the progress % of operations initiated by the current user
 Note: The progress will be a consolidated completion amount (When batch edits are initiated)
 Note: The progress is calculated on all batch edits started since the screen was loaded, so if another   batch edit was started after the first was completed, the percentage would not start from zero (Unless   the screen was refreshed first)
 Note: Attempts to batch edit records which are already part of an ongoing batch edit will be blocked and   the user informed. 

 Cloud Interface - 

 Additional logging has been added to multiple features

 Cloud Interface - 
 Products Search 
 (Supplier Reference

 When using the 'Product Search' feature and a search term matches a 'Supplier Reference', the system   now makes this clear to the user (Previously matches for non-product codes entries such as this stated   'Other' in the match field)

 Cloud Interface - 
 User Interface 

 The following improvements have been made to the user interface :

  1. The amount of rows that different features can display to the user without needed to scroll has been increased. 
  2. The context menus added to new UI now have dividers shown on the interface separating the functions for clarity.
  3. Buttons colouring has been implemented for the main Add/Edit/Delete functions. 

Cloud Interface - Set
 Menu Courses

 The 'Set menu courses' field was displaying an incorrect amount (If the courses had been deleted)

 Cloud Interface -
 API Sales Posting

 Electronic Journals where displaying incorrectly when modifiers where used within the transactions and   this was posted via either Job controller or Cloud API sales posting. This has been resolved for API sales   posting.

 (Note: The fix is API only, transactions posted via the JC will still show this error).

 Cloud Interface -
 View Stock Logs

 The excel export feature of the view stock logs screen was not including all fields required. 

 Cloud Interface - 
 Batch Operations

 Some batch operations (such as the ability to batch add vouchers with in the identifiers screen etc) where   offering filters to the user that were not relevant. These have been removed to provide a cleaner   interface.

 Cloud Interface - 
 Mixtures (Duplicate 

 The system was incorrectly halting the user from adding the same product to a mixture multiple times.   This was incorrect as the use case is supported within desktop. This will now be permitted and the user   warned at the point of adding the 2nd entry in case this was added in error.

 Cloud Interface -
 Customer Record 
 (Loyalty Statistics)

 Vouchers reversal (via cancel of sale at the PoS or manual reversal via button within customer record) was   not correctly updating all the statistics shown within the customer record.
 Cloud Interface - 
 Product Batch Edit
Product Batch Edit, was not synchronising dropdown fields:

  1. Tax
  2. SKU
  3. Supplier
  4. Group

 Cloud Interface - 
 Stock (Label Queue)

 The new feature in 2.17 allowing users to add to label queues from stock transaction screens didn't   support adding products from multiple transactions to the queue in a single operation. 

 Cloud Interface -
 Disabled suppliers

 On editing products where its 'Default supplier' is set with a status of 'Disabled' or a stock transaction   with a 'Supplier' set with a status of 'Disabled' they system was not bringing this to the users attention.   Both of these scenarios will now do so allowing them to deal with this by updating the records. 


 Cloud Interface - 
 Row Highlighting

 Row highlighting was not being retained if the user changed pages, or the amount of records being   shown per page.

 Cloud Interface - 
 Deletion Of New 

 Deletion of products was being incorrectly halted if the user attempted to delete it (in set scenarios)   incorrectly prompting the user that this was due to the system waiting for the product to be deleted from   applicable sites. 

 Cloud Interface -
 Delivery From Order
 (Header Details)

 Deliveries added from order were not copying the details from the header section of the order to the   header section of the delivery. 

 Note: This will now populate when an order is selected when in 'Add' mode only (Not for edits of existing   transactions)

 Cloud Interface - 
 Stock Transactions 
 (Site Filter) 

 User clearing the site filter was throwing an AJAX error.

 Cloud Interface - 

 On the 'Deliveries' screen, commit attempts with transactions in invalid state incorrectly allow   progression to 'Change selling price screen'.

 Cloud Interface - 
 Rows (Change Order)

The feature used to change the order of rows within different cloud features was implemented   inconsistently. These all work the same now, to provide a more seamless user experience when moving   between features.

 Cloud Interface - 

The 'Stock levels feature' was using an incorrect permission setting. An individual permission has been   added for this feature. 

 Cloud Interface -
 Sales To Date 
 Maintenance (Date
 The 'Data selector' within the 'Sales to date maintenance' feature was not working correctly.

 Cloud Interface - 
 Delivery From Order
 (Add Products And 
 Cost Price Options)

 Adding a delivery linked to an order was not allowing the user to select if they wanted to use the   products and costs from the original order, as desktop would. This now allows this dependant on the   settings within general options.

 Cloud Interface - 
 Batch Edit (Bit Flags)

 When batch editing elements that included bit-flags, and wanting to clear the flags, this was not working   correctly. 

 Cloud Interface - 
 Promotional Search 

 When using the 'Promotional search' feature (Discounts, etc) the search results were not correctly   populating the 'Description field'.
Cloud Interface -
 Screen Highs
 The heights of some of the elements and screens were not consistent. 
 Cloud Interface - 

 Using the 'Back' feature of the validation screen to change the import settings was requiring the user to   reset mapping between import and database fields. This has now been changed so that this will only be   required if the user changed the 'Import type', where re-mapping of fields would be required. 


 Cloud Interface - 
 Condiment Groups
 (Duplicate Products)

 Condiment Groups were incorrectly allowing duplicate products to be added, this is now blocked. 

 Cloud Interface - 
 Price files (Row

 The 'Price files' screen was missing a row selector. This has been added. 

 Cloud Interface - 
 Stock Checking

 When using the 'Stock checking' feature (General options), the system was incorrectly returning the user   to the top of the transaction when they changed the 'Checked' status of a product within the transaction   which meant the user had to scroll back up to there previous location to deal with the next item. 

 Cloud Interface - 
 Cosmetic Fixes

 Various cosmetic fixes. 

 Cloud Interface -

 When using the 'Stock Restrictions' feature, new products now use the default of 'Unrestricted'.   (Previously used default 'Restricted')

This would apply to all add methods:
  1. Product maintenance 
  2. Product import
  3. Product receive from GPoS
  4. Posting of products unknown to back office from a PoS transaction
  5. Add new product from HHT device

 Cloud Interface - 
 Restrictions (Auto
 Remove On Import)

 When using the 'Stock Restrictions' feature, stock imports containing restricted products will not be auto-
 Removed at the point of import. 

 This affects:
  1. Manual Stock Import
 (Note: Previously imports auto-removed restricted products)

 Cloud Interface -
 Restrictions (Auto 
 Remove On   Transaction Save)

 When using the 'Stock Restrictions' feature, stock transactions will not auto-remove the restricted   products on save.

 New functionality:
  1. Save Only - Will show the restricted PLUs but allow to continue to save
  2. Save and Commit - Will show the restricted PLUs and NOT allow to continue to save.
  3. Batch Commit - Will not allow a transaction with restricted product to commit.
 (Note: Previously these transactions auto-removed restricted products on save)
 Cloud Interface- 
 Desktop Interface - 
 Restrictions (Auto 
 Remove on GPoS
 Stock Transactions)
 (API Sales) 

 When using the 'Stock Restrictions' feature, stock transactions received from the PoS (Via API Sales   Posting) will not auto remove the restricted products. 

 (Note: Previously these auto-removed restricted products)
Cloud Interface -
 Stock Details
 When using the 'Stock Checking' feature, lines which have been checked are no longer highlighted   'Green'  and the 'Checked' field will not show 'No' when not checked.

 (Note: When checked the field will still show 'Yes') These changes were made to improve visual clarity.

 Cloud Interface - 
 Set Menus

 The method to delete a product from a course within a set menu has been changed to a dedicated delete   button. 

 (Note: Previously this was a 'X' button displayed on each row)

 HHT (V8) -
 Group Details

 The 'Transaction' and 'Product information' screens now display the 'Group' the product is in.
 Note: This feature is Android Only
 HHT (V8) Serial Number Logging
 The system now logs its serial number within a file when communicating. 

 HHT (V8) - 
 Deliveries (Link to 

 Linking 'Deliveries' to 'Orders; was failing if the supplier description was over over 50 characters in length

 HHT (V8) - Search

 Search was not working correctly if the user searched via 'supplier reference' or 'name' fields, then   attempted to search via the 'code' field.
 HHT (V8) - Scanner Engine
 Scanner Engine was incorrectly stopping in set scenario (if user enters partial qty (doesn't fully deal with the record) and attempted an a search

Portal v2.1.3 Release Notes

Portal - Category Search

When searching in the category menu it was incorrectly returning menu items that where not available (Category not enabled via Magento flag or time settings).

Portal v2.1.2 Release Notes

FixPortal - Description
Description was not showing on full screen for product
FixPortal - Inactive Categories inactive categories based on time where incorrectly still being shown in the categories screens
FixPortal - Deleting Images 
Deleting Images was not working correctly
Fix Portal - Store Opening times 
Store opening times where not working correctly 
Fix Portal - Back arrow
The back arrow displayed on the UI was not visible on some backgrounds
(This change was hotfixed into this release and not present on the original release) 
Change Portal - Removal of Scan QR code 
The ability to turn the ScanQR code for table number feature on the UI has been added. This is hardcoded and can be set per site.
This change was hotfixed into this release and not present on the original release)

Portal v2.1.1 Release Notes

FixPortal - Scroll Issue
The add to card button was not scrolling into view correctly 
FixPortal - Modifiers not working correctly Modifiers where not working correctly
ChangePortal - Place order button placementThe place order button was moved to improve the clarity of the Ui
Fix Portal - Price Mods with Chargeable condimentsPrice Modifiers with chargeable condiments where not working correctly
(This change was hotfixed into this release and not present in the original release) 

v2.17.8943.16517 (DB Version 61) Release Notes

 Desktop Interface - PoS Status Screen
 Within the 'PoS Status Screen' the filter for 'Error/Warning' is now based on 'LastComsDate', 'LastSaleDate' and 'LastErrorDate'. 
 (Note: Previously based on 'LastComsDate' field only).
 Desktop Interface - HHT User Permissions
HHT User now have security permissions controlling access to the following screens
  1. Orders (HHT)
  2. Deliveries (HHT)
  3. Returns (HHT)     
  4. Wastages (HHT)   
  5. Stocktakes (HHT) 
  6. Transfers (HHT)   
  7. Product Enquiry screen (HHT) 
  8. Files (HHT)  
Note: These will default to 'True', for all current and new users. Matching the current functionality of users having access (Flags will need to be set to lock-down access as required)

Note: As the HHT only allows a single transaction of type movement (Orders, Deliveries, Returns, Wastages, Stocktakes, Transfers) to be active at any one time. If a user without permission to access the transaction type that is currently active. They would not be able to start any of the other transaction types (Even ones they have permission to access), until a user with permission to access the active transaction type had logged in and completed it.  This scenario would not have occurred previously as all users had permission to access all transaction types.

This feature must be considered operationally prior to upgrade to this version. 
 Desktop Interface - General Option - Cloud Wastages
 A new 'General option' has been added to the desktop controlling the methods available to the user in the cloud when setting reasons for wastage transactions. 

General Options > TCP Cloud only Stock Settings > Stock Wastage Reason: Don't Allow Free Text Entry
  1. Option False: Can choose between text and dropdown
  2. Option True: Dropdown Selection only (No free text entry)
 Desktop Interface - Sage Integration Removed
 The integration with 'Sage' has been removed from the installer, and the applet removed from desktop
 Desktop Interface - Upgrade from untested versions blocked
 When upgrading the database the system will now check the minimum upgrade version set in the main applications “settings” (app.config), and block upgrade from database versions prior to that. This is so upgrades from versions too old to correctly upgrade to the new version are blocked.
 Desktop Interface - Validation of Add To Print Queue (For HHT)
 When a HHT user adds a product to the desktop label queue, desktop now sends a message back to the HHT saying if this was successful. Allowing the HHT to inform the user of the outcome. 
 Desktop Interface - Support for GPoS 1.70
 Support added for GPoS version 1.70 (New PoS version available from 'Site Maintenance').
 Desktop Interface -Product(Add/Edit) - Ghosting Data
 During multiple edits, it was possible for the edit screen to display fields set as per a different product that had been edited previously rather than the actual setting for the current product from the database.
 Desktop Interface - External Directory/Catalogue 

  1.  When using the 'External Directory/Catalogue' Integration and adding a product line to a transaction, they user has the option to add a catalogue product as a new product or link to an existing one. If the product already existed in the local database the system was incorrectly offering to create a new local product rather then link to existing one, and in doing so could incorrectly create a product using the next available code instead.
  2. When using the External Directory / Catalogue Integration and Adding New Products on the fly using from Stock Transactions. The add/edit screen was operating slowly (Dependent on integration setup). 
 Desktop Interface - Delivery from order timeout
When adding a 'Delivery from order' the system could fail to get the data from the order (timeout) when dealing with large orders. 
 Desktop Interface - Automatic Ordering (Last 7 Days)
When using the 'Automatic ordering' features ('Based on sales' and 'Optimum') with the data range set as 'Last 7 Days', the system was not generating content for the order. 
 Desktop Interface - Delivery from order (Multiple Links)
 When linking deliveries to orders from multiple users it was possible to get the multiple deliveries linked to the same order.
(Note: In this scenario this is now blocked and the 2nd user is attempting the link is prompted at the point of save informing them that the Order is no longer available to link to.)
 Desktop Interface - Communications Screen (API Communications)

  1. When using the API communications (not Job Controller Communications)
    1. The communications wizard was showing incorrect updates (whilst previous updates where being processed).
    2. The 'Clear Updates' feature of the screen was not working (Only clearing updates for JC communications).
    3. The communications job wizard was incorrectly allowing the user to select 'PLU Prices', and 'Multibuy Details'. These should not be selectable individually was they are sent as part of other communications jobs (PLU Prices is sent with PLUs, and Multibuy details are sent with Multibuys).
 Desktop Interface - Delivery From Order (Costs)
 When using the 'Delivery from Order' feature with the system set to 'Use costs from the original order'. The system was updating the cost incorrectly if the user changed only the 'SKU' field and the transaction was committed without first being saved and reloaded. (Fix also issued as 2.16 Patch).
 Desktop Interface - Mixtures screen (lockup)
 The mixtures screen was appearing to lockup during use when dealing with a large amount of mixtures, sometimes requiring the user to restart the software.
 Desktop Interface - Prevent Cost Update (Batch Commit)
 When using the option to prevent cost prices being updated. The 'Batch Commit' option on returns (accessible via right-click context menu) was bypassing this feature. 
 Desktop Interface - Customer Accounts (Outstanding Balance Reports)
 The customer accounts - Outstanding balance reports were incorrectly including all outstanding balances rather then just the information relevant to the account. 
 Desktop Interface - Re-costing Delivery

  1. When re-costing a delivery transaction with the general option 'Allow user to update cost price' set 'False', a blank screen was being displayed to the user when committing the transaction.
  2. Was incorrectly displaying the 'Price Each' field as 0 (Only if general option 'Update costs on save' was set 'False'). 
 Desktop Interface - Communications (Receive Data) - Key Links
 When receiving data from the PoS the system could incorrectly overwrite existing key links (used to link things like discounts and payments at the PoS to records in the desktop for reporting). If a key link is already in place for the received element this will no longer be overwritten.
 Desktop Interface - Stock - Move Site Feature

  1. The move sites feature of the stock screens was still accessible to the user when it would not function (in single site system or multisite systems where the user doesn't have the required permissions). The feature will now be hidden on the UI in these scenarios.
  2. 'Move Site logs' where not displaying the 'Site Name'.
  3. 'Move Site logs' where not accessible for committed transactions.
  4. 'Move Site' of committed 'Delivery linked to Order', was incorrectly retaining the link between the transactions. Resulting in a delivery at one site being linked to an order at another. (Note: This scenario will now unset the link, resulting in the orders status being set back to 'Committed' rather then 'Delivery  Created' therefore making it accessible for selection to link another delivery).
  5. 'Move Site ' of 'Transfer' transaction where a product is not in a valid state at the receiving site, was not correctly updating the products lines at the receiving site. 
  6. Various Cosmetic Fixes
 Desktop Interface - DataTypes Max Values
 A datatype used by the 'Audit' feature was hitting its max value (On large databases). A different datatype has now been used to resolve this.
 Desktop Interface - Product Deletion (Warehouse Scenario)
 When using the system with some sites setup as 'Warehouse' sites (Sites without PoS that are still used for stock transactions such as 'Deliveries' and 'Transfers' etc). The system was incorrectly handling product deletion.
With updates being generated for that site (Which would then remain as pending jobs due to no PoS existing to communicate with).

(Note: In this scenario the system will now check if a site has PoS and if not will mark any products that would normally be set to 'Pending delete' as 'Deleted' rather then creating the update jobs for that site).
 Desktop Interface - HHT Send
 When doing a send to HHT, if the system didn't have correct permission to access the folder used for this. The system was displaying a misleading and incorrect dialog ("Please select some products"). In this scenario a new dialog makes the user aware of the permissions issue. 
 Desktop Interface - Orders (Buyers View)

  1. If a site move had failed - The incorrect site could have been shown against a transaction (Until screen refreshed).
  2. Resetting the layout when records were loading could have caused records not to load correctly.
  3. Add to 'Label Queue' (Via right-click context menu) was not working (Note: Was still available and functional from within a transaction).
  4. Refreshing the screen whilst the 'column chooser' was displayed could have resulted in the button used to show/hide this feature being in an incorrect state.
  5. Reloading the grid could have resulted in an erroneous error being displayed in event viewer. (Note: The error has no effect on the system, just appeared in the event viewer)
  6. Changing between 'Buyers View' and 'Standard View' between starting and saving a transaction could have caused the system to crash
  7. Various Cosmetic fixes 
 Desktop Interface - Product Maintenance (Last User ID)
 Sale transaction from the PoS was incorrectly resulting in the 'Last User' field against the product being set to '-1'. This will now correctly still show the last user to edit and save the product. 
 Desktop Interface - HHT Send (Site Groups)
 Send of products to HHT was not taking 'Site Grouping' into account
 (Note: Now this feature takes both site syncing and syncing of products between site groups into account). 
 Desktop Interface - Stock Transactions (More Information)
 'Add from Template' was not correctly updating the 'User' field here for the 'Created' records.
Desktop Interface - Product Maintenance (Batch Edit) 
 Batch editing and setting 'Stock Min' and 'Stock Max' fields could incorrectly update the 'Temperature' field. 
Desktop Interface - Initial Load Speed 
 The system was slow to load initially (This has been improved)
Desktop Interface - Goods In/Out Dirty Read (SQL)
Some stock operations where utilising a dirty read on the database which could then cause the stock levels to look incorrect. The way this data is read from the database has been improved to resolve this. 
Desktop Interface - Communications (Current Costs)
 When sending data to the PoS the incorrect 'Current Cost' could be sent (In set scenario)
Desktop Interface - Product Maintenance (Current Stock)
 'Batch Edits' taking place at the same time as 'Stock transactions' or 'Posting of product sale' acting upon the same product could result in the products 'Current stock level' being set incorrectly.
Desktop Interface - FTP Communications
 'FTP Communications' was not correctly handling some transaction types from the PoS ('Sale Refusal', 'PoS Startup', 'PoS Shutdown'). It will now recognise these types and process them correctly. 
Desktop Interface - Stock Period (Duplication) Fix Rollback
 The 'PLU Stock Periods Table' could get duplicate records (In rare scenario). A fix for this is though to be causing a slowdown in operation so has been removed.
Desktop Interface - Journal Analysis (Payment Key filtering)
 Filtering to a 'Payment key' within the 'Journal Analysis' feature was not working correctly. 
Desktop Interface - Stock Transactions (Validation)
 The product validation that takes place when saving stock transactions was not correctly catching products which have been set as 'None-stockable' after being added to the transaction. 
Desktop Interface - Stock transactions (Batch Commit)
 Batch Commit could fail to block transactions where the supplier is invalid (For example: set to be not active), and could incorrectly use the last valid supplier from the transaction committed before.
(Note: Would only occur if the supplier had been set as inactive since the transaction was last saved, the transaction is part of a batch and is not the first transaction in the batch). 
Desktop Interface - URLs (Updates)
 Add/Edit of 'URLs' was generating unrequired updates.
Desktop Interface - Stock Transactions (None-Stockable Product)
Stock transactions and stock templates prompt the user on attempt to add a 'None-stockable' product with the option to automatically make the product 'Stockable'. This should set the product as 'Stockable' within the product database, and add it to the transaction. But was not adding the product to the transaction.
Desktop Interface - Deliveries Screen (Slowdown)
 Following an upgrade from a previous version the 'Deliveries' screen was running slower. This has been improved via a SQLIndex which is now auto applied to new databases, and also existing databases at the point of database upgrade. 
Desktop Interface - Stock Templates 
 Deleting a 'Stock template' could cause a 'Stock transaction' to be deleted (If that template was created from that transaction in set scenario)
Desktop Interface - Move Site Logs
 The Logs for the 'Move Site' feature of the stock transactions screen did not make it clear to the user if the move took place or not (When using the option to 'Halt on error'). The clarity has been increased here.
Desktop Interface - Site Maintenance (Auto create layout)
 When adding sites, the system prompts the user with option to auto-create a 'Touch screen layout'. Which also creates some place holder records required for this. This could create duplicate clerks  (In set scenarios). 
Desktop Interface - Stock Transactions (Add Range)
 When adding products to a stock transaction using the 'Add range' feature. The feature could incorrectly add all products rather than the filtered selection. (Note: Only if the user selected via double-click of the product text rather than the check-box when making a filtered selection).  
Desktop Interface - Product Search

  1.  When using the 'Product search' feature (For example: to add a product to a stock transaction or select a product for linking etc). A user clicking 'Cancel' on the search screen was resulting in no records being displayed. (Note: This feature will now display all available products (The unfiltered product list) when the user selects 'Cancel' on the search screen, as the search screen filters down that list so in cancelling they are choosing to cancel the filtering of this).
  2. Various Cosmetic Fixes 
Desktop Interface - Stock (Add From Template)
 When adding a stock transaction from a template the product costs were not displayed within the transaction until it had been saved and reloaded. 
Desktop Interface - Product Maintenance (Filter: All Zero Price Products)
 The Product Filter 'All Zero Prices Products' was not working.
Desktop Interface - Journal Analysis
 Within the Journal Analysis screen the 'Electronic Journal' displayed looked incorrect if the transaction had included a multibuy which had then been error corrected. 
Desktop Interface - Receive Data (Group2)
 Receiving 'Group2's' from the PoS where the 'Course ID' was set to '0' was being setting the course as 'Starter'. (Note: The default has changed so any not set will default to 'Main'). 
Desktop Interface - Xero Integration
 The web job that runs as part of the 'Xero accounts' integration was not logging if it didn't have the permission set to be able to view accounts. (Note: This now logs errors for this and other scenarios).
Desktop Interface - Dynamic Data Suite

  1. When importing 'Dynamic Data Suites', from some pervious versions of the software the system was not putting this within a 'Dynamic Data Suite Group', and so not displaying them to the user.
  2. The 'Maintain Fields Wizard' (used to setup a DDS) was not displaying the settings selected on the 'Summary Screen' displayed at the end of the wizard.
Desktop Interface - Update service
 The 'Update service' updating values for use on cloud reports was not working correctly regarding 'Profit %' and 'Rounding of values'.
Desktop Interface - Discounts 
 When adding and editing discounts the 'Name' field was not being treated as mandatory. Which could result in a blank keys for discounts and promotions (as they are auto-created from the 'Discount Name'). Which could lead to discrepancies on reports.
Desktop Interface - HHT Import Costs
 When dealing with multiple HHT deliveries linked to orders with the option 'Import Costs From order' set to 'Ask To Import', the question dialog didn't make it clear to the user which transaction the question related to.  
Desktop Interface - Stock Transactions 
 When entering a code that matches multiple product records (such as a 'Product Reference Code' that matches many products), the dropdown displayed for the user to select the required record from was not able to handle a large amount of records.
Desktop Interface - Clerks (Batch Edit)
 Batch edit of 'Clerks' was incorrectly offering some fields for edit which are constrained to be unique so should only be available on individual edits ('IButton', 'Barcode', 'MCR', 'FingerData').
Cloud Interface - New UI
 A new Ui has been implemented
  1. The additional options other then the base 'Add', 'Edit', 'Delete' functions have been moved under a dropdown menu.
  2. The 'Product info' section displayed when adding products to stock transactions has been increased in size (Making more info visible to the user without scrolling).
  3. When columns are to small to display their header text in full they now word-wrap the text.
  4. The buttons used have been improved, the ordering improved and made consistent across screens.
  5. Minimum column-widths set for fields.
  6. Multiple screens resized to display more information to the user without scrolling.
Cloud Interface -  Customer Record 

  1. The working of the batch assigning of 'Vouchers', and 'Rewards' from the 'Identifiers' and 'Customers' screens has been made more efficient.
  2. The logging of batch operations has been made more efficient.
  3. The linking between transactions from the 'Pre-order/Portal' integration and the 'Customer record' has been improved allowing more details to be shown against the customer for transaction from the integration.
  4. The warnings displayed to the user when setting up 'Vouchers' and 'Rewards' have been improved. These prompt the user if they have missed out something required during setup (For example: A discount without values, etc).
Cloud Interface -  Move Stock Transactions Feature
 A feature for viewing the logs for this feature has been implemented.
Cloud Interface -  Cloud Services

  1.  A cloud service has been implemented which handles the anonymisation of customer records following deletion (Note: This task was previously handled via the 'Update Service').
  2. A hangfire task has been created to manage the updating of the 'Sales to Date' fields (NoteThis task was previously handled via the 'Update Service').
  3. A 'Cloud Maintenance Tasks' screen has been created, allowing different tasks to be enabled/disabled (Similar to the 'Reconfigure Computer' wizard in desktop). (Note: Activating a feature in cloud will turn-off the feature in desktop (Although this will not automatically stop any services from running that were previously used for this task. This should be handled manually)).

Cloud Interface -  Sales to Date Maintenance 
 A screen has been implemented to maintain the 'Sales to Date' maintenance settings (Used to control how frequently the fields showing sales values across date ranges are updated). 
Cloud Interface - Method to Process Clerk Deletions 
 A method has been added to the 'Clerks' screen to process clerk deletions.
Cloud Interface - Product Maintenance - Stock Levels Feature
 A 'Stock Levels' feature has been added to the 'Product Maintenance' screen, allowing the user to check the stock levels across multiple sites.
(Note: This will only include product synchronised sites to which the user has permissions access).
Cloud Interface - Promotions Feature
 A 'Promotions' feature has been added allowing you to edit or delete promotions. 
 (NotePromotions are used by elements such as 'Discounts', etc. Allowing multiple discounts to be linked to a single promotion and a report to be run against that promotion).  
Cloud Interface - Stock Logs feature 
 A feature has been added to the main stock screens to show the stock logs.
(Note: For most stock transaction types this only shows who created and modified the transaction, whereas the stocktake logs include additional details).  
Cloud Interface - product Deletion Routine (Support for Warehouse Scenario)
 Support for the 'Warehouse scenario' (Where site(s) are used within the software for stock transactions such as 'Deliveries' and 'Transfers', but no PoS exist for that site). The system now supports this scenario with regard to product deletions. On deleting a products, the system now checks if synchronised sites have PoS or not.
  1. At the sites with PoS the product will be set to pending deletion with updates generated for those PoS,
  2. At the sites without PoS the product will be set to 'Deleted'.
Cloud Interface - Stock Restrictions Feature
 'Stock Restrictions' features have been implemented in cloud:
  1. Activated via the general option in desktop (Note: Options will be cloud based in a future version).
  2. Newly added products are currently defaulted to 'Restricted'
  3. When changing the target site or direction of a transfer the system will auto-remove products which are restricted at the receiving site).
  4. When transaction are imported the system will check for restricted items and remove them. 
  5. When stock transactions are processed from the PoS, the system will check for restricted items and remove them.
  6. Set stock transaction types will block restricted items from being added to transaction and check for them at the point of commit (Orders, Deliveries, Transfers In ONLY).
  7. Stock Restrictions can be imported via the Importing screen.
 (Note: The default of 'Restricted' when products are added and also the auto-removal restricted products in set scenarios is due to change in future version (2.18).
Cloud Interface - GPoS SCO Screen Items  
 Multiple changes to the look and working of the screen. 
Cloud Interface - GPoS Repository Support 
 Support for the new 'Receipt Repository' features (GPoS 1.70) allowing transactions to be searched for and refunded from any PoS (Previously original sale PoS only).
 New Entry in Web.Config
  1. GPoS Entities -Need to point to a database to hold the repository of transactions (Either the same database as TCP or standalone database dependent on config. (Note: This setup is recommended for large repos with high retention).
Cloud Interface - Condiment Groups 
  1. 'Batch Delete' function added.
  2. 'Display Order' changed.
Cloud Interface - PoS Groups (Delete) 
 Ability to delete 'PoS groups' has been added (Note: If elements are linked to the group the user will be warned but allowed to continue).
Cloud Interface - Logging
 Logging of changes to the status of stock transaction (Uncommitted, committed, etc) has been improved.
Cloud Interface - Import Review Screen
 A review screen has been added to the 'Data Import' feature. Following an import the review screen will show the following operations with traffic light colouring.
  1. Warning
  2. Error
  3. Success
  4. Revive (Where the system has revived deleted products as part of the import) 
Cloud Interface - Security 
 Various security improvements.
Cloud Interface - Deliveries (Update selling Price)   
 The screen displayed when updating selling prices from 'Deliveries' now has an 'Excel Export' feature. 
Cloud Interface - Wastages (Wastage Explanations)
 The 'Wastage Explanations' field can now be locked down to dropdown-selection only, rather than allowing both dropdown-selection and free-text entry (Note: Controlled by Desktop General Option). 
Cloud Interface - Stock (Add to Label Queue) 
 Products can now be added to label queues directly from the stock transaction screens rather then having to add via the product maintenance screen.   This includes the ability to:
  1. Select a full transaction, or multiple transactions from the main stock screens.
  2. Select all products or just selected products from within a stock transaction.    
  3. Use quantities from the he stock transaction (Per single unit or SKU) or quantities defined at the time by the user.
  4. Choose from adding to quantities for the products if they already exist on the label queue or replace them with the new value.
Cloud Interface - Auto Ordering 
 Automatic Ordering has been added to the cloud allowing orders to be auto-generated.
  1. Auto Ordering (Optimum)
  2. Auto Ordering (Based On Sales)
  3. Auto Ordering (Min To Max)  
Cloud Interface - PLU Already exists feature
 When adding products and entering a product code, the system checks if products exists already with that code. This has been improved to make it clear to the user which site this code exists at, and its current status ('Normal', 'Pending Delete', 'Deleted', etc). 
Cloud Interface - Stock (Move Site) 
 The ability to move stock transactions to other sites has been added, along with a log showing any move operations. (Note: Feature will only be available on systems with more then one site where there are are other sites syncing products to which a stock transaction can be transferred).
 Cloud Interface - Background thread / Refresh 
 When a operation uses a background thread (Such as merging of stock transaction, which does the work in the background so as not to halt the user).   If the screen refreshes before the operation is complete a message is now displayed to the user warning that the system is busy and when completed prompts the user to refresh.
Cloud Interface - Customer Record 

  1. The calculation for 'Loyalty Points' when discounts are used was inconsistent between transactions at the PoS and Pre-Order/Portal.
  2. When vouchers transactions are error correct at the PoS the API reverses the voucher transaction (This was not always dealing with all the products involved).
  3. The way voucher discounts are broken down per product line within the 'GPoS Transactons' screen of the customer record were not correct. (In some scenarios). 
  4. The ways voucher discounts are displayed within the 'GPoS Transactions' screen of the 'Customer Record' has been improved. With the value displayed for each product line by
    1. 'Item Discounts from Voucher (Total)'
    2. 'Basket Discounts from Voucher (Total)'
  5. Vouchers were not correctly handling quantity multipliers (In some scenarios).
  6. Vouchers calculations were not correctly handling voids (In some scenarios).
  7. The help text describing how different vouchers take effect was not correct.
  8. A timeout issue could cause the vouchers screen to display a blank screen.
  9. Loyalty Statistics and GDPR Info screens were not correctly handling voucher reversal.
  10. When deleting vouchers the fact that this will delete associated voucher transaction was not made clear to the user (Note: This user is now prompted in this scenario).
  11. Voucher, Rewards, and Loyalty Transactions from Pre-order/Portal were not included. (Note: This have been added).
  12. Allowed the use of none unique email addresses (Note: This is now constrained to be unique).
  13. When processing transactions from the Pre-Order/Portal, the calculation of points earned was not working correctly if the transaction was partly paid for via points redemption and the scheme was not set to 'Allow points on redemptions'.
  14. The system was allowing the user to issue rewards, and vouchers, and link identifiers to customers of status 'deleted/anonymised'. This has been blocked in case the user did this in error.     
Cloud Interface - API Communications 

  1. Sending a large amount of Product Updates (300,000) was taking too long to prepare the updates for send (This has been optimised).
  2. 'Payment Keys' (With 'Key Ref' field not set) were not communicated correctly, which could cause the PoS to crash.
  3. Send of 'Price Levels' (When less then 7 are set to go to a PoS via the 'PoSGroups' feature). Resulted in less than 7 levels at the PoS (Note: This caused a issue at the PoS due to requiring a minimum of 7 levels. In this scenario the first 7 levels will now be sent as a minimum). 
Cloud Interface - API Sales  

  1. API Sales Posting was incorrectly handling 'Mixture Ingredients'.
  2. API Sales Posting was incorrectly handling Set Menus with Surcharges.
  3. Posting of transactions containing 'Refunds' and 'Corrections' were not working correctly in some scenarios and causing incorrect values on reports.
  4. The electronic journal entries shown in Journal Analysis, have been improved for various transaction types.  
Cloud Interface - API 
 When a product is registered at the PoS which doesn't exist in the PoS database, the product can be looked up via the API and added to the PoS. This was not always working correctly. 
Cloud Interface - Pre-Order / Portal 
  1. The cleanup routine was not correctly handling discounts lines and old orders.
  2. The 'ExternalOrdersCleanUpDays' value within web.config was not set correctly and could lead to some orders not working correctly.  
Cloud Interface - Icons characters 
  Icons could display incorrectly (Displaying as characters) due to a CSS issue.
Cloud Interface - Add / edit (# symbol)  
 The system was not correctly handling the '#' symbol in various elements and was causing AJAX errors on adds/edits and for batch edits to not work correctly.
Cloud Interface -  Product add/edit -Blank Description
  When adding/editing a product, setting a blank 'Description' was not being handled correctly, and could cause desktop to crash if the record was then accessed there.
Cloud Interface - Clerks next free code
 When adding clerks the system was not correctly handling the offering of the 'Next Free Code' available.
Cloud Interface - Stock - Transfers 
 Stock transfers were allowing a transaction to commit if it didn't have a valid target site. (Will now fail validation on commit and display a warning to the user).
Cloud Interface - Stock -Temperature Restrictions
 Stock Transactions can be restricted to only permit products of a set Temperature (Chilled, Ambient, Frozen, etc). This was not correctly handling all of the various methods of adding a product to a transaction.
Cloud Interface - Stock - linked Products
 Adding a main product (Via searching for a linked product) and when prompted selecting to add its main product instead was not working correctly. (Not setting 'Checked' field and discarding quantity).
Cloud Interface - Group Add
 When adding a new 'Group' from within the 'Major Groups' screen, the system was not correctly setting the 'Major Group' field for the new group.
 (Note: This will now correctly set the Major group field for the new group to match the 'Major Group' the user is adding the 'Group' within, Unless the user does add from template here in which case the 'Group' setting from the template will be used instead).
Cloud Interface - Permissions
 The permission screen could incorrectly limit the options available for selection to those already explicitly set.
Cloud Interface - Stock Screens 
 Stock transactions were incorrectly handling the same product being on a transaction multiple times.
Cloud Interface - Date Range Selectors
 'Date Range Selectors' across various screens were not working correctly when set to some dates, and were implemented inconsistently (Short date / Long date).
Cloud Interface - Stock Screens (Timeout)
 Stock screens where throwing a out of memory crash when accessed for large data.
Cloud Interface - Stock (Date Modified)
 'Date Modified' Fields where not being correctly updated in some scenarios.
Cloud Interface - Discount (Batch Edit)
 Product Flags where not working correctly.
Cloud Interface - Groups (Nested Product Screen)
 The nested 'Product screen' displayed within the 'Groups' screen was incorrectly handling 'Batch edit' (Effecting products outside the group selected).
Cloud Interface - Stock Transactions -None-Stockable Products/Mixture Products 

  1. Products which have been set 'None-Stockable' since they were added to the transaction where not being highlighted to the user or caught on commit attempt. This will now be highlighted red and the commit validation will catch these.
  2. Products which have been set as 'Mixture' after being added to a transaction that doesn't permit mixtures, where not being caught by the validation on commit attempt
Cloud Interface - Stock Templates
 Creating a stock template from a committed transaction, was resulting in the template that was not able to be deleted.
Cloud Interface - Stock (Linked Products)
 When attempting to add a product to the grid which linked to a main product. The system prompts the user with the option to add the main product instead. This feature was only handling the first linked product when adding multiple. The system now prompts the user for each linked product.
Cloud Interface - Stock Imports
 Importing 'Transfers' with a target site set was not correctly setting the site at one side of the transfer. 
Cloud Interface - Permissions
 Some permissions where not working correctly or missing. 
Cloud Interface - Default Group 
 The feature to set a 'Default group' to be used when products unknown to the back office are processed Such as Transactions from HHT or GPoS. Was not being used for newly added product from 'Import'. This is now included in the feature.    
Cloud Interface - Imports
 Some import types were not generating updates as required. This has been resolved. (Note: In the case of group2’s ECR Updates are only generated when updating 'Group2s', because new records are not linked to any 'PoS groups', so have no PoS associated with them.)
Cloud Interface - Logging

  1. The commit options were not logged. The details of the options selected at commit are now logged. 
  2. Clearing the log file was not logged (This has been added for security)
Cloud Interface - Product Maintenance

  1. 'Add Using Current' - was not working correctly when setting the 'Major Group' dropdown (It was not filtering the 'Group' field)
  2. 'Batch Edit' didn't allow the delete of 'Picture' (Note: This will now show the picture from the first record with a picture and allow the pictures to be removed from all in the batch).
Cloud Interface - Grid Filters 
 When using the filters on screen to filter data in the grids. Using the 'Start with' operator was not working. 
Cloud Interface - Mixtures 
 Mixture batch edit was not working correctly for the 'Set selling Price Feature'  (Note: This has been resolved via the removal of the batch edit option mixture as it is not required.)
Cloud Interface - Syncing
 'Product' add, was failing in set synchronisation setups (When 'Products' where set to sync but set PLU elements where set to not sync) 
Cloud Interface - Suppler References  (Delete)
 When deleting a 'Supplier' the system removes any 'Supplier References' against products for that supplier. The user was not warned of this. 
 HHT (V7) - Security Permissions
 HHT User now have security permissions controlling access to the following screens
  1. Orders (HHT)
  2. Deliveries (HHT)
  3. Returns (HHT)     
  4. Wastages (HHT)   
  5. Stocktakes (HHT) 
  6. Transfers (HHT)   
  7. Product Enquiry screen (HHT) 
  8. Files (HHT)  
NoteThese will default to 'True', for all users current and new users. Matching the current functionality of users having access (Flags will need to be set to lock down access as required)

NoteAs the HHT only allows a single transaction of type movement (Orders, Deliveries, Returns, Wastages, Stocktakes, Transfers) to be active at any one time. If a user without permission to access the transaction type that is currently active. They would not be able to start any of the other transaction types (Even ones they have permission to access), until a user with permission to access the active transaction type had logged in and completed it.
-This scenario would not have occurred previously as all users had permission to access all transaction types.

This feature must be considered operationally prior to upgrade to this version. 
 HHT (V7) - HHT Multibuy View (Product info) The 'Product info' (Live lookup) feature has a screen displaying 'Multibuys' contains the product (That are considered to be active) this screen will now list the multibuys 'Expiry Date' (Note: For multibuys which have a active 'Date range' set this will be the end date).  
 HHT (V7) - print Queue (Validation)
 When adding product to the TCP 'Label Queue' the HHT will now inform the user if this was successful or not.
 HHT (V7) - Scanner Engine
 Scanner Engine was being suspended on accessing the review screen (Previously included in a V6 hotfix)
 HHT - Deliveries (Network)
 Starting a 'Delivery' transaction (Standalone) was incorrectly requiring network connection. This should only be required for starting a 'Deliveries (Linked to Order)' as the network is used to present a list of 'Orders' for selection. 
 HHT - Review Screens (Suppliers and References)
 The main and review screens show the 'Supplier Name' and 'Supplier Reference Code' (When set).
  1. For Transactions which include a supplier (Order, Deliveries, Returns) this is the: TransactionSupplier & TransactionSupplier ReferenceCode.
  2. For Transactions which do not include a supplier (Wastages, Stocktakes) this is the: ProductsDefaultSupplier & ProductsDefaultSupplier ReferenceCode.
The Label for the field on screen for both scenarios was 'Def Supplier' which was misleading. 

The Labels 'Def Supp' and 'Tran Supp' are now used for clarity. 
 HHT - Add Missing Product & LabelQ Fields (Decimal Points) 
 When adding a new product or adding to 'Label Queue' with a price, the decimal point was not accessible on the keyboard (On windows devices). This could be worked around previously via the on screen keyboard but the '#' key on the keyboard has now been made to act as a '.' as default. 
 HHT - Downloading Files (When not supplier Refs found)
 When required files are not found on load the system auto gets new files. This was incorrectly getting new files if no supplier references were found. As supplier references are optional this was incorrect.
 HHT - On Screen Keyboard
 The on-screen keyboard was not being displayed for all input fields (on double tab). 
 HHT - Data To Send Dialog 
 If a user logs in with transactions that are not complete, or complete but awaiting send to back office. The system prompts the user. If a user has exited the transaction to main menu, then returned and on entry selected to end the current transaction the 'Date/Time' shown against the transaction on the 'Send Files' screen was not updated and therefore the dialog on login was not informing the user of the completed transaction. 
 HHT - Auto Correct (Crash)
On devices with spellchecking enabled (Line displayed under words that failed spell check), touching the text could crash the app. As standard devices will now ship with this feature disabled. (a QR code to scan to disable this on current devices is available).

v2.16.8853.26360 (DB Version 60) Release Notes

Desktop Interface - 
Edit product overwrites current stock level (Edge Case)

In an extreme edge case a product edit could overwrite the current stock level against a product with an incorrect value.
This could only occur if a stock transaction was dealing with updating the stock value against the product at the exact instant the product save was accessing the same value, and even then would only rarely result in an incorrect stock value. The way the save take place has been altered to negate this scenario and additional logging around this area added. 
FixDesktop Interface - Goods In/Out Datebase Read Issue
When reading some values from the database some operations where using an incorrect read type. Which could result in issues if batch operations where occurring at the same time as some stock transactions. Whilst value used in these cases would still have been correct, they could appear incorrect cosmetically to the user. This has been resolved.
Desktop Interface - Stock More Info Feature (Not working correctly with older HHT Versions)
The more information feature available from the context menu of the stock screens was not correctly handling the user information from older HHT versions
Note: This fix was previously available as a patch for 2.16 
Desktop Interface - Delivery From Order Cost Price used incorrect (In set scenario) 
In a set edge case the cost price being used on a delivery linked to an order was incorrect. This would only occur if the user edited the delivery, changed only the SKU (Pack Size) used, without altering any quantities and then directly committed the transaction without saving first. In this scenario the correct value is now used. 
Note: This fix was previously available as a patch for 2.16 
Desktop Interface - Supplier References not being set for imported transactions
When transaction where imported and the supplier references feature was in use, the references where not being set correctly against the products
Note: This fix was previously available as a patch for 2.16 
Desktop Interface - Orders applet - Theming 
The orders applet was not being themed correctly (Row colouring etc) when accessed in set scenarios 
Note: This fix was previously available as a patch for 2.16 
Desktop Interface - Orders Screen Buyers View SQL
The SQL used by this screen has been made more efficient
Note: This fix was previously available as a patch for 2.16 
ChangeDesktop Interface - Product Edit - Checks if product edits are all  ready underway by the current user and blocks further edits.An improvement has been made to the way the edits work when other edits are underway by the same user.
When opening product(s) for single or batch edit the system will now check if these products are part of pending edits and if so prompt the user and then auto remove them from the selection to be deal with by the edit/batch edit screens.
Note: This doesn't effect edits at different sites or across different users.
Note: This fix was previously available as a patch for 2.16 
Desktop Interface - Additional Logging (Delivery from Order) Additional Logging has been added for the scenario of Deliveries Linked to Orders as the line costs that are used by the delivery.
This covers
  1. Linking of Deliveries to orders via dedicated 'Delivery from order' feature.
  2. 'Standalone Deliveries' which are then linked to Orders via the 'Linked To' field
  3. Collecting Deliveries from HHT device which where pre-linked to order on the Device.
  4. Linking of Standalone Deliveries from HHT device to Orders via the 'Linked to' field after collection from the device
This also covers 
  1. Adding products to deliveries which are linked to orders (From both the standard deliveries screen and the HHT screens)
  2. Unlinking of Deliveries which are linked to Order via setting the 'Linked to' field to None (From both the standard deliveries screen and the HHT screens)
Note: An additional patch is available and should be applied to this version for this logging enhancement to deliver the full list of logging above.   

v2.16.8650.20330 (DB Version 60) and HHT V6 Release Notes

Installer - Default
Setup Type
The installer now defaults to Client Install (Previously defaulted to Server)
Desktop - Layout
Designer - Visual
Layout Designer - now has windows visual themes enabled.
Note: This will result in buttons of Type Standard displaying a white border.
 Desktop -
 Condiment Group

Condiment Groups can be set to sync (in a similar manor to Macros and Multibuys).

For new databases only the general option to enable the feature is required, but an additional setup stage is
required when setting up existing dbs, allowing the user to select a site upon which to bases the multibuys.

New General Option: General Options > Defaults > Auto Sync Condiment Groups
New Setup Feature: Maintenance > Maintain > Synchronise Condiment Groups

When adding a new sites the condiment groups now sync round as other similar elements such as multibuys
and set menu do.
 Desktop - Stock

 A new Stock Restrictions feature has been added

 When enabled a new restricted field is added to products (Default: Restricted), which halts users from adding
 the product to Orders, Deliveries or transfers (in).

 The main grid of the product maintenance screen now includes a new field allowing the user to filter by
 Restricted status

 The restricted field is site specific and doesn't sync to other sites.

 The field can be altered via Edit, Batch Edit or Product Import

 Note: Any product that are added to transaction prior to being set as restricted will be removed on save
 attempt, and any products coming in from the HHT containing restricted products would have those
 products removed and the logged.

 (New Option General Options > General Stock > Enable Stock Restrictions (Default: False))

 Note: When enabled the Default Value for the restricted field is 'Restricted', you would need to set this to
 Not Restricted for any products you required to permit for Orders, Deliveries, and Transfers(In).
 Desktop - Merge

Merging of Deliveries linked to Orders previously discarded the links to the original orders. The logic has
been changed so that the link will be retained when a single link is in place and merging halted when multiple
links are in place.

  1. If more than one UNCOMMITTED delivery is linked to an order the user will be blocked from merging
  2. If NO deliveries are linked to orders then merge as previous.
  3. If ONE UNCOMMITTED delivery is linked to an order, unlink the original delivery and link the new delivery to the same order.

Note: If a delivery is already committed, it cannot be changed, in this case the new delivery will be an un-
ordered delivery. In all circumstances the qty on order for any PLU will not be updated by the merge process.
 Desktop - Purchase
 Order Matrix
 (Buyers View)

 A new Purchase Order Matrix feature has been added to the Orders screens.

 When enabled this adds a new Buyers View mode to the order screen (Showing transactions information at
 at a group level for all sites to which the user has access).

 In buyers view the user can filter transaction by Major Group and Group, and will have access to new
 dropdown which can be used to select a site for adding new transactions without having to leave buyers

 Order Add/Edit screens now have an additional 'Sales Figures' Tab, showing sales data for some predefined
 ranges as well as providing the ability to specify a custom range. This tab also shows 'Last Delivery' value and
 Desktop - Order
 Status - Dedicated

  1. All transactions
  2. None Committed Transactions
  3. Committed Transactions (Committed, Cancelled, Delivery Created, Locked)
 Desktop - HHT
 barcode logon
 (Support for HHT

 TCP now allows the linking of HHT users (Defined via Users applet) to Clerk Records (Defined via clerk
 applet) allowing the user to logon to the HHT devices by scanning a barcode matching the value of the
 Barcode field against the clerk.

 Note: This feature requires HHT V6
 Restriction: Requires Clerks to be fully insync
 Desktop Enhanced
 Transaction Info
 The 'Transaction Info' feature, accessible from the right-click context menu on stock transaction screens.
 has been enhanced to include individual entries for the creation and then each modification of a transaction
 along with the user and date/time. Previously only the last users action was logged.

 Note: This also support a new feature of the HHT that passed info on transaction creation and modification
 to TCP at the point transaction are received.

 Note: When dealing with transactions that existed prior to the this feature (Upgraded transactions from Pre
 2.16 the system doesn't know who created the transaction so it show the user that last modified the
 transaction as the created user).
 Desktop -Group
 Discount Flags
 Group Discount Flags now sync via the Group sync setting. (Previously these where site-spercific)
 Desktop - Add site
 no requiring a
 receive of data to
 build PoS specifics
 Previously after adding a new site a receive in was required to build some PoS specifics. This is no longer
 Cloud - Condiment
 Group Sync

 Condiment Groups can be set to sync (in a similar manor to Macros and Multibuys).
 For new databases only the general option to enable the feature is required, but an additional setup stage is
 required when setting up existing dbs, allowing the user to select a site upon which to bases the multibuys.
 Cloud - Stock
 Restrictions (PLU
 Maintenance Only)
 The Stock Restricted field has been added to Add/Edit screens of product maintenance.

 Note: Stock Restrictions are not implemented within stock or import as per desktop. This will be coming in a
 future version.
 Cloud - Delivery
 from order (When
 cost prices
 Delivery from order - Improvement to handling of cost prices (When cost price changed).
 Note: This feature uses the same logics as this feature in desktop, where it uses general options settings to
 determine if to use the original cost, the new cost or to ask the user the question.
 Desktop - Stock -
 Move Site Feature -
 Deliverys from
The Stock 'Move Site' feature was not correctly handling Deliveries linked to Orders. The Delivery
 transaction was being moved to the new site without the link to the order being dealt with. This will now
 break the link between the transactions and log this on the move log. Note: If the order status was at
 'Delivery Created' it will be reverted back to "Committed".
 Desktop - Pos
 Group Deletion
PoS Group deletion was failing if the user tried to delete a PoS Group which had no elements linked to it.
 As part of this fix a confirmation dialog was also added allowing the user to confirm that they wish to delete
 the PoS Group even though links exist.
 Desktop - PLU
 Batch Edit - Prices
 Batch edit of products was incorrectly updating the price when not required.
 Desktop - Install
 Shield: Install error
 on Font UPCA.ttf
 When upgrading from a previous TCP and running the software without restart (it does not ask to restart), it
 was incorrectly re-install again and adding and error in the event log.
 Cloud - Option for
 voucher to auto
 redeem against the
 most expensive item
The voucher definition add/edit has been updated to allow specifying if you want it to to be 'Favour most

 This will only be displayed for:

 Redemption Method is set to 'Manual Redemption' were Voucher Type is either 'Selected Product(s)
 Discount' or 'Selected Product(s) with new Price'.

 2.16 replaces the config option, "VoucherRedemptionAgainstMostExpensive" with a 'Favour most expensive'
 setting against the voucher definitions.

 Note: Existing voucher definitions would not be auto-set according to the config setting and would default   to 'Favour most expensive' = False. This means that when upgrading any customers that use the config   options set 'True', you need to manually update any vouchers of type 'Selected Product(s)' or 'Selected     Product(s) with New Price' with redemption type 'Manual' to have the setting 'Favour most expensive' =  'True'
 Cloud - Search
 Results - Please
 Wait Dialog
 Search Results screen now shows a 'Please wait" dialog whilst results are loading (Previously shows blank
 results screen whilst searching)
 Cloud - Merge
 Operations -
 Logging has been added for Merge function, available across various stock screens
 Cloud - Stock
 Transactions: Total
 for value column
New Total Value displayed on Stock Transactions Add/Edit screen so the user knows the total value of a
 transaction when adding items or editing the transaction. This can be used as a sanity check on the
 Cloud - Permissions
 (Incorrect or

 Some permissions were found to be missing, or incorrect. These have been resolved.

  1. 'Batch Edit SKU' was requiring 'Group Edit Permission'
  2. other misc permissions
 Cloud - POS
 Specifics - Batch
 Edit breaking

 POS Specifics: Batch edit was breaking key links (Corrections, Discounts, Paid Out / Received On
 Account, Price Levels)
 Note: This was only effecting the last items in the batch.
 Cloud - Tax - Edit
 Via Toolbar and Add
 Tax - Edit (via toolbar button) was not working, along with Add.
 Cloud - Stock - Add
 Product - Price
 When adding products to Stock Transactions, the 'Price Each' column was not being set correctly
 Cloud - Voucher
 Tags - Add using
 Voucher Tags - Add using existing tag, was not working correctly and editing the source rather then the
 destination record.
 Cloud - Order
 Screen - AJAX
 Stock Orders Screen was crashing on entry if the user had not been into the general options in desktop prior
 to accessing this.
 Cloud - Stock
 Transaction - User
 Stock Transactions were not updating the ID field which shows the last user to access a transaction in some
 Cloud - Stock
 Details - Sort order
When viewing the details of Stock transactions, the sorting used for the records was not consistent across all
 stock transaction types.
 Cloud - Stock
 Transactions - Cost
When editing existing Stock Transactions and changing a quantity, the system was incorrectly updating using
 'Product Current Cost' instead of the 'Cost at Time' it was added to the transaction originally
 Cloud - Stock
 Transactions - Date
Stock Transactions where not correctly updating "Date Modified" when updating the stock details
 Cloud - Product
 PoS Options &
 Condiment Groups -
 Deselect on
 multiselect Combos
 When editing Product PoS Options, and Condiment Groups, the user was not able to deselect all on multi-
 select combos (Dropdowns with multiple elements). The change was being discarded on save.
 Cloud - Product
 Search - Filters not
 When using the 'Product Search' feature, the grid filters where not accessible.
 Cloud - Transfers -
 Add Linked Product
 When doing stock transactions and attempting to add a product which is linked to a master product, the
 system prompts the user offering to add the master code instead.

 With all stock transaction types, this was resulting in the user not being able to set the quantities for master
 product, and with Transfers this was not working at all and failing to add the master.
 Cloud - Condiment
 Groups - Delete
 The Condiment Groups screen previously had a 'Delete' functionality available to the user. GPoS always
 requires a set amount of Condiment Groups to exist so the delete function should not have been available on
 this screen. It has been removed.
 Installer -
 Upgrading Cloud
 Installs - IIS Folder
 When upgrading existing cloud installs the installer was not updating the IIS folder path to point at the new
 Cloud - Refund (Ad-
 hoc) - Voucher
Refund (Ad-hoc)- Where not handled correctly for Vouchers redemption. In some scenarios this would result
 in the quantity of redemptions available to the user being incorrectly reduced and incorrect discounts applied
 at the POS)
 Cloud - Crash
 viewing vouchers
 assigned to
 The system was crashing sometimes when users attempted to view vouchers assigned to identifiers. Some
 changes where made to this area.
 Cloud - Back
 Back Orders (Orders created automatically following an Delivery from Order where the quantities delivered
 fell short of those ordered) where incorrectly showing no value on main orders grid
 Cloud - Pre-
 order/Portal - Sync
 Modifier Flags
 When integrating with the Pre-order/Portal system, the product sync API was not correctly handling
 Modifier Flags.
 Cloud - Checked
 Feature on
 The Stock Checked feature was incorrectly being displayed when creating stock template were it is not
 relevant. This has been removed.
 Cloud - Main
 Screen Refreshes
 Main screen refreshes not always triggered (Due to some changes not triggering events via dedicated save
 Cloud - Users
 Screen - Active
 In the users view, the active combo was not working correctly
 Cloud - Wastage
 Wastage Explanations Applet and Wastage 'Reasons' dropdown was not displaying records (Not Populated)
 until wastage screen accessed via desktop. This is now not required
 Cloud - Add Using
 Current - Advanced
 Within product maintenance, the 'Add Using Current' feature was not correctly setting the 'Advanced
Ticketing' fields for XML File names.
 Cloud - Stock
 When merging stock transaction the handling of Deliveries linked to Orders was inconsistent with the
handling in desktop.

The following changes where made:

When merging Deliveries

  1. If no order links then merge
  2. if a single order link, copy the link to the merged transaction, delink the original, write to merge log, with all the changes made to each transaction, including which transaction the order link was taken from.
  1. if multiple order links, block user from merging, prompt the user to deal with it
 Cloud - Controls
 requiring multiple
 Some controls in the system required the user to perform multiple clicks to make a change (4 Clicks per
 change). This has been made more efficient
 Cloud - Cosmetic
 Various Misc Cosmetic Fixes
 HHT - Ability to
 logon to HHT with a
 barcode to be added
 You can now log onto the HHT via scanning a barcode
 Note: The HHT user in TCP must be linked to a Clerk which has a barcode set
 HHT - Enhanced
 Created By /
 Modified By
HHT now logs individual entries for creation and modification of transactions.
 Note: These can be viewed in TCP using the Transaction Info feature which has been inhanced to support   this in V2.16

v2.15 (DB Version 59) and HHT V5 Release Notes 

 Desktop - Support   for GPoS v1.68   added

 Feature Desktop - Do not   Update Costs on   Delivery
 Security options added to prevent stock transaction from changing the cost price against the plu record
 Desktop - Move   stock transaction so   a different site
 If a stock transaction (order etc) has been done in the wrong site, it can be moved if it has not been   comited. There is a log for the transaction to show moves. Can be controlled by security option
 Desktop - Pre   search feature   added to product   search fields to   improve usability

 Desktop - HHT To   contain Cost price
 A lookupfile with the extension .005 is created for V5 HHT's which support this
 Desktop - HHT's   Can now show   promotions that   ended within the   last 7 days

 Desktop - HHT's   can now lookup the   supplier reference   code of a product
 A decision was made to make this use the supplier reference system and NOT a userfield
 Desktop - HHT's   can now show an   Exceptions Report   on a delivery from   order
 Requires a network connection when the exceptions report is generated
 Desktop - HHT's   can now show when   a promotion is due   to end

 Desktop - The HHT   screen will now   warn the user if the   transaction they are   saving (to the   order/delivery   screen etc) is older   than X days. The   default is 5 days.
 This is to prevent issues where people think the transaction disappears when saved to the orders/deliveries   etc screen and the reason is the transaction date is an old date
 Desktop - When a   new POS is added   to the system it   prompts so ask if   data should be sent   at that point

 Desktop - Sending   program updates via   API Comms
The system will work by using the current TCPDE Communications Applet, so no changes in procedure.
Cloud does not notify users when sending, so this is ignored!
Allows for creating a communication schedule only (cloud will deal with the physical communications and maintain the repeats if required.)

To Verify the Send Progress you should use Cloud → System → PoS Registrations → View Program Data Statistics
A new button ‘API Jobs’ on the toolbar to allow you to view / edit any API communication jobs (these are separate from the desktops own Job Controller jobs).


Note: The API Communications screen date/time actions are only when the updates are allowed to be processed by the back-end API, and providing the PoS are communicating OK, and the system isn’t overloaded - they should happen within a timely fashion (a minute or so…)
 Desktop - The   BEARS applet has   been updated and   included in the   installer

 Desktop - NISA   removed

 Desktop - Card   profiles removed

 Desktop - Order   Confirmation   Feature - No word   wrap on reports

 Desktop - Stock   Split - Cancel   button added

 Desktop - Order   checking report   now shows group   total for max Stock

 Desktop - Audit   system handles   product imports
 Previously wiped out price change information when an import was done for an existing product
 Desktop - Product   Sales by Supplier   Information   previously didn't   work with the Top X   records feature
 The wrong products where displayed previously
 Desktop - Add a   new PLU with a   stock qty set   manually now   transfers stock   when linked at the   point of Add
 Previously the stock didn’t transfer to the linked product
 Desktop -  Batch   commit no longer   loses the 'Expected   Date' information

 Desktop - Memory   leak found and fixed   when adding   products to a label   queue via the   search within the   label queue

 Desktop - A4 label   printing now prints   the correct quantity   of labels

 Desktop   - Ecommerce Stored   Procedure now   handles mixtures

 Desktop - Average   cost now calculates   the Average Cost   across all   transactions in all   sites where they are   set to be   synchronised

 Desktop - Average   cost calculation is   now triggered when   a user who does not   have permission to   update costs   commits the   transaction.   Previously the   calculation was also   being blocked by   the user security   setting.

 Desktop - Supplier   e-mails where   truncating the notes   field at 30   Characters

 Desktop - ECR   Specific tables no   longer used are now   removed from the   database as part for   the upgrade

 Desktop - Split   orders not correctly   handling the Auto   generated ID on   Deliveries/Transfers   /Returns. It   previously only   worked for orders.

 Desktop - If an item   on order didn't have   a Supplier   Reference code, the   emailed order   would not include   all products on the   order

 Desktop - Mixtures   could add a Tax   Code of -1. This   caused issues with   Customer Account   statements doubling   figures

 Desktop - If   suppliers had blank   fields it would cause   issues sending data   to HHT's

 Desktop - Correctly   shows the database   size on SQL Express

 Desktop - PLU   Advanced Ticketing   could wipe out all   POS Options settings

 Desktop - Manually   entered wastage   reasons where   being lost

 Desktop - Xero   integration uses a   new API   Authentication   method

 Desktop - Products   with leading zero's   on the product code   caused issues   displaying multibuys

 Desktop - Products   with leading zero's   on the product code   would not save onto   condiment groups

 Desktop - Changing   a product's code to   a different one   caused a blocking   transaction within   SQL

 Desktop - Issues   importing plus with   a mixture code   greater than 100000

 Desktop   - Promotion reports   not displaying the   correct quantity   when the X key is   used
 Only fixed for new transactions being posted from POS terminals running GPoS 1.68 onwards.
 Desktop - Error   Correct : Multibuys   show incorrect on   the cash Report

 Desktop -   Multibuys   (AutoSync:Off)>   Delete from   selected sites   deleting from   originating site

 Desktop - Rounding   when ladder   promotions are   used can cause   incorrect original   values on  the   Promotion   Summary Report

 Desktop - Recosting   a delivery   incorrectly updated   the estimated stock   field causing the   stock audit report   to appear incorrect

 Desktop - Delivery   From Order: Can   create multiple rows   for same PLU if PLU   exists on order   multiple times

 Desktop - Batch   editing PLU's set   the ExternalOrder   field to be Exclude   when nothing was   selected

 Cloud - Add   Product from   Template

 Cloud - POS   Discounts Screen   Added

 Cloud - Extended   Info Screen Added

 Cloud - Column   selections on the   grids are now   saved
 If you add a new field using the Show/Hide function the system remembers it
 Cloud - Macros   Screen Added

 Cloud - Price Level   Times Screen   Added

 Cloud - Ste Menus   Screen Added

 Cloud - SCO   Screen Items   Screen Added

 Cloud - Date/Time   Validation warning   when committing   transactions
 A general option allows you to set a threshold and if the transaction is older than X days a warning is shown
 Cloud - Min Max   figures added to   order screen

 Cloud - Screen   added for adding   and maintaining   mixtures

 Cloud - Ability to   import SCO   Operator field   against clerks

 Cloud - Ability to   import the   Restriction ID field   against PLUS

 Cloud - Fixed   areas of the   software where   deleting would   leave orphaned   data

 Cloud - Security   Permissions added for Reports

v2.14.8413 (DB Version 58) Release Notes

Desktop Interface - 
Delivery from Order HHT - Cost price being left at 0 for lines not on original order.
When dealing with delivery's linked to orders using the options to bring in costs from the originating order. If the delivery .contained product lines that were not present on the originating order the system was incorrectly adding with zero cost rather than using the CurrentCost from the database.
Note: This defect would only be seen when bringing in transactions from HHT device.
Desktop Interface - Transfers: Take a long time to commit if any PLUs are components of a mixture
If a transfer contained a product that was also a component of a mixture, the system was taking a long time to commit the transaction.
Note: Whilst this fix will take effect automatically for new or upgraded databases, a 'StoredProcedure' would need to be manually updated for existing 2.14 databases.  
Desktop Interface - Product Edit - ProductCode change creating blocking transaction
When editing products and changing 'ProductCode' the system was sometimes creating  a blocking transaction

Two patches are available for this version that resolve specific issues at BGC
Please note: These should only be applicable to customers who are using the new General Option 'Import Costs From Order when adding' set to 'No - Use the current cost price' which is not the default setting.
  • TC-1406 Delivery From Order: Can open too many connections to SQL if large number of PLUs
  • TC-1407 Delivery Cost From Order: Not updating Original Value in given scenario

v2.14.8371 (DB Version 58) Release Notes

Desktop Interface - New options re: Import of products and costs on 'Delivery From Order'
When using 'Deliverys linked to Orders' new options have been added that control how the importing of 'Products' and 'Costs' from the original order works.

New Options
  • General Options > Stock Add/Edit Screen > Import Costs From Order

    • Ask To Import (Default)

    • Always Import

    • Never Import

  • General Options > Stock Add/Edit Screen > Import Costs From Order When Adding
    • No - Use the current cost price (Default)
    • Yes - Use the price set on the order
  • General Options > Stock Add/Edit Screen > Import Products From Order
    • Ask To Import (Default)
    • Always Import (BGC)
    • Never Import
    Warning: Currently these options do not affect the dedicated 'Add from order' feature, only deliverys linked to orders in other ways such as adding the delivery and then linking via the 'Linked Order' field, or linking via the HHT device. Also when using these options to assure costs on 'Deliverys from Order' match the costs on the original order, the option 'Update Costs On Save Deliveries' would need to be set 'False', else editing or saving the delivery would automatically bring in the current database cost instead.
Desktop Interface - Bartender 2002 Support
Our bartender integration has been confirmed working with BarTender 2022
Desktop Interface - Updated BEARS Applet (ERYC)
The BEARS applet used by ERYC has been updated and will be bundled with the installer.
Note: This will not show on the default menu, but can be added
Desktop Interface / Web Interface - Pre-Order Integration Ground Work
Ground work for an upcoming Pre-Order App Integration Fix
Desktop Interface - GPoS System Options (Defaults)
The default values for some 'GPoS System Options' did not have the correct default value, name, or category
Desktop Interface - Database Upgrade causing PLUs to not add
Upgrading databases from older versions could cause add of products to fail. (When the database contains only PoS versions 164)
Desktop Interface - Delivery From Order (Via HHT Screen) - Incorrectly using 'Current Cost' (Expected: Order Cost)
Delivery From Order (Via HHT Screen) - Incorrectly using 'Current Cost' (Expected: Order Cost)
This now utilise the new options to determine how costs should be handled.

New Options
  • General Options > Stock Add/Edit Screen > Import Costs From Order

    • Ask To Import (Default)

    • Always Import

    • Never Import

  • General Options > Stock Add/Edit Screen > Import Costs From Order When Adding
    • No - Use the current cost price (Default)
    • Yes - Use the price set on the order

Desktop Interface - Communication - Sending system options not used by GPoS version
When sending system options, the system could send options intended for newer till versions.
Whilst this had no effect on those tills, this was causing an issue when the tills were upgraded to versions that did support the option.  
Desktop Interface - Products with leading zeros - Multibuys and Condiment groups
When dealing with product codes with leading zeros (such as 00426426) the system not handling this correctly in the following ways:
  1. When the product was included in a 'Multibuy' - Not displaying the multibuy on the 'Multibuy tab' on product 'Add/Edit'
  2. When the product was included in a 'Condiment Group' - Discarding the products on save
  3. When a Multibuy contained ONLY products with leading zeros -The multibuy screen would fail to show the grid row expander (+). 
Desktop Interface - Key Links - Edit Key Links
Editing some 'Key Links' was not updating correctly in some situations 
Desktop Interface - Transfers - Transaction Reference Code Increment 
When dealing with Transfers, and using the 'Auto Ids' feature to auto-set the transaction reference code on add/edit. Each save of the transfer at either side (site) of the transaction was incorrectly causing the reference to increment. 
Desktop Interface - PLU Advanced Ticketing erases all other POS Options on PLU
Setting 'PLU Advanced Ticketing' could erase other POS Options on the product
Desktop Interface - SQL Server 2019 Express Showing Maximum Data Size as 2GB
When using 'SQL Server 2019 Express', a warning was being incorrectly displayed to the user upon loading TCP, incorrectly referencing a database size of 2GB
Desktop/Web Interface - Major Group Delete: Not syncing
Delete of 'Major Groups' was not syncing to other sites correctly
Desktop Interface - Email Supplier - Cutting off note text (30Char Limit)
When using the 'Email Supplier' feature, the content of the notes field was being cut off after the first 30 characters.
Desktop Interface - Makeup / Breakup: not updating stock in given scenario
When using the 'Make Up and Break Up' feature on Stockable mixtures, selecting a product but clicking elsewhere on the screen without correctly selecting the element could result in the stock not being updated.  
Desktop Interface - Import - Custom Imports Fail with OLE error (On x86-64 Systems)
Import - Custom Imports Fail with OLE error (On x86-64 Systems)
Desktop Interface - Create default Touch screen layout: Macros not correct
When adding a new site and using the feature to auto-create a default touch screen layout, the system was not correctly creating the sample macros 
Desktop Interface - Stock - Batch Commit -Discarding Changes to Date/Time
Within stock when using the 'Batch Commit' feature (available via the right-click context menu), changes made to Data/Time were being discarded. 
Web Interface - POS Group Specifics (When no POS Groups set)
When batch editing an element that allows a POS Group to be set (Such as Group2's). If the element had no POS Groups set then these were failing to save.

Web Interface - Merging of stock transactions
When using the merge feature of the main stock screen, if the source transactions were already committed the system was incorrectly setting them to 'Locked' rather than correctly leaving them as 'Committed'
Web Interface - System options 
The feature to send system option changes to the POS, was incorrectly allowing system options to go to POS that didn't support the option. Whilst this didn't cause an issue for the POS at its current version, it could cause issues if that POS was upgraded in the future.
Web Interface - Customer Record - Vouchers - When used with Products with QTY Multipler.
When using the customer record, product discount vouchers were not calculating % correctly against products with a quantity multiplier. (2 x Coke) Etc.
Web Interface - Moddifier List Incorrect
On Product Add/Edit the modifiers list was incorrect (listing 'Normal' as an option and not including 'Mod4') 
Web Interface - Customer Record - Improvement For use with Big Data
Customers with large data were hitting a timeout issue when accessing customer records. This has been improved.
Web Interface - Upgrade Database Issue - Condiment Group Header/Details still exist
The database upgrade was not correctly handling condiment group headers and details which could cause the ‘PoS Options’ to fail to load in 'Product add/edit' screens resulting in the tab not being shown.
Web Interface - Logging Improvement -  Vouchers Tag
The logging created when voucher tags are saved has been improved to allow for more effective trouble shooting.

Web Interface - Adding New users - Not working (Via set user flow) 
Adding 'New Users' was not working correctly when done via a set user flow, and was throwing an 'invalid Token' error 
Web Interface - Stock Transactions - Add Product to Transaction - Calculated Line Cost incorrectly (in set situations)
When entering stock transactions, and adding products to the transaction, the system was incorrectly calculating 'Line Cost' (in set situations)
Web Interface - Customer Record - Delete of Identifier (With Reward or voucher applied) fails
When using the customer record, and attempting to delete an Identifier (Card etc) that had 'Rewards' or 'Vouchers' applied was failing
Delete now works and the user is warned if they have rewards or vouchers assigned.
Web Interface - Adding a Product - Incorrectly erroring that Product Exists (In set user flow)
When following a set user flow, the system could incorrectly halt the user from adding a product incorrectly stating that it already existed 
Web Interface - Multibuys - Add Using Current (not handing some fields)
When using the Multibuys 'Add Using Current' feature, the multibuy created was not correctly copying some of the fields from the source multibuy. 

v2.14.7989 (DB Version 58) Release Notes

Desktop Interface - New Transaction Types
Support has been added to both the 'Journal' and the 'Touch Screen Layout Designer' to support the new 'Lock POS' feature of GPoS 1.67

The Journal now recognizes two new transaction types 
  1. 15 - Locked,
  2. 16 - Unlocked.
Both transaction types will contain 1 transaction detail line; keytypes 748 and 749 respectively.
The keyoffset mentioned contains the clerk that performed the action, and the description will contain the action and code/name of the clerk.

The Touch screen layout designer now has an additional system key
  1. 151 - Lock Pos 
Database - New SQL View - BHTSKUView
A new SQL view has been added to the database to support an upcoming feature on the HHT device (HHT V4). Allowing the ability to set a 'Pack Size' on product add from the device (HHT)
Web Interface -The Stock Split Feature
The Order Split feature now has a cancel function providing an emergency exit to the user if initiated in error
Database - Compatibility With SQL2012
Stock Commits are now compatible with SQL 2012 (Previously only compatible with SQL 2016 onwards)
Web Interface - Alerts
Ability to manage Alerts in the web interface

Alerts (Screen)
• Add (Feature)

• Edit (Feature)

• Batch Edit (Feature)

• Delete (Feature)

• Export (Feature)
Web Interface - Ladder Promotions
Ability to manage Ladders in the web interface

Ladder Promotions (Screen)
• Add (Feature)
• Edit (Feature)
• Batch Edit (Feature)
• Delete (Feature)
• Enable (Feature)
• Disable (Feature)
• Export (Feature)
Web Interface - Multibuys
Ability to manage Multibuys in the web interface

Multibuys (Screen)
• Filter By Product (Feature)
• Filter By Group (Feature)
• Filter By Group2 (Feature)
• Add (Feature)
• Add from Current (Feature)
• Edit (Feature)
• Delete (Feature)
• Enable (Feature)
• Disable (Feature)
• Change Order (Feature)
• Export (Feature)
Web Interface - Clerk Shifts
The ability to manage Clerk Shifts in the web interface

Clerk Shifts (Screen)
• Add (Feature)
• Edit (Feature)
• Delete (Feature)
• Export (Feature)
Web Interface (Main Stock Screens) - Status Filter 
The main stock screens now have a Status filter.
This improves loading time when accessing these screens.
Note: Defaults to showing 'None Committed' transactions

Affected Screens 
  1. Orders
  2. Deliveries
  3. Returns
  4. Stocktakes
  5. Wastages
  6. Transfers
  7. Make Up / Break Upaccessed 
Web Interface (Main Stock Screens) - Product Information Aditional Fields
The information displayed for a product within a stock transaction now contains additional information

Displayed on the main 'Stock Trans Details' screen and the 'Add Product To Transaction Screen' accessed from that screen.
  1. QTY on Order By Unit
  2. QTY on Order By SKU
Web Interface (Main Stock Screens) - Split by Supplier
The ability to split transaction by Supplier

New Feature available on the Orders screen, allows transactions to be split by default supplier.

  1. Move
  2. Leave
  3. Lock
  4. Delete
Web Interface (Main Stock Screens) - Split By Temperature
The ability to split transaction by Temperature

New Feature available on the Orders screen, allows transactions to be split by Temperature.

  1. Move
  2. Leave
  3. Lock
  4. Delete
Web Interface (Security) - View/Read Permission for products 
Additional security permission has been added allowing a user to view but not save product details.
Note: If permission is "Read" then the user can load the edit screens - view only.
Web Interface (Product Maintenance) - New Filters 
New filters have been added to the product maintenance screen to provide an easy method for Filtering to Main Fields (Major Group, Group, Supplier)
Web Interface (Customer Record) - Batch assign rewards and vouchers 
The ability to batch assign rewards and vouchers

Accessible from the main Customers and Identifier Screens

Allows a selected Reward or voucher to be applied to ALL Customers that match the following selections

When accessed From Customer Screen
  1. Customer Groups
  2. Customer Statuses
  3. Customer Role Types 
When accessed From Identifiers Screen
  1. Scheme(s)
  2. Identifiers Status(es)
  3. Range of Identifier Codes (defined by start and end code)
Due to the batch operation potentially taking a significant amount of time, the system will email the TCP Web user upon completion. 
Web Interface (Batch Edit Screens) - Record Count
A record count has been added to the batch edit screens showing the number of records that will be affected by the change. 
Web Interface (Product Maintenance) - Cook Area (KVM)
On product add/edit the user can now specify a 'Cook Area' for use with 'Kitchen Video Monitor' Integration
Database Upgrade - Broken Key Links 
Prior to the upgrade the system will now check for and remove broken key links
Desktop and Web Interfaces  (General) - New Logo
The new Fidelity Logo has been put in place.
Desktop Interface - Cost Price Changes  Screen - Clear History
The ability to access the 'Clear History' Feature via a button on the user interface has been removed. 
Web Interface (Main Stock Screens) - Add / Search buttons
The buttons used to add products to a stock transaction have been changed and relocated to the right of the screen.  
Web Interface (General) - Scale/Zoom of user interface
The user interface has been scaled down to 85% of its current size
Web Interface (Main Stock Screens) - Filter auto enabled
The filters displayed through the system are now automatically enabled by default on entry to the screen.
Web Interface (Dashboards) - Filter default and data display
The filter on the dashboard screen now defaults to 'Yesterday' and automatically displays data without needing to be manually initiated by the user
Web Interface (Product Maintenance) - Supplier references
The Supplier reference Pane/Tab has been changed on product add/edit, in order to make management of references more efficient for systems with a large number of suppliers.
Web Interface (Customer Record) - Identifier Type Barcode
The none functional Identifier type 'Barcode' has been removed
Web Interface (Customer Record) - Handling of the deletion of  elements that exist on Reward/Voucher tags
Previously deleting a Trigger element (Product/Group/MajorGroup) used by a Reward or Voucher didn't warn the user or make changes to the Reward/Voucher.

This process has been altered for that:

1) A Dialog is displayed to the user warning that if they continue the elements will be removed from the relevant rewards/vouchers

2) The elements are removed from the rewards/vouchers.

3) The Users decision to continue is logged

Web Interface (Customer Record) - Unlinking a delivery from order
Previously to unlink a delivery from an order the user needed to access the dropdown for selecting Orders and scroll to the last entry 'Unordered Delivery'. This solution was not scalable to systems that have a large number of orders. The 'Unordered Delivery' entry has been moved to the top of the list. 

Additionally, the sorting of the Orders within the dropdown has been changed to sort by 'Date Descending'.
Job Controller - Memory Leak
A Memory Leak within the job Controller Service has been fixed. 
 Database - PLUPoints table duplication
The PLUPoints table could contain duplicate records. Constraints have been applied to stop this occurring
Desktop Interface - Edit of Locked Transaction 
Stock Transactions of status 'Locked' where allowing user to edit 'Temperature' and 'Notes' fields 
Desktop Interface - Ability to Create cyclic loops removed
When Linking Products the system incorrectly allowed the user to setup cyclic loops (ProductA ---> ProductB ---> ProductA etc). This could then cause the system to crash on product edit.
Web Interface (Product Maintenance) - Linking Products via batch edit
Linking products via batch edit was not working, with the change being discarded
Web Interface (Configuration Files) - SystemTenantUrl
Within the web.config file (used when setting up the cloud integration), the 'SystemTenantUrl' field was incorrectly being set to a PCName rather than 'Localhost' as expected.  
Web Interface (Logos) - Errors On Save/Wrong Picture Load
On set data attempts to save Logos were failing with 'Object Ref Not Set' error, and the system could display the wrong picture.
Web Interface (Condiment Groups) - Updates
Edit of Condiment Groups was not correctly generating updates (Headers without details), which could result in Condiment Groups not being correctly communicated to the POS 
Web Interface (UriScheduals) - Add/edit Saving 
Add/edit of URIschedules (Utilised by advertising features) were not saving correctly
Web Interface (Customer record) - Anonymisation
When the customer record anonymises deleted records it was not anonymising the 'POS Message'/'Display Message To Clerk' field. 
Web Interface (General) - Dialogs displayed to user
In set situations the system could display the wrong dialog to the user. (displaying the last dialog that was displayed to the user rather than the new dialog)
Web Interface (Reward Date Range Definitions) - Edit
If 'Use Day Of Month' was set and user edited a date range and unset this value, save was not retaining this change.
Web Interface (Customer Record) - POS Options Auto Save
During Customer add/edit any input on the 'POS Options' screen was being discarded without warning if the user accessed a different pane/tab without saving, rather than correctly initiating an auto save at this point.
Web Interface (Customer Record) - Identifiers add range with alphanumeric prefix
When creating Identifiers, the 'Add Range' was not working when alphanumeric card prefix's were used. 
Note: The resulting error was: "Input string was not in a correct format."
Web Interface (Customer Record) - Roles with Save and Add New
Using the ' Save & Add New' feature could result in an identifier being set with more than one role, which is not a valid setup.  
Web Interface (Identifiers) - Error Message on Save without Loyalty Scheme set. 
When adding/editing Identifiers, attempting to save with the 'Loyalty Scheme' field set to 'Nothing' was not displaying an informative error message to the user. 
Web Interface (Suppliers) - Batch Edit
During a batch edit of Suppliers, accessing the Userfields tab/pane fails with error "The URL requested does not exist"
Web Interface (Financial Year) - Year Start Day
When editing the Financial Year, the 'Year Start Day' field was not populated correctly on month change 
Web Interface (POS Groups) - server error due to invalid selection
When adding/editing POS Groups, attempting to save with invalid selection was resulting in a server error
Web Interface (Group2) - Batch edit unsetting field
When Batch editing Group2s, and changing the 'Course' field. The save was incorrectly unsetting the 'POS Groups' field. 
Web Interface (Condiment Groups) - Condiments Pane Autosave
During Condiment Group add/edit, any input on the 'Condiments' screen was being discarded without warning if the user accessed a different pane/tab without saving, rather than correctly initiating an auto save at this point.
Web Interface (Condiment Groups) - Code
The maximum condiment group code allowed is 128 

On add attempt when less than the maximum exists the system should offer the next free code, and if the maximum amount exists should halt and prompt the user explaining the situation. 

In this scenario the system was incorrectly offering code 1 each time regardless, so can't be used to add a condiment group other than 1.
Web Interface (Product edit) - Save after remove picture failing
On set data, attempting to save a product after removing a picture was failing
Web Interface (Product Maintenance) - Get New Free Code
On large data sets, the 'Get Next Free Code' feature was taking a long time. This has been optimised.
Web Interface (Reporting) - Stock Below Minimum Report
Stock Below Minimum Report was incorrectly showing deleted products.
Web Interface (Reports) - not showing values
On data with a large number of sites, running some reports could fail to load values due to timeouts. A warning has been added when selecting more than 2 sites. 
Web Interface (Reporting) - Clerk Report
Clerk Report was not showing values for set data 
Web Interface (Templates) - Site Selection
The templates screen was showing templates for the wrong site.
Web Interface (Currencies) - Errors and Timing
On set data Currencies were erroring on save, and when saving where take a long time. The save issue was fixed and the save was optimised.
Web Interface (Orders) - Failure to load due to timeouts
On large data the orders screen could fail to load due to timeouts.
Web Interface (General) - Grid Filters
On large data the grid filters were failing if the user typed too fast
Web Interface (Customer Record) - Reward Product Triggers
Reward Product Triggers can be defined via Product,Group,MajorGroup. 

When adding these the 'type' field used to show if each line is a Product,Group,MajorGroup was not populated. 
Web Interface (Delivery from Order) - Note text change
A note displayed on the screen which was only relevant to editing of an already linked delivery, was also displayed in scenarios where it was not relevant
Web Interface (Clerk Report) - Decimal Clerk Codes
Clerk Report was incorrectly formatting clerk codes as decimal (Clerk code 10 showing as 10.00)
Web Interface (Stock Summary Reports) - Code field
The Stock Summary Reports has an additional 'Code' field that could be added which displayed no values. The field now displayed the 'Stock Transaction ID'
Web Interface (Makeup and Breakup) - Temperature field
The MakeUp and BreakUp screens were incorrectly showing a temperature field 
Web Interface (Miscellaneous) - Texts and Cosmetics
Multiple Miscellaneous textual and cosmetic fixes
Web Interface - Exports
Product Triggers Export to Excel was incorrectly exporting the triggers for ALL Rewards not just the selected Reward.
Web Interface - User Permissions (Users Pane)
Users Permissions were bot working correctly regarding the 'Users' Pane of the 'Roles' Screen
Web Interface - Set System Options Feature
Set System Options Feature included POS set as 'Disabled'
Web Interface - Vouchers 
Various Fixes for Voucher Issues Inc the ability to add 'Linked Products' to vouchers

Web Interface - POS Grouping
Rename a POS Group description in desktop was not being correctly updated in the cloud on set screens
Web Interface - Date Ranges
Date Ranges - Start/End Times not saving correctly
Web Interface - Customer Batch Edit
Customer Batch Edit Fails on large amount of records (>103)
Web Interface - Product Linking - Batch Edit 
Product Linking via batch edit was failing
Web Interface - Identifiers Screen -Timeout
Identifiers Screen was failing to load on large data sets (Time out)
Web Interface - Reward and Voucher Help Texts
Reward ad Voucher help texts where unclear and incorrectly described some functionality
Web Interface - Identifiers - Next Free Code
The identifiers screen was not offering the 'Next Free Code' correctly 
Web Interface - Stock Screens - Edit button
The dedicated edit button on the user interface was not functioning (Double click edit was still functional)
Web Interface - Customer/Logos Pictures
Picture used by the Customers and Logos features where not always uploading correctly 
Web Interface - Identifiers - Add range
The 'Add Range' feature was not working correctly with  alphanumeric card prefixs.
Web Interface - Financial Year Edit
On edit of the financial year feature the 'Year Start Day' field was not populated correctly on month change
Web Interface - Manage Profile - Passwords
When using the Manage Profile screen, Failing to change password correctly was causing the user interface to display incorrectly 
Web Interface - Stock Reports 
Some Stock Reports were failing to display due  attempting to display deleted items.
Web Interface - Product Maintenance (Supplier Refferences) - Scaleability
Product (Add/Edit/View) -Suppliers references Pane had no way to jump to record, so was not scaleable to large data sets
Web Interface - Stock Templates 
Stock Templates incorrectly included a 'Transaction date' and 'Name' fields that were not utilised.
Web Interface - MakeUp/BreakUp - Invalid quantities
When entering MakeUp/BreakUp transactions - User was not halted when using invalid quantities (0,0.5,-9 etc)
Web Interface - Database Upgrade - Restrictions
Database upgrades where not correctly updating restrictions (use by SCO) if the Product code had changed.
Desktop Interface - Stock Transactions - Commit
Validity of Product was not being checked correctly which could result in transactions effecting stock for incorrect product due to linking.
Desktop Interface - Stock Transactions 
Entering a linked Product Code on a stock transaction was incorrectly stating the product did not exist rather than looking up the master product code. (Only an issue when Stock Caching setting 'False')
Desktop Interface - Catalogue Update Service
Catalogue Update Service Fails to update the status of sent orders after some time. This issue was resolved and additional debug logging added.
Desktop Interface - Corrected Chargeable Condiments 
Corrected Chargeable Condiments were not being included in correction totals (& not in KeyTrans_ tables)
Desktop Interface - Cancel of Transfer when adding leaving orphened transaction at other site.
Starting to add a transfer and saving it via note print then canceling out of transaction not working correctly. Removing the transaction from the site the user is at but not the site at the other side of the transfer.
Desktop Interface - Communication Screen - High CPU and Ram Utilisation
Systems with a large number of communication Jobs and History, could result in High CPU and Ram usage 
Desktop Interface - Touchscreen Layout - Resizing Issue
In set situations, the Send of Touchscreen Layout following Receive can cause a re-sizing issue resulting in a border around the screen at the pos.
Desktop Interface - Import Validation
Import Validation - Was not picking up on fields starting/ending with a space
Desktop Interface - Windows Labels 
With Direct Label Printing the following labels were not working
  1. Labels A4 7x4 Sheet
  2. Labels A4 7x4 Shelf Edge
  3. Labels 50mm x 25mm
  4. Labels 50mm x 25mm (large price)
  5. Labels 50mm x 38mm
Desktop Interface - Logos - POSGrouping
Logos -Edit Change to 'POS Group' discarded on save (when deselecting a POS only)
Desktop Interface - Multibuys - Optimisation
The Multibuy Screen was incorrectly loading unrequired rows. This has been optimised 

Desktop Interface - Stock - Product Lookup from Grid failing
On Stock Transactions the product lookup from grid was failing if security options for Catalogue were not set
Desktop & Web Interface - Multibuy sync warning
When using the Multibuy syncing - no warning was in place if 'upgrade' field was set to a multibuy that doesn't exist at sync'ed sites. System now warns the user.
Desktop Interface - Multibuy Sync with new sites
When using Multibuy Syncronisation - Adding new site didn't result in syncronisation
Desktop Interface - Transaction Split
Split Feature - Was not correctly handling  Committed/Cancelled/Locked transactions. Incorrectly stating "Successful" when it had failed.
Desktop Interface - Import Failing
Import (Fails) -When set fields are used (Example: 'Description Text')
Desktop Interface - Time & Attendance
Electronic Journal (Time & Attendance)- Hours Worked field was showing incorrect values
Web Interface - Customer Record Anonymisation - Logging
Automated Anonymization conducted by the Job Controller for the Customer Record not logged in event viewer (JC)
Desktop Interface - POS Logos - POS Groups
POS Logos - not correctly handling user not selecting a POS Group. Will now warn the user.
Desktop Interface - ECR Specifics not being updated on version change
Site Structure - ECR specifics not being updated on save following change of GPoS version ('GiftCard' field etc)
Desktop Interface - Tax Reports - Handling of Split Tenders
Tax Reports not working correctly with Split Tenders (apportioning values incorrectly with regard to the actual amounts tendered against each media)
Desktop & Web Interface - Receive of Rooms
Receive of rooms populates fields incorrectly (when status not set). 
Desktop - Time & Attendance
Editing of clerk shifts used by the time and attendance feature, in previous versions could create duplicates within the clerkshift table. The upgrades process will now deal with any duplication there and future transaction maintenance and transactions will not result in duplicates. 

v2.13.7746 Hotfix 3 (DB Version 57) Release Notes

Customer Record - Selected Product Discount not calculating correctly after a Basket Discount Applied
Customer Record - Applying a Voucher (Type:SelectedProductDiscount%) after another Voucher (Type:Basket%) has reduced the sales price of the item was not working correctly with the 2nd discount being calculated on the original selling price rather than the reduced amount.

Customer Record - Voucher (Auto Redemption) requiring customer registration at the start of the transaction. 
Customer Record - Vouchers set to automatically redeem at the point of finalization, were not taking effect unless the customer was registered at the start of the transaction. (VoucherTypes: SelectedProductDiscount & SelectedProductsWithNewPrice Only)

Customer Record - Voucher Calculating wrongly when multibuys used
A Voucher was not calculating correctly when a multibuy had reduced its price
Web Interface Scaleability - Search Features 
The search functions were failing when used on large data. 
Database upgrade flagging system options as updates
Upgrading a database was incorrectly setting 'System Options' as updates. This was causing an issue if the system options in the back office did not match those required at the POS.
Installer - Digital Signature
The installer was not digitally signed.
Installer - Debug Mode Enabled
One of the files had been left in debug mode, resulting in a 'CheckForUpdates' file growing large.

v2.13.7724 Hotfix 2 (DB Version 57) Release Notes

Multibuys Various
Multiple Defects Resolved
  1. Product Screen
    1. Multibuys Tab on Product Add/Edit Not Present
    2. Warnings not in place when adding products that would be included in multibuys (due to 'Group' or 'Group2' setting)
    3. Deletion of Product Or change to ProductCode not causing update on Multibuy.
  2. Multibuys Screen
    1. Tables missing indexes and Incorrectly loading unrequired rows on entry to screen (causing slowdown or failure to load screen).
    2. 'Copy To' feature not working correctly in various scenarios
      1. Copy To (Overwrite Option) - Produces Errors (regarding table 'Multibuy')
      2. With Multiple elements selected can result in duplication at the destination site
      3. Not Creating Promotion Link at destination Site correctly
Multiple Defects Resolved
  1. Product Screen
    1. Condiment Group Names Displaying incorrectly (Cosmetic)
    2. Deletion of Product Or change to ProductCode not causing update on Condiemnt Group.
Logos (Receipt Texts) - Multiline Texts were incorrectly being compressed onto single line at the POS.

v2.13.7713 Hotfix (DB Version 57) Release Notes

Multibuy Syncronisation
A new option has been added that when set offers the option on Multibuy add/edit to synchronise the addition or change to other sites with which that site synchronises products.

Options On Add
  1. Do Not Copy
  2. Copy To Site(s)
Options On Edit
  1. Do Not Copy
  2. Copy To Site(s) - Add if missing from site
  3. Copy To Site(s) - Only update if already exists

New General Option: Auto Synch Multibuys
Multibuy Deletion Methods  
The single delete feature has been replaced with 3 different deletion features to support the new Multibuy Syncronisation feature.

  1. Delete This Site Only - Removes the Multibuy at this site only
  2. Delete ALL Sites -Removes the multibuy at all sites
  3. Delete Selected Sites -Removes the multibuy at the sites selected by the user, if those sites synchronise products with the current site. (All sites other than the current site are available for selection)
New Feature
Split By Supplier
New Feature available on the main orders screen, and the HHT screen, allows transactions to be split by default supplier.

  1. Move
  2. Leave
  3. Lock
  4. Delete
Import (Suppliers) - Status 'field' not expects Text "Enabled" / "Disabled" (Previsouly expected '1' / '0')
Now In line with how the field is handed on Export. 

Import - If the import fails due to duplicate lines, dialog displayed to the user now lists the total amount of duplicates and the content of the 1st duplicate line only (Previously attempted to list the content of each duplicate line explicitly)
Users (HHT Logins) 

Login credentials for the HHT Device are now set against the TCP user (Via User add/edit). Previously this was set via the dedicated HHT screen. 
HHT Intergration (Multibuy Live Lookup)
When using the feature of the HHT Device to lookup multibuy information for a product. The system now only displayed "Active" Multibuys (Based upon both the 'Enabled' flag and a comparison between the dates range feature of the multibuys and the current date).
(Previously this would have listed all multibuys for the product). 
Note: Times are not considered so the multibuy being applicable for any part of that day would count as 'Active' 
HHT User Audit/Logging
The HHT Username is now logged against the transaction at the point of collecting the transaction from the device. This is set as the 'Last Modified By' fields (Accessible via 'More Information' when right-clicking on the transaction on the HHT screen) 
Note: Previously this would have shown the TCP user who collected the transaction from the HHT device. (Applicable only to HHT Devices running Version 3.0.5 and greater) .
 HHT Auto Data Creator
 The HHT Auto Data Creator now waits for all files to be generated prior to putting them in place. (Previously removed the files in place at the start of the process and therefore potentially in a situation where files may not be inplace for hours at a time. When used on big data)  
HHT -Sending of Products to device
The products that are available for selection to send to the HHT device, and those automatically sent by the 'HHT Auto Data Creator' now include 'None stockable' Products. Note: On the device these products would not be available for selection within transactions, but would be available for 'Price Check' or Label printing. (Applicable only to HHT Devices running Version 3.x.x. )  
Accessing POS Specifics (At site without till)
Accessing POS Sperifics screens at sites without POS was throwing a crash. This has now been resolved
Database Upgrade failure
In set circumstances, the database upgrade was failing to complete successfully (due to the database size check throwing an error)
Condiment Deletion
Condiment deletion could fail with 'foreign key' error. This has been resolved
External Directory (Catalogue) 
The External Directory (Catalogue) was failing at the point of saving a connection with a newtonsoft error. This has now been resolved.
Customer Record - Amount of Vouchers Issued incorrect.
When using 'Reward Type: 'Selected Products Only' and at the POS the Customer is registered at the end of the transaction rather than the beginning. The incorrect amount of Vouchers could be issued. This has now been resolved.
Web Interface -Resend Link Email
The email sent to web interface user when the 'Resend Link' feature is used greeted the user twice with "Hi" and then "Hello". This has now been resolved.
Customer Record - Date Range Repetition 
When setting up 'Reward' and 'Voucher' Date Ranges, the 'Repetition', 'Apply Every Week Day' features were not working correctly. This has now been resolved. 
Customer Record - Help Texts
The text displayed when setting up one of the voucher types wrongly described the functional. This has now been resolved.  
Customer Record - Voucher Redemptions Decementing Trigger Value
When Voucher redemptions caused the Reward trigger value to be decremented. This was not be calculated correctly in all cases. This has now been resolved. 
Customer Record - Automatic Voucher Locked to an Identifier
Vouchers of redemption type 'Automatic' which were locked to an identifier at the point of issue, were not kicking in at the POS. This has now been resolved.
Customer Record - Rewards - Change of Trigger Type
If the trigger type against a reward was changed the 'Trigger QTY' and 'Trigger Value' fields were not being reset on the user interface correctly. 
Customer Record - Stock Security flags
Stock Security Flags were not working correctly. One result of this being that the edit buttons could be displayed but not functional on some stock transaction screens. This has now been resolved.
Web Interface - Mixture costs
When a stock transaction changed the cost of a product that was a component of a mixture, the mixtures cost price was not being updated to account for this change. This has now been resolved.  
Customer Record - Using Vouchers Earned Within a Transaction 
Vouchers earned within a transaction can now be uses within that transaction. Previously these would only have been available in the subsequent transaction.
Note: Applies to redemption type: Auto Redeem on Finalise

This is achieved by an additional pre-Finalise phase that takes place when pressing to finalise the transaction. This phase adds and triggers earned during the transaction and makes any additional automatic voucher available to be auto-applied by the system. 

v2.13.7641 (DB Version 53) Release Notes

New Screen/
Web Interface - Additional Reports
Multiple Additional reports have been added to the web Interface
·       Clerk Report
·    Current Stock Report
·    Delivery Summary Report
·    Financial Report
·    Group Report
·    Major Group Report
·    Product Report
·    Profit and Loss Report
·    Returns Summary Report
·    Stock Audit Report
·    Stock Below Minimum Report
·    Stock Movements And Sales Report
·    Stock Movements Report
·    Stock On Order Report
·    Supplier Summary Report
·    Transfer Summary Report
·    Wastage Summary Report
New Screen/
FeaturesWeb Interface -
(Customer Record)

You can now maintain Customers using the Web Interface (Part of the new 'Customer record' system)

Including the ability to recording details such as; D.O.B, Gender Contact Details (Phone Numbers and addresses) as well as the ability to store a picture which can then be displayed at the POS. 

Transaction details such as 'Loyalty Transactions', 'Loyalty Statistics', 'GPoS Transactions', can be viewed with their customer record, with the ability to drilldown into individual transactions. 

Rewards and Voucher screen under each record show the customer progression towards earning vouchers and any vouchers already earned.  

Also included are customer specific 'Pos Options' such as: Display Messages, Discount Percents, Price Levels, Screen pages, Tax Overrides, Dissalow Itemisers, Multibuy Flags. That will take effect when the customer is registered at the POS.

Customers and their record can be deleted either permanently Or anonymised so that all identifying information is removed. 

Customers (Screen)

• Add (Feature)

• Edit (Feature)

• Batch Edit (Feature)

• Delete (Feature)

• Assign Customer Identifier (Feature)

• Assign Customer Groups (Feature)

• Issue Customer Reward (Feature)

• Export (Feature)

New Screen/
Web Interface - Identifiers
(Customer Record)

You can now maintain Identifiers using the Web Interface (Part of the new 'Customer record' system)

Identifiers such as cards or barcodes are assigned to Customers and used to identify them at the POS.  

The following identifier statuses exist;

• Active
• Unusable
• Temporarily Deactivated
• Permanently Deactivated
• Must Be Activated

Identifiers (Screen)

• Add (Feature)

• Edit (Feature)

• Update Loyalty Roles (Feature) (Note: ‘Loyalty’ Roll Type Only)

• Batch Edit (Feature)

• Delete (Feature)

• Activate Identifier (Feature)

• Deactivate Identifier (Feature)

• Link an Identifier to an Existing Customer (Feature) 

• Unlink Identifier (Feature)

• Export (Feature)

New Screen/
Web Interface - Loyalty Schemes

(Customer Record)

You can now maintain Loyalty Schemes Customers using the Web Interface (Part of the new 'Customer record' system)

Customers are linked to Loyalty Schemes, and when registered at the POS can earn points. The awarding of points is highly customisable, and the customer can be automatically advanced to or dropped back to other schemes based on setup.  

Including a variety of points calculation types, including: 

  1. Points From Whole Pound Spend
  2. Points From Whole Pound Spendage After Pence Rounding Applied
  3. Points As Percentage Of Basket Value
  4. Points For Every Whole X Spent
  5. Points From Full Sale Value

Whist also specifying:
  1. Number Points From Full Sale Value
  2. Minimum Spend
  3. Calculate Points on redemptions (Yes/No)
  4. Scheme advancements and drop's based upon 'Current Points' or 'Total Spend')
  5. Revalue Uplift - to be applied on top of any TopUps (For Future 'Cashless' feature)  

Loyalty Schemes (Screen)

• Add (Feature)

• Edit (Feature)

• Delete (Feature)

• Export (Feature)

New Screen/
Web Interface - Reward Definitions
(Customer Record)

You can now maintain Rewards Definitions using the Web Interface (Part of the new 'Customer record' system)

Rewards Definitions are used to earn 'Stamps' towards Vouchers with the method of earning stamps being defined by specifying the trigger type.
The quantities or values of the above triggers can be earned incrementally or a specific date range can be specified. 

What items earn 'Stamps' towards a voucher is controlled via 'Reward Tags' which can be specified at a Product/Group/MajorGroup Level.

Trigger types available:
  1. Selected Products Sold Only - Each sale of the item awards a Voucher  
  2. Products Sold by Quantity - When the quantity sold of that item reaches the trigger quantity a Voucher is awarded
  3. Products Sold by Value - When the value sold of that item reaches the trigger value a Voucher is awarded
Once a reward is assigned to a customer they are earning towards the associated Voucher(s)

Reward Definitions (Screen)

• Add (Feature)

• Edit (Feature)

• Delete (Feature)

• Export (Feature)

Reward Tags (Screen)

• Add (Feature)

• Add From Existing Reward (Feature)

• Delete (Feature)

• Export (Feature)

New Screen/
Web Interface - Voucher Definitions

(Customer Record)

You can now maintain Voucher Definitions using the Web Interface (Part of the new 'Customer record' system)

Voucher Definitions are used to issue Vouchers to customers (either automatically via 'Rewards', or by issuing directly to a customer or identifier)

The voucher can be open ended or only available use during a set date period.

Multiple Redemption methods and Voucher types are available.

The items affected by the voucher are is controlled via 'Discount Values' which can be specified at a Product/Group/MajorGroup Level.

Redemption Methods available:

  1. Must be manually redeemed @ POS
  2. Automatically redeemed against GPoS Transaction @ POS
  3. Automatically redeemed when GPoS Transaction is Finalised @ POS
Voucher Types:
  1. Basket Discount
  2. Selected Product(s) Discount
  3. Selected Product(s) with New Price
  4. Add Additional Product(s) to the Basket At Set Price
Voucher Definitions (Screen)

• Add (Feature)

• Edit (Feature)

• Delete (Feature)

• Export (Feature)

Discount Values (Screen)

• Add (Feature)

• Add from existing voucher (Feature)

• Delete (Feature)

• Export (Feature)

New Screen/
Web Interface - Reward Date Range Definitions
(Customer Record)

You can now maintain Rewards Date Range Definitions using the Web Interface (Part of the new 'Customer record' system)

Reward Date Range Definitions (Screen)

• Add (Feature)

• Edit (Feature)

• Delete (Feature)

• Export (Feature)

New Screen/
Web Interface - Customer Groups

(Customer Record)

You can now maintain Customer Groups using the Web Interface (Part of the new 'Customer record' system)

Customer can be added to Groups individually or via batch 

Customer Groups (Screen)

• Add (Feature)

• Edit (Feature)

• Delete (Feature)

• Export (Feature)

New Screen/
Web Interface - Customer Titles
(Customer Record)

You can now maintain Customer Titles using the Web Interface (Part of the new 'Customer record' system)

Customer Titles (Screen)

• Add (Feature)

• Edit (Feature)

• Delete (Feature)

• Export (Feature)

New Screen/
Web Interface - Customer Genders

(Customer Record)

You can now maintain Customer Genders using the Web Interface (Part of the new 'Customer record' system)

For use with the 'Titles' and 'Customer' screens.

Customer Genders (Screen)

• Add (Feature)

• Edit (Feature)

• Delete (Feature)

• Export (Feature)

New Screen/
Web Interface - Customer Address Types
(Customer Record)

You can now maintain Customers Address Types using the Web Interface (Part of the new 'Customer record' system)

Providing the ability to add multiple address types (Home, Work, Alternate delivery address etc) and the ability to define a default type. 

Customer Address Types (Screen)

• Add (Feature)

• Edit (Feature)

• Delete (Feature)

• Export (Feature)

New Screen/
Web Interface - Identifiers

(Customer Record)

You can now maintain Identifiers Types using the Web Interface (Part of the new 'Customer record' system)

Including the ability to auto-suggest new identifier codes based upon 'Next free code' whilst also specifying Prefix's and Card lengths (these can be overridden at the point of creation via the identifiers screen) 

Types Available:
  1. Barcode
  2. Magnetic Stripe Card

Identifier Types (Screen)

• Add (Feature)

• Edit (Feature)

• Delete (Feature)

• Export (Feature)

New Screen/
Web Interface - Printer Logos

You can now maintain Printer Receipt Headers, Footers, and Logos using the Web Interface

Printer Receipt Logos (Screen)

• Add (Feature)

• Edit (Feature)

• Batch Edit (Feature)

• Delete (Feature)

• Export (Feature)

New Screen/
Web Interface - Orders

You can now maintain Orders using the Web Interface, with the ability to validate the transaction for error's and commit directly from the cloud.

Orders (Screen)

• Add (Feature) (Add/Add from Template)

• Edit (Feature)

• Commit (Feature)

• Delete (Feature)

• Merge (Feature)

• Export (Feature)

• Cancel (Feature)

• Revive (Feature)

New Screen/
Web Interface - Deliveries

You can now maintain Deliveries using the Web Interface, with the ability to validate the transaction for error's and commit directly from the cloud

Deliveries (Screen)

• Add (Feature) (Add/Add from Template/Add from Order)

• Edit (Feature)

• Commit (Feature)

• Delete (Feature)

• Merge (Feature)

• Export (Feature)

New Screen/
Web Interface - Returns

You can now maintain Returns using the Web Interface, with the ability to validate the transaction for error's and commit directly from the cloud

Returns (Screen)

• Add (Feature) (Add/Add from Template/Add from Delivery)

• Edit (Feature)

• Commit (Feature)

• Delete (Feature)

• Merge (Feature)

• Export (Feature)

New Screen/
Web Interface - Wastages

You can now maintain Wastages using the Web Interface, with the ability to validate the transaction for error's and commit directly from the cloud

Wastages (Screen)

• Add (Feature) (Add/Add from Template)

• Edit (Feature)

• Commit (Feature)

• Delete (Feature)

• Merge (Feature)

• Export (Feature)

New Screen/
Web Interface - Stocktakes

You can now maintain Stocktakes using the Web Interface, with the ability to validate the transaction for error's and commit directly from the cloud

Stocktakes (Screen)

• Add (Feature) (Add/Add from Template)

• Edit (Feature)

• Commit (Feature)

• Delete (Feature)

• Merge (Feature)

• Export (Feature)

New Screen/
Web Interface - Transfers

You can now maintain Transfers using the Web Interface, with the ability to validate the transaction for error's and commit directly from the cloud

Transfers (Screen)

• Add (Feature) (Add/Add from Template)

• Edit (Feature)

• Commit (Feature)

• Delete (Feature)

• Merge (Feature)

• Export (Feature)

New Screen/
Web Interface - MakeUp/BreakUp

You can now maintain Make Up / Break Up using the Web Interface, with the ability to validate the transaction for error's and commit directly from the cloud

Make Up / Break Up (Screen)

• Add (Feature)

• Edit (Feature)

• Commit (Feature)

• Delete (Feature)

• Merge (Feature)

• Export (Feature)

New Screen/
Web Interface - Stock Templates

You can now maintain Stock Templates using the Web Interface, with the ability to validate the transaction for error's and commit directly from the cloud

Stock Templates (Screen)

• Add (Feature)

• Edit (Feature)

• Commit (Feature)

• Delete (Feature)

• Merge (Feature)

• Export (Feature)

New Screen/
Web Interface - Logs 

You can now view Logs using the Web Interface (Part of the new 'Customer record' system)

Providing the ability to better identify the source of changes made within the cloud

Logs (Screen)

• Clear (Feature)

•  Export (Feature)

New Screen/
Web Interface - Customers

You can now maintain GPoS System options using the Web Interface (Part of the new 'Customer record' system)

Two Methods for managing this are available:

Maintain GPoS System Options (Screen)

• Add (Feature)

• Edit (Feature)

• Delete (Feature)

• Export (Feature)

Set System Options (Screen)

• Add (Feature)

• Edit (Feature)

• Delete (Feature)

• Export (Feature)

New Screen/
Web Interface - Condiments
You can now maintain Condiments using the Web Interface
New Screen/
Web Interface - Condiment Groups

You can now maintain Condiment Groups using the Web Interface

New Feature
Desktop - Group Sales Comparison By Site Report
New Report showing a comparison of Group sales (by Site)
New Feature

Desktop -Major Group Sales Comparison By Site Report

New Report showing a comparison of Group sales (by Site)

New Feature 

Desktop - Costcutter EPOS Date Export

Feature to Export EPOS data to Costcutter

New Feature

Desktop - Xero Integration Update

The Integration to Xero accounting has be updated to work with the latest Xero system

  1. Now uses 'oAuth2' authentication method so the generation of 'Digital Certificates' is no longer required for setup

  2. Xero: View and delete any errors returned from Xero

Desktop - HHT Multibuys

The List of multibuys provided by the system to the HHT Device not only displays Multibuys that are valid ('Enabled' and 'Active By Date Range')

Previously it displayed all multibuys.

Desktop - HHT Ability to send additional product types.

When sending to HHT devices the system now also allow the inclusion of Products (None Stockable) and Mixtures (Stockable and Non-Stockable), previously these were not included

Desktop - Now Compiled ax Any CPU (32/64 Bit)

Full Program recompile as Any CPU (32/64 bit)

Desktop - Aptos Integration - Re-format
Multiple Changes to the format of the file generated for the Aptos Integration
  1. Split by taxcode instead of by group
  2. New section to report, sales total by customer account.
  3. Last known CashDec Ref number on payment key lines. 

Desktop - Weather (OpenWeather)
The API the system links to in order to obtain weather information has changed to OpenWeather (for the cloud weather features) and a new method of registration has been implemented on the Site Maintenance screen (This includes additional fields allowing weather location to be specified via CityName, PostCode, and Logitude&Latitude. These fields will only show when registered for weather). 
Desktop - Blocking or removal of defunct features

The following features have been removed from the system:

  1. Total Control 1 Upgrader
  2. BHT Features (HHT remains but older BHT feature removed)
  3. Picco
Desktop - .NET Framework 4.8

The system now utilises.NET Framework 4.8 (Previously 4.7.2)

Note: This is already included as standard with current versions of Window 10 (1903 onwards)

Desktop - Batch Delete when Product linked (Single Prompt)

Previously attempting to batch delete multiple linked products, displayed an individual dialog prompt to the user for each product. Now a single prompt is displayed with option (Yes/No/Yes To All/No To All).


Desktop - Multibuy Communication now a single job.

When sending multibuys they no longer show as two sperate Jobs (Header and Details), but now show as a single Job 
Web Interface - Product Add/Edit (Loyalty Points Per Product)
New Field 'Loyalty Points Per Product' available to specify the amount of points to be awarded per sale of the product (To customer set as part of a Loyalty Scheme set to utilise 'Product Points')
(Part of the new 'Customer record' system) 


Web Interface - Product Add/Edit (Advanced Ticketing)

You can now Advanced Ticketing Options via a new pane displayed on the Product add/edit
Web Interface - Product Add/Edit (Product Triggers)
You can now view the Product triggers (Used by rewards) that utilise a product from the add/edit screen of product maintenance. 
(Part of the new 'Customer record' system)


Web Interface -  User Levels
(GPoS API Role) 
An additional Person type of 'GPoS API Role' has been added to the roles feature (This is required to allow communication between the Cloud and the POS as part of the new 'Customer record' system).


Web Interface - User Defined Definitions

You can add 'Supplier' Userfields via the Userfields screen using the Web Interface

Web Interface - Suppliers 
You can now maintain Supplier userfields using the Web Interface
Web Interface - Demo Reports removal 
Some very basic place holder reports have been removed and replaced with a variety of detailed reports 
Desktop - New Till version GPoS 1.66
The Site Maintenace screen now allows you add tills of version 1.66 and communication to this till version is now supported 


Desktop - Stock Support for Cloud

The Stock system has been updated to handle management of stock transactions from the Cloud Interface
  1. Update service now checking for "Committing" transactions from the cloud


Desktop - Import -Data entry error detection

When data is imported additional error detection has been implemented


Desktop - New Fields to support External Order (Pre-Order Features) (Future)

A new option has been added both to sites and products ready to support the External Order (Pre Order) Feature

Note: The External Order (Pre-Order) system is currently in development.

  1. New Field on Site Maintenance:      Allow external orders
  2. New Field on Product Maintenace: External Order


Desktop - Multibuy logging Improvement

The ways changes made to multibuys are logged has been improved.


Desktop - End Stock Period Optimised for Large Databases

The 'End Stock Period' feature has been optimised to work better on large databases


Desktop - Product Save optimisation

Saving of Products following an add/edit Saving of Products has been optimised to be more efficient


Desktop - Increased control over cost price changes.

Additional security flags have been added to provide increased control over the ability to change cost prices.

  1. Orders > Allow update of cost prices

  2. Deliveries > Allow update of cost prices

  3. COOP > Allow update of cost prices

  4. HHT > Allow update of cost price on order

  5. HHT > Allow update of cost price on deliveries 


Desktop - Job controller update to handle new GPoS feature (Reference code on Cash declare) 

When doing a cash declare at the pos there is now an option to include a reference code (GPoS 1.66+)
The Job controller has been updated to understand the new key required for this function (Keytype 0, keyoffset 131)


Desktop - Imports - Improved Logging 

During an import the fields selected by the user are now logged.


Desktop - Linked product now excluded from selected when linking

Products that are already linked are not available for selection when choosing a product to link to.
This is to stop users from being able to create cyclic links (ProductA > ProductB > ProductA)


Desktop - Site Maintenance 'Trading Times'

(For future feature)
Sites now have fields for Trading times. These are not currently implemented but are intended for future use with the Weather information displayed in the cloud. 


Desktop - Computer Configuration - New Flags

  1. Commit Check - Allows the system to check for Committing transaction from the cloud, to deal with any that are not committed within a set timeframe (definable by General options)  (Cloud Interface - Stock)
  2. Customer Record -When using the customer record this service handled the anonimisation of deleted customer records (Customer Record)
  3. Cost Cutter Export -Allow the system to export data to Costcutter (Cost Cutter Export)
  4. Xero - Allow the system to post information to Xero (Xero Accounting Integration)


Web Interface - Text Fixes
Multiple Text fixs and Improvements
Web Interface - Adverts - Various Fixes
Adverts - Scheduals -Duration field was not working correctly (This has now been resolved)

Adverts - Duplication on the Associated POS Groups screen 
 (This has now been resolved)


Web Interface - POS Groups - Inconsistency

PoS Groups - Where performing inconsistently between desktop and cloud (This has now been resolved)

Web Interface - Tax - Screenacting as Site Specific

Tax screen was opening as Site Specific rather than global (This has now been resolved)


Web Interface - Product Maintenance - Profit% Dialog Issue

Product Maintenance Add/edit- Profit Percentage Error Dialog not working correctly. (This has now been resolved)


Desktop -Add SIte (Experimental) Key Links

Add site (experimental) was not always creating ECR specific links correct 
(This has now been resolved)


Desktop - Make Up Break Up Costs Update

Make Up / Break Up Transactions where updating costs incorrectly in set situations 
(This has now been resolved)


Desktop - Qty Sold statistics incorrectly calculated

The 'Qty sold' value was being incorrectly calculated when the on-the-fly calculation method was used and the product had not sales for that date range. 
(This has now been resolved).


Desktop -Full stocktake failing to add all Products

When doing a 'Full stocktake' and automatically adding all uncounted products on save/commit. Some product could fail to be added in set situation involving bad data (When caching option 'turned off' and the product record in the database has a 'NULL' in the PLULink field rather than a zero)

(This has now been resolved).

Desktop - Delivery from order (Filtering) 

Delivery from order - Order's selection was not filtering correctly if the supplier was pre-selected 
(This has now been resolved).


Desktop - Missing Prerequisite  - OLE DB Driver for SQL Server (Windows server 2012r2)

The Install shield was missing a Prerequisite required for Windows Server 2012r2 (OLE DB Driver for SQL Server) (This has now been resolved)


Desktop - Data upgrade issue re: Multibuys/Group2's 

When upgrading data from previous versions the update of Group2's could cause Multibuys to miss the group 2 setting. (This has now been resolved). 


Desktop - Manual Sales Editor Not correctly handling negative values

The manual sales editor what not correctly handling a user entering a negative quantity (This has now been resolved)

Desktop - Discount Key links - Default setting

The keylink created by the system when a discount is added was not defaulting to 'Add Total - True' which was causing cash reports to add up incorrectly

(This has now been resolved)


Desktop - Job Controller Logging unnecessarily

The Job Controller was logging every 10 minutes that the weather role was not enabled (This has now been resolved)


Desktop - Communication incorrectly reports success on failure to send details

When Multibuys were able to send headers but not details the system could incorrectly report the job as a success.

(This has now been resolved)


Desktop - Products -Stock related fields shown on UI for none stockable products

When Products are set to be 'None Stockable', stock related fields are removed from view. This was incorrectly not including the stock related fields: 'Outer Pack SKU' and 'Outer Back Barcode'. 
 (This has now been resolved)


Desktop -Cancel full sale after balance recall not counter posting correctly

A Cancel Full Sale after balance store and recall was not correctly handling Counter-posting of values 
(This has now been resolved)


Desktop - Crash when unsyncing elements between sites

A Crash was being thrown in Site Maintenance when unsyncing and automatically deleting elements such as Major Groups (Due to Foreign key's)

(This has now been resolved)


Desktop - Copy to site issue

Multibuys - Copy to site feature could perform multiple copy's if use clicked 'OK' multiple times on the warning dialog 
(This has now been resolved)


Desktop - Condiment deletion not working correctly

Condiment deletion was not being blocked when the condiment existed on condiment group. Which could cause newly created condiment to be linked to be automatically linked to existing condiment groups. (This has now been resolved)


Desktop - Edit of Hidden report job. 

Editing a hidden/system report job, and making changes to its sync settings was auto unsetting the 'Hidden Job' Flag. (This has now been resolved)

Desktop - not handling invalid character in site names 

During database upgrade if the system encountered a invalid character within a site name (such as &) the upgrade processes was skipping that site. (This has now been resolved)

Desktop - Multibuy double click edit not blocked whilst loading

Multibuys -Double click edit was not blocked whilst loading record and was resulting in an error msg if this occurred. 
(This has now been resolved)


Desktop - HHT Data creator left no data in place whilst new data was being created

HHT Data Creator -No lookup files in place whilst new files are being generated. (Not workable solution for large data sets)

(This has now been resolved) - It will now build the files in the temp folder, then move them to the correct destination with the correct file name on completion of each file

Desktop - Financial reports Sales Value column

Financial Reports - Value shown in the 'Sales Value' column of 'Tax' Section. Shows 'Tax Content' of said Sales value (unclear)

(This has now been resolved) - The column is now names Value to avoid confusion

Desktop - BHT screen - Split function

When on the BHT screen the 'Split by temperature' function was not working. (This has now been resolved)

Desktop - Clerk By Day Hour report 

Clerk By Day Hour - Running for all sites and not taking into account Site Security permissions correctly. (This has now been resolved)

Desktop - Refusals screen print not working

Refusal/Incident Definitions - Print function accessing wrong table (Refund Reasons) (This has now been resolved)

Desktop - data entry methods

Data Entry Method for Product Code (Considering numerical portion of a alphanumerical entry a valid match) (This has now been resolved)

Desktop - Database upgrade Global Corrections

Database Upgrade -Not correctly conversion from site specific to global (Corrections) (This has now been resolved)

Desktop - Balance statuses not flagged as updates on new db

Balance Statuses not flagged as updates on new database (send of data would cause balance plan to fail on load) (This has now been resolved)

Desktop - Crash acessing journals

Crash attempting to access Journals (This has now been resolved)

Desktop - Suppler Refferences changed dialog

Product Maint(Add/edit) -Dialog stating user has changed supplier reference codes displaying when it should not (This has now been resolved)

Desktop - HHT all site feature and site security

HHT Show ALL Sites feature was not taking into account site security (This has now been resolved)

Desktop - DDS Copy

DDS Copy -Not copying 'Total Value Name' and 'Total Percentage Name' (This has now been resolved)

Desktop - Site deletion not removing transactions

Site Deletion not removing stock transaction (This has now been resolved)

v.2.11.xxxx (DB Version 51) Release Notes

New Feature
Web Interface - Suppliers
You can now maintain Suppliers using the Web Interface
New Feature
Web Interface - Clerks / Clerk Groups
You can now maintain Clerks and Clerk Groups using the Web Interface
New Feature
Active Computers
A new applet called 'Active Computers' has been added allowing users with permission to view details regarding computers with TCP installed. The applet shows the following information:-
  1. Computer name
  2. Licence Code
  3. Last Used Date/Time
  4. Date/Time the software was installed
Site Specific option changed to Global
From v2.11.xxxx onwards there are some functions that where previously stored on a 'Site By Site' basis that are now 'Global'

Site Specific - means individual records per site
Global is a single set of records used by all sites

The Features within TCP directly affected are:-
  1. Advanced Ticketing
  2. Payments
  3. Balance Status
  4. Condiments
  5. Corrections
  6. Group2
  7. Paid Out
  8. Received on Account
  9. Price Levels 

Full Details on what has been changed and what is affected can be found here - Global POS Specifics
Site Maintenance
Default Touch Screen Layout
On the save of a new POS the system will check if the site has a Touch Screen Layout (either from Existing POS or a Synchronised site), if there is no layout you will be prompted to create screens using the default layout

Save Experimental
New quicker way to add a site. To be used only in a fully synchronised system
Product Maintenance
New Field 'Temperature' available to specify a temperature (Any, Ambient,Chilled,Frozen) for use when 'splitting orders'
Customer Accounts
Customer Statements including Tax Content
Split Function
A new Split function allows a single transaction to be split into multiple transactions by 'Temperature'  This creates individual transactions for each Temperature (Chilled, Ambient, Frozen). When splitting the user is prompted regarding how to deal with the existing order (Leave,Lock,Delete)

Order Confirmation
Email Success/Failure dialogue has been added


Bartender 2019 Tested and confirmed as compatible.
When installing you need to check the Operating System and use the 32bit Bartender installer on a 32bit Operating system and use the 64Bit Bartender Installer on a 64Bit operating system

Enable / Disable buttons added to allow batch changes
BHT / HHT Screen

HHT v3 Required
Split Function
A new Split function allows a single transaction to be split into multiple transactions by 'Temperature'  This creates individual transactions for each Temperature (Chilled, Ambient, Frozen). When splitting the user is prompted regarding how to deal with the existing order (Leave,Lock,Delete)

Non Stockable Products
You can now send Non Stockable products to a HHT to allow price checking and markdown labels.

Transaction Name
A transaction name can be provided on the HHT which is used to populate the transaction reference field

Outer Pack Codes
The maximum code length has been increased to 30

Touch Screen Layout
New system keys added for use with the Instant CRM Gift Card
  1. Gift Card Balance Check
  2. Gift Card Reversal
Product Report with Supplier Info added.
Shows the supplier name and supplier code
Catalogue Integration

New Tab ‘Ext Dir Related Products’, available on product edit displays a list of all products within the live catalogue that relate to the product being edited. (Parent / Child Products etc).

A new field ‘Preferred Product Update Method’, has been added to both the product maintenance screen and the screen displayed when linking a catalogue product. It is to control the changes, instead of allowing multiple conflicting changes. The areas that are affected by this are the Update Service for tracking changes, and when the option is set to Check Exceptions before Save when doing stock transactions.  

Web Site Credentials(External Directory Connection)
A new section available on add/edit of an External Directory connection allows you to enter website credentials. Enabling features including the ‘fulfilment date selections’ when placing orders and the ‘live lookup’ of product via the website.

Order (Fulfilment Dates) -The‘Expected Date’ field now offers a Fulfilment dates selector (accessible via the ellipsis‘...’) This will offer a calendar selection of available dates for an order to be fulfilled, based upon the ‘temperature’set against the transaction. (Chilled, Ambient, Frozen). Selecting temperature ‘Any’ would show all temperature dates. (Feature only available when valid website credentials exist)

Catalogue Products and Order Transactions ‘Temperature field’. A Temperature is now stored against each product linked to a catalogue product and a new field for viewing/setting the temperature for an order has been added to the order transaction screen. Attempts by the user to order a Transaction containing the wrong temperatures will be halted. 

Outer Pack Barcode is now included when linking catalogue products to local products.

Additional Lookup level -Realtime (Live), when querying the catalogue via either catalogue browse or lookup via entry of code within the grid on a stock transaction is now able to conduct a additional level of check looking at the Realtime (Live) product information available from the catalogue providers website. (Valid website credentials required).The following Lookup levels are now utilised:
  1. Local= The TCP DB 
  2. Passive = Our Cloud (fidelity's Cloud) 
  3. Realtime =Realtime(Live) (Catalogue Providers Cloud –Requires website credentials) 

General Options
New Options added

Stock Options > General Stock > Enable Temperature Restrictions for stock transactions - If ‘true’the stock applets for restricting a transaction to particular temperature.

External Directory Integration > Suggest product Link - When sending a Stock Transaction to an external directory, the System will check for any products which could be linked together. 

External Directory Integration > Suggest Product Linking Prompt - When sending a Stock Transaction to an external directory, the System will prompt the user with any Linking Suggestions. (accept/deny)

Product Add/Edit
Linked Product Selection - New Search Screen Implemented 

Renew Next Free Code -  Prompt to user and auto update feature. When selecting a Group that has a starting code defined the user will now be prompted with the option to automatically update the product code to the first available code in that range
Dashboards and Reports
 Screens with values populated by the 'Update Service' now have a last updated 'time/date' stamp.
Web Interface - Payments Screen
 Warning text added
Web Interface SKU / Grouping 
Combined onto one screen
Historical Cost Prices
'Name at time' field increased in size
'Link To Order' dropdown - Now shows an unfiltered list of delivery’s if no supplier is selected against the transaction

‘Link To Order feature’ - Selecting to link to an existing order will offer to import products from the original order.
Blue Highway font is now installed for use when doing touchscreen layouts
Condiment Groups
'Show Selected Condiment' filter now defaults to 'Contains'
Desktop Interface

•Cost Prices could become out of sync when new sites where added, if historical cost price do not exist. 

•Stocktakes –Feature ‘Add all uncounted products’ (available on save/save and commit)was failing

•BHT/HHT –Changing site set against a transaction (whilst editing)was resulting in a crash 

•Batch Commit option was not working on some stock transaction types 

•Database upgrades from TCP v2.10 where failing if the database had previously been updated from 2.09(due to a change to the ‘PLUIndex’field)

•Uri / Adverts -Deletion attempts where not being halted if the advert was scheduled or a POS group association  existed.

•Journal Analysis –Filtering by keys was failing

•POS Groups -Attempts to delete groups where failing if ECR keys where linked to them. 

•Adding a new site (set to synchronise touch screen layout with an existing site)was not creating the layout at the new site. Until the user edited and saved the layout at an existing site.

•Reports where failing to run in environment which had TLS 1.2 (Transport Layer Security) enabled.

•Improvements to the way the user interface handles DPI Scaling have been made.

•Reporting ‘Start time’field was not being set correctly when the menu shortcut‘New Report Wizard’was used

•Reporting Job (Edit) -Reporting wizard was not retaining values set for ‘Sorting’when editing a saved/scheduled job

•Makeup and Breakup -Was failing to load products (When ‘Stock Caching’was ‘Disabled')

•Product Maintenance (Add using current) was creating and not removing the product (As reserved)

•Supplier Reference System –Was not correctly handling one-to-many relationship between products and supplier reference codes (Auto adding additional lines to stock transactions on save)

•Upgrade of Database was creating multiple unknown sites in set situations(due to a foreign key/orphan data issue)

•Electronic Journal –‘Error Correction’of Items on stored Tables was not being shown

•Security Levels -where not saving changes correctly•Logging -Action Taken in the 'BHT > 'Send to BHT Screen' was logged incorrectly

•Adding a New PoS (First Only) to a New Site with a large product database has been optimised.

•Cash Declaration -Some reports accessible when certain declaration method are used where missing.

•Reports -Exported to PDF where displaying incorrect wording ("totial" in place of “total”etc)

•Missing security Flags for ‘Order Confirmation’reports

•Missing security flags for BHT 'Show All Sites / Show Current Site' feature

•‘Received on account’and ‘Paid out’screens -Unrequired Column on Ux ('DataType')was being displayed

Web Interface
•If the main system administrator account within TCP desktop had been renamed, then initial cloud login using the admin account didn’t display a menu. (Resolved by additiona lfield within web.config to specify alternative admin account name if required).

•Clerks -During batch edit userfields where not always being displayed.

•Newly added Userfields within desktop where not syncing to cloud correctly.

•Top Sites Dashboard -Transaction counts where not incremented for manual sales transactions

•Editing User-'Send Login Link' following a change of email address without first saving the user was using the old address.

•Improvements to the layout when the browser window is resized.

•Clerks -Duplicate codes where permitted (via edit in the cloud only).

•Clerks -Save on ‘POS Options’pane was using the wrong text when prompting user "Product Successfully saved".

•Group Sales Report Exception(Division by Zero)was being thrown in set situation.

•The Port used in the activation link within user validation email was not always correct, for certain configurations

•Suppliers -Field 'Split Packs' on main screen was not displaying a value

•Clerk Groups (Nested Clerks Pane) -Doesn't pre-set clerk group field

•Suppliers –Edit button was non-function

•Product Add/Edit (Linking) –No block was in place to prevent cyclic loops (Could then result in a crash of TCP desktop)

•Payment Types -Some Flags where not saving

•Currency's -Denominations added in the cloud where incorrectly all using code ‘0’

•Product Maintenance -Stock Related fields where not made inaccessible when 'Maintain Stock' set False.

•Adverts -Changes made on 'Design' Pane where discarded without warning if the user accessed other panes.

•In Single POS Groups Setup -Text displayed to user on add of some elements is unclear

•Add/Edit of Currency (View Currency Tab)-Missing Edit button

•Financial Year Screen-Missing ‘Bread Crumbs’ (A user interface feature that is used when navigating between pages)

•Dashboard Formatting and layout improvement

•Label Queue Screen -Improvements to formatting  

Removal of Function
Total Control V1 Data Upgrader
The data upgrader used to upgrade data from Total Control V1 to Total Control Premier has been removed.  If you need to upgrade data you will need to upgrade the data using Total Control Premier v2.09.xxxxx and then upgrade to the current version of Total Control Premier

Full Technical Release notes for v2.11.xxxx

v.2.10.xxxx (DB Version 52) Release Notes (Internal Release only)

Major New Feature
 Web Interface
A web interface has been added for Total Control Premier

The following functions are available:-

  1. Product
    1. Product Maintenance
    2. Groups
    3. Major Groups
    4. Group 2 list
    5. Condiments
  1. POS Setup
    1. Payment Types
    2. Refusal Reasons and Incident Definitions
    3. Refund Reasons
  1. POS Setup - Advanced
    1. Price Levels
    2. Paid out and Received on Account
    3. Currencies
    4. Corrections
    5. Restrictions Types
    6. Executables
    7. Balance Status Screen
    8. Rooms
  1. Promotions
    1. Advert links
  1. Dashboard
    1. Today’s Date and Time (Widget/Dashlet)
    2. Service Status (Widget/Dashlet)
    3. 3 Day Weather Forecast (Widget/Dashlet)
    4. Stock Potential (Widget/Dashlet)
    5. Sales Net Value For Yesterday (Widget/Dashlet)
    6. Transaction Summary For Yesterday (Widget/Dashlet)
    7. Top Sites For Yesterday (Widget/Dashlet)
    8. Sales / Profit (Widget/Dashlet)
    9. Transaction Value / Items in Transaction (Widget/Dashlet)
    10. Gross Profit (Widget/Dashlet)
    11. Weather Summary (Widget/Dashlet)
    12. Wastages (Widget/Dashlet)
    13. Promotional / Profit (Widget/Dashlet)
  1. Reports / Analysis
    1. Clerk Report (Report)
    2. Financial Report (Report)
    3. Global Site Report (Report)
    4. Global Stock Report (Report)
    5. Group Report (Report)
    6. Major Group Report (Report)
    7. POS Stock (Report)
    8. Product Report (Report)
    9. Profit and Loss Report (Report)
  1. Stock
    1. Stock Keeping Units
    2. Stock Keeping Unit Groups
    3. Shelf Locations
  1. Users
    1. View Users
    2. User Levels (Roles) & Security (Permissions)
  1. Integrations
    1. External Directory Exceptions
  1. System
    1. Tax Rates
    2. POS Group Maintenance
    3. Report Sales
    4. Financial Year

New Feature
Cloud Configuration 
TCP is the first version that includes functions delivered by web pages 
New Feature
POS Grouping
New method for Grouping POS in order to control which POS receive updates when set elements are
saved (Currently Corrections, Executables, Group2s, Paid Outs, Received on accounts, Price Levels, Adverts).

Computer Configuration Wizard
Additional Service Role added - Cache Data for Cloud Reporting
Site Maintenance
Fields have been added for use with the Weather Feature

Prompt to create POS Groups an addition of a new site
Mark Down Labels
A new label has been added which allows printing of a label for a product that has been price
marked from the HHT Device (Including “WAS” and “NOW” price’s).
Product Maintenance
A new tab has been added to view and set the Supplier References directly from the product Add/Edit screen
POS Grouping
Applets updated to utilise POS Grouping:-

Paid Outs, 
Received on accounts, 
Price Levels, 
New Feature
Order Confirmation Feature
New Feature allowing Order Confirmation Reports to be produced against a transaction
New Feature
Sage Integration
Sage Line 50 2019 (v25.1) support added
New Reports
Site Performance Reports
Two new reports for comparing site performance
New Report
Product Price Override Report
Showing products sold with an Over-Ridden Price
Cash Report
Now includes the Room Totals (Per Room). By default these figures do NOT add to the report totals

Product Slow Movers Report
Option added to 'Only show items in stock'
New Feature
Disable / Enable Users
The ability to delete a user and then revive them
General Options
New option to set the Weather API key

Security Options
Security Options added for new features:-

  1. Orders> Allow Print/Email Confirmation
  2. User Maintenance > Show/Hide Deleted
  3. User Maintenance > Revive

  1. Executables Screen displaying unrequired text “Unloaded”
  2. Deletion of Outer Codes not handling site synchronisation correctly
  3. Retry of Communication Job wiping data from the till.
  4. SCO Screen Items Issue - The system allowed the user to drag an Item or container above the main node. Saving this could result in menus on self-serve not displaying.
  5. Attempting to Load Total Control After first attempting to load with incorrect details, was erroring erroneously.
  6. Touch screen Layout showing product price to 1 decimal place.
  7. Product Maintenance - Linking a Product (Via edit the Master Product) -Not transferring negative stock correctly in all cases.
  8. Stock screens - Show Selected Product Feature not working.
  9. Order Transactions – Saving a Transaction with Zero Quantities was throwing error.
  10. Automatic Login via Windows Authentication was not working correctly, this has now been resolved.
  11. Macros screen not displaying large product codes correctly
  12. Ladder Promotions -Filter for ‘Enable’ field
  13. Auto Logout on idle feature causing lockup when the Touch Screen Layout was open

Full Technical Release notes for v2.10

v.2.09.xxxx (DB Version 51) Release Notes

Available Here - v2.09 Release Notes

v2.06.xxxxx (DB Version 45) Release notes

Available here - v2.06 Release Notes

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